Thursday, July 16, 2009

How Long Does It Take Senna Laxative

On the Origin of Surname Moruga

is very likely to Moruga Pellado comes from the Celtic word meaning Moruga "shy man" . This word was commonly used by the Celts of Celtiberia, northeast of the current Spain.
that word was phonetically different from
Moruca ta (or Moluccan) , which meant earthworm per identical or write to Moruga . That is, these words are homonyms homographs Celtic no homophones.

Fig1: Image of Celtic runes showing correspondence

the two words are identical but different phonetic writing.

Although the Celtic word meaning Moruga "shy man" today depends on what region of Spain is a word retains this original meaning or passes means "worm ".
This can be seen easily if we compare the dictionary of the English Royal Academy
where Moruga means "shy man" (See Here ) with the dialect of the Cantabrian region where Moruga means " gusana, earthworm " ( View Here ).
This double meaning is probably due to that and n regions of Asturias and Cantabria, lived other Celtic peoples speaking different dialects. Quite possibly mistook the pronunciation of the word worm ( Moruca ) and started calling Moruga as today it is called in the Cantabrian language. quite possibly this occurred when reading the runes and ignore if the word worm was to be pronounced one way or another.
in English, with more Celtic and Roman influences lasted Moruga with its old meaning. It should be noted however, that none of these words were used by the Celts as names or surnames.

While this is the origin of the word of the surname Moruga , has nothing to do with the origin of those who carry this Apelian . Quite possibly the Moruga , not listed as English surname in heraldry, or as a last name in the heraldry of other countries, which gives us the pattern to be a relatively modern name, come from a strain of Moraga name , last traditional land inhabited by those named Moruga .

Moraga is a surname that dates back to 1520 BC, belonging to an ancient lineage of Catalonia (Catalunya), in turn originates from the times of E mperador Romano Honorius, being ported by noble consuls of Rome, who came from Carthage (Morocco), whose meaning to refer to the sea. Moragas was used by English nobles, for example, Don Guillen and Don Rodrigo de Moragas who accompanied the King Jaime I of Aragon to the Conquest of Mallorca. The first Moraga mentioned English history.

currently moraga word is defined as "an act of grilling over a wood fire and air dried fruit or small fish." For people in the town of Roquetas de Mar, in Armory - Spain, festivals 29 December calls "The Moragas" is more, only with respect to "broil fish" have any similarity . Today "Moragas" for "Roquetas de Mar" means "party, fun, unity, familiarity, fish, chops" among several other meanings. This may be, but just a theory, the fact that the first Moraga give great parties, so that your name will be associated with these celebrations. It is not appropriate for discussion is the fact that Moruga come from the Moraga as the geographical distribution of the first match exactly with those of Moraga , although much more restricted.

Fig2 - Map showing the distribution of the name Moruga

in Spain (Data taken from July 2009 )

For this reason, Moruga lacking the heraldic shield in the English tradition is fair to award them the same schools that Moraga.

Fig3 - As the name would come Moruga

of deformation Moraga surname,

reasonable to award the same shield this name.

What were the causes that result in Moraga Moruga ? Surely in this had much to do the civil registry, which by mistake, or maybe we do not want surname "Asado" (Moraga ) a person, was preferred surnamed "Unwilling or Shy Man" ( Mo ruga). Since both words phonetically similar, had different sinificado but were in common use in that r egion .

Therefore Moruga, although its name has changed its meaning, have the same coat and origin of Moraga . Please note that Morua may be drifting turn of Moruga for which would be worth the same sign IFIC and shield.

This is the most plausible theory, might also Moruga is a lineage which lost all trace was lost, although this is highly unlikely.

Should clarify that Moruga Trinidad and Tobago have nothing to do with the Moruga of Spain and their descendants. since the former takes the name of the people called Moruga ( View Here ) Trinidad and Tobago. These Moruga toponymic have a surname given by the English to the natives of the islands and / or slaves, in the same manner as in other American regions surnamed to residents and / or slaves with names such as rivers, lakes, forests, Reyes, etc.

Research by Cristina Gonçalves Alvarez (Argentina - Province Buenos Aires - Ciudad de Lanús) June 2009 Rights Reserved.

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