Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Big Fish Games Trial Extender


Italy, throughout history, has been late and second fiddle to all sites, and all important appointments, except, to which Renaissance art history is concerned, of course. Obviously, the quality and knowledge to be their political representatives did not help much, and that that back in 1861-during its unification as a country, seemed which ruled the country people with half a brain.
This was true during the early years of last century, after the rapid unification, Italy wanted an empire, wanted to get into the history of colonialism. And he did, but by the back door. I'm late to the partition of Africa, and could not position ourselves in French and English. He became interested in the north shore of the Mediterranean, but the richer parts were already owner. When they tried to realize there were only "free" area Cyrenaica and Tripolitania. That is, a piece of desert near the sea, inhabited by a few Bedouin, unwilling to put on a silver platter their territory.
A rival affordable, must have thought the Italian dignitaries, in addition, the press of the time, begged to regain Libya's emperor Diocletian, and get the fourth coast to Italy. In short, make the Mare Nostrum, more Nostrum if possible. Seemed easy task to conquer the arid, poor and depopulated, in the hands of a decrepit Ottoman Empire. But even though the empire, was on his way to his disappearance, no knees left, after months of fighting, the Italian army invented the aerial bombardment, Lieutenant Gavotti, hand-launched four bombs from his plane on an oasis of Taguira . Case, who years later would be crucial in aviation War II world.
But in 1922, everything changed with the rise to the Italian government of Benito Mussolini. El Duce, who until hours before getting his job, had criticized the imperialist aggression, ordered to be completely swept Libyan territory, and there make his army stronger. To do this, one better than the general Rodolfo Graziani, known as the Butcher of Fezzan. Which, led with an iron hand, civilian massacres, indiscriminate shootings, burning of villages, rape women, the gas attacks and deportations of the inhabitants of a harsh desert camps, where most of them died .
Of The Butcher of Fezzan, several manuscripts are stored made during the African campaign, one of them, you can read the following. " If the Libyans are not convinced the Italian (...) then shall have a continuous struggle against them and will destroy all the Libyan people for peace, the peace of the cemeteries ...". This campaign, led by Italian butcher, was intended to stop incursions by Libyan militants, leaving the desert, cut off the progress of the invaders, and returned quickly to hide in the wilderness, so that the Italian military were able to not to say you have black eyes.
The leader of these rebels, was a short man, dark complexion and white beard, dressed always large and ornate robes, which was known as Omar al Mukhtar, and appearing in chains, humiliated and surrounded by tall Italian leaders on the same day that the military operation Butcher of Fezzan, captured him and took the " pacification "of Libyan lands, September 1, 1931, and incorporated it in Italy as a province in the year 39. It's funny, what made Mussolini after the arrest of the Libyan leader. Introduced in Tripolitania and proclaimed himself there, next to the survivors of the slaughter, "" Defender of Islam. " Where his henchmen, he was given a Bedouin sword, which had been forged in Florence. Growing up with this absurdity
land Africa, Mussolini, was launched to increase their colonies at the expense of their neighbors, and when he saw the opportunity, began to recoil from those of boys Adolfo, and rushed to the British conquest of Egypt. Obviously, during World War II, the Allies counterattacked and the Italians had to abandon their colonial intentions, and even leave Libya. Thing that the Libyans did not cry at all.
After that, Tripolitania fell to a British administration, backed by the UN. And that became independent in 1951, for a few years, had a constitutional monarchy, which sank, with the arrival, after a coup, in the hands of Gadhafi en el año 1969, que se agarro al poder, tras tantos años de desequilibrio, creado cuando el gobierno italiano abrió la caja de Pandora.
Por cierto, ese Gadafi, que ahora se fotografía en Roma con su amigo Berlusconi, lo primero que hizo nada más alcanzar el primer puesto gobernativo de Libia, fue echar a los colonos italianos-unos 20.000-, y los que no estuvieron por la labor, fueron pasados a cuchillo. Pues lo dicho, de aquellos polvos vienen estos lodos.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Can You Use E45 Cream On Cats

Easter Sunday

148. Also on Easter Sunday, the highest solemnity of the liturgical year, take place quite a few manifestations of popular piety: these are all expressions of worship to exalt the new status and glory of the risen Christ and his divine power that flows from his victory over sin and death.

Risen's meeting with Mother

149. Popular piety has intuited that the association with the Mother of the Son is permanent in the hour of pain and death, at the hour of joy and resurrection.

The liturgical affirmation that God has filled with joy to the Virgin in the Resurrection of the Son [153] has been, so to speak, translated and performed by popular piety in the Gathering of Mother with the risen Son : Easter morning two processions, one with the image of the Sorrowful Mother, one with the risen Christ, found to mean that the Virgin was the first part, and fully, the mystery of the Resurrection of the Son.


