Wednesday, November 10, 2010

How Much Does It Cost T


Someone once said "maybe it was I," that the memories (Lembranças) are always a beast ready to bite. There is no certainty more certain, despite the redundancy. But it also depends on both memories, as the various times that you remember.
The issue, is it up for a souvenir or Lembranças attack, that assault me \u200b\u200ba few days ago. The fault was the Galician writer Manuel Rivas and singer, also Galician, "Lucía Pérez. We were on the fourth floor of the Circulo de Bellas Artes de Madrid, the environment and helped to recall the nostalgia-referred to by the author on occasion.
The case is that just before the journalist, Marta Gonzalez Novo began with the presentation of the novel, the singer plays one of the themes, which take place during the presentation. The issue, I recognized quickly, it is one of my fado Favorites As chaves da minha life. Played masterfully by the Galician fado and its companion to the guitar, deep and powerful voice of the singer performing the fado, I'm transported to another place. A beloved and longed for an equal, I attended a week, without fail, every Friday night.
The site in question is one of the alleys of the old quarter of Alfama, of course, in Lisbon, on the street known as Costa do Castelo, a rather difficult to find among the various rúas in the area, but worth discovering. It is a house like so many of the area, a beautiful house full of stories, where even the walls speak different from the rest of the city, where every night of fado, it seems the last celebration of a bygone era, or the first of a future time. A big house converted into a cultural center where you can enjoy a classic work of theater after eating at the restaurant, while watching the night lit by the bridge Lisbon April 25, or see a circus performance while sharing with your friends green wine bottle. The site in question is called Chapitô, and is well known by people who have lived or spent a good season in the capital Lusa.
But today, if I may, I want to focus on a specific location of this place, the place where I carried with Lucía Pérez song, that site is a small place located on the bottom of Chapitô, a tiny bar in the lower center, a place where you have to get down a spiral staircase and has no windows, roof low and pleasing appearance. Filled with tables and chairs, all different, like glasses. One side of the bar, is adorned with some old barber chairs, where for lack of a place, many people sit to enjoy the music, and natural teas, served in large ceramic vessels, almost boiling, and accompanied by a ginger cookies. His name is Bart and there every Friday brings together professionals and amateurs of fado, from people and up are encouraged to sing by who asks the body to some of the best of times. I still remember my first visit to BART, where I was lucky to hear singing there Arnauth Mafalda, which many refer to as the true successor to Amalia Rodrigues.
The fantastic atmosphere, with candles Tilila around me, while tearing the strings of guitars and the depth of the voice of fado, with its sad lyrics and pithy, made me think that I was in another era, in earlier centuries , where the city was one which should remain, the city rich and great, which is now barely recognizable among existing hotels and shopping malls. The voice of the Galician I also brought to mind the dark robes of the individuals who performed his music to the pit where these were located. Of course, I could not help but remember the sweet taste of thick port wine, which marked its scarlet tears the edges of the glasses of fine crystal, while calming the cold interior, of which we drank to take away the moisture Lisbon adhered winter in our bones.
So I say, it is true that memories are always a beast ready to bite, but those memories, sometimes not only bite you, but also, in some cases, valsamo serve you and relaxes you, taking you for a moments away from the reality that maybe it was not that wish. And in moments like the above, I conveyed to a nice place to enjoy both in company and alone, as a good glass of wine and a night of fado can enjoy together, but it's okay to do it alone.


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