Blessing family table

150. All Easter liturgy is permeated by a sense of newness: nature is new, because in the northern hemisphere, Easter coincides with spring awakening, are new fire and water are new to the hearts of Christians, renewed through the Sacrament of penance and, if possible, the same sacraments of Christian initiation, is new, as it were so, the Eucharist are signs and sign-realities of the new condition of life inaugurated by Christ in his Resurrection.

Among the pious exercises that relate to Easter include the traditional blessing of eggs, symbols of life and the blessing of the family table, the latter, who is also a daily habit of Christian families, should be encouraged [155], acquires a particular meaning in the day of Easter with water blessed at the Easter Vigil, the faithful take their homes, according to a laudable custom, the head of household or other community member Domestic blesses the Easter table.

The greeting Easter Mother of the Risen

151. In some places, at the end of the Easter Vigil or after the Second Vespers of Easter Sunday, is a brief exercise of piety: flowers are blessed to be distributed to the faithful as a sign of Easter joy and pays tribute the image of Our Lady of Sorrows, which is sometimes crown, while chanting the Regina Coeli . The faithful, who had pain associated with the Virgin of the Passion of the Son, and want to rejoice with her in the event of the Resurrection.


at Easter time

The annual blessing of families in their homes

152. During the Easter season - or at other times of the year - takes place the annual blessing of families visited at home. This custom, so dear to the faithful entrusted to the pastoral care of parish priests and their collaborators, is a precious occasion to sound Christian families in the memory of the continued presence of God, full of blessings, the invitation to live according to the Gospel, the exhortation to parents and children to preserve and promote the mystery of being "domestic church" [156].


Devotion to Divine Mercy

154. In relation to the octave of Easter, in our day and following the religious messages Faustina Kowalska, canonized on April 30, 2000, has spread progressively a particular devotion to divine mercy communicated by Christ dead and risen, source of the Spirit who forgives sins and restores joy of salvation. Since the liturgy of the "Second Sunday of Easter or Divine Mercy" - as it is known at present [157] - is the natural space in which expresses the acceptance of the mercy of the Redeemer of man, the faithful should be educated to understand this devotion in the light of the liturgical celebrations of these Easter days. Indeed, "The paschal Christ is the definitive incarnation of mercy, its living sign salvation history and eschatological time. In the same spirit, the liturgy of Eastertide places on our lips the words of the psalm: 'I will sing forever the mercies of the Lord' (Ps 89 [88], 2) "[158].

The Pentecost novena

155. Scripture bears witness that in the nine days between Ascension and Pentecost, the Apostles remained united and were assiduous in prayer, along with some women and Mary, Mother of Jesus, and his brothers "(Acts 1.14), waiting to be" clothed with power from on high "(Lk 24:49). Prayerful reflection on the salvific event was born the pious exercise of the ninth of Pentecost, is widespread in the Christian people.

Indeed, in the Missal and the Liturgy of the Hours, especially Vespers, this "novena" is already present: euchologic biblical texts relate in various ways waiting for the Paraclete. Therefore, as far as possible, the Pentecost novena should consist of the solemn celebration of Vespers. Where this is not practicable, to make the Novena of Pentecost so that reflects on liturgical topics ranging from Ascension to Pentecost Vigil.



[153] See LITURGY HORARUM, beatae Mariae Virginis Commune, II Vesperae, Preces; Collectio Beata Maria Virgine missarum , I, Form. 15: Beata Virgo Maria in Resurrection Domini, Praefatio .

[155] Cf. RITUALE ROMANUM, De Benedictionibus, Ordo benedictionis mensae , cit., 782-784, 806-807.

[156] Cf. IBID., Ordo benedictionis annuae familiarum in propris domibus , 68-89.

[157] Cf. CONGREGAZIONE PER IL CULTO DIVINO E LA DISCIPLINA DEI SACRAMENTI Notificazione (5.5.2000): cf. L’Osservatore Romano 24 maggio 2000, p. 4.

[158] GIOVANNI PAOLO II, Lettera enciclica Dives in misericordia , 8.


Text source: CONGREGATION FOR DIVINE WORSHIP AND THE DISCIPLINE OF THE SACRAMENTS, Directory on Popular Piety and the Liturgy. principles and guidelines (April 9, 2002), nos. 148-152, 154-155.

Source of illustration: Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Psalter mit Totenoffizium - BSB Clm 23094, Magdeburg Umkreis, um 1265 [BSB-Hss Clm 23094] Miniature Psalter - CLM 23094 (Munich [Kingdom of] Bavaria - Germany) .

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Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Kidde Fire Alrm Will Not Stop Ringing


Hace ya tiempo que las vengo observando, están en todas las ciudades, da igual el tamaño y el país, hay algunos lugares, como en Italia, que florecen como champiñones en época de lluvias. Are declarations of love, which decorate the walls, doors, and even some newly hung and savannah which is close to the passion of a romantic. Throughout my travels, I have found me in any format and language, including "I shot a while ago with me, that I keep in negative-with the idea of \u200b\u200bsomeday make a presentation to them in a gallery or a coffee shop.
remember one of the first to be photographed, could be read from afar, the letters were nearly two meters tall, and was written in the center of Caprarola: "Elena ti amo." In the Santa Luzia belvedere of Lisbon, where hundreds of tourists pass every day, riding the tram number 28, is one of the most beautiful statements, "Raquel estou passionate about you." Even in the heart of the city that never sleeps, there is room for public displays of affection in the middle of Manhattan, just a few blocks from the Empire State, you can read "I love you Betty." But not all declarations of love, is directed to the beloved, for in Barcelona-for example, the tables are turned, if you go through the Poble Nou, there, where stood the old textile mills of the Catalan bourgeoisie, you read, "Arnau T'estimo molt."
All this string I have told you, I vino a la cabeza hace unos días, mientras paseaba por las calles de París. Acababa de tomar un café en un cinematográfico bar del barrio de Montmartre, y bajaba por Rue Lepic, hacía el Mouline Rouge. Iba pensando en mis cosas-como siempre-, cuando mis sentidos se percataron de una joven chica, que subía la calle, y que se encontraba ya a mi altura. La joven, morena, bien parecida, vestía una camiseta verde y unos vaqueros, y en la mano agitaba furiosamente un bote de pintura en spray.
Al ver este panorama, sinceramente me quede bastante sorprendido, pero continué con mi camino, como si nada. Hasta que en un momento dado, gire sobre mis talones, y vi que la chica seguía ascendiendo hacia la parte alta del barrio. Suddenly, I got curious, and change the direction of my walk, leaving the girl behind the spray. I went back down the path, which fell just seconds before, and I approach the end of the Rua Lepic, when the slope term, the girl turned to the left, leaving aside the old Moulin de la Galette, where early nineteenth century, Parisians came together school holidays, and where the Impressionists, began to enter art history at the touch of light. I could not help it, every time I ate more curious, to know where the girl was moving the spray.
After walking a few meters, we arrive at a white wall, which was recess with another street, right in front of a grocery store. I stood in the corner, and I support a traffic signal on my right shoulder, waiting for the end of it. The girl pulled the clear plastic cap that covered the device for spraying paint. For a few seconds, followed by stirring the pot, and went to the wall. At first, I thought I was going to make a painted again, another long scar on the city. But soon, the girl moved away from the white wall, and went to the farthest part of the street, where they could see others painted. With the calmness of a surgeon, stood in front of a line in black ink.
In that sentence, could read "Je t'aime Alice (Alice I love you), swift, began to spray the contents of the jar on the words of love, completely erasing the declaration, hiding under the blackness of the spray, and sending hope to hell her lover. One woman, who bought at the grocery store nearby caught his attention, and she said to leave her alone, that was his life and to her what came out of the clapper.
At that time, I knew I was looking at one's own Alice, ending the relationship and all statements of good-or not so good ", pledged that her former lover may have. The truth is that in this case, I could not perform the usual picture, to attach to my album on declarations of love, because when I wanted to react, graffiti had been replaced by a huge borratajo indecipherable. But do not mistake about it, that is one of the stories of love and hate, more interesting and funny that I've thrown in the face in my life.
When after all, to resume my walk, I was looking to the side, watching the painters and cafes in the neighborhood, and went back to think again, yes, it is true that this city still retains a charm and special magic that makes you come across things that seem drawn from a screenplay, or Truffaut's own nouvelle vague.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Sqweegel Murder Suit -csi

Hell broke out in Madrid: San Josemaría Escrivá and the Second Spanish Republic

Hell broke out in Madrid: St. Josemaria Escriva and the Second English Republic

On Sunday March 27, 2010 the show's editorial Recent Philippines, led by Gonzalo Altozano , was on the latest film by Roland Joffe, find dragons. From it we extract the following (cf. the full link ):

"" You'll find dragons "stems from the idea of \u200b\u200bCivil War atrocities were committed on both sides. However, you miss Joffé a correction of a quantitative criterion: that on one side of the atrocities should be more than the other. If not, charge the flight direction of Escriva and his boys ; flight, which certainly was not the final destination Andorra, hypothetical capital of Spain third, but Burgos, where Franco had his headquarters.

Best of the movie is that, despite a narrative clumsiness Joffé low hours, Escrivá accomplished their way with force, and not only thanks to Charlie Cox overboard paper, but, above all, to the character is based on a man who lived with heroic virtues. The tape may remove the fans to one (for back, what better way to revisit Vázquez de Prada, Escrivá's biographer), but not devotion. "

From NDL we provide such revisits, and highlight some of the impressions that caused the second English Republic in San Josemaria Escriva and D. Andrés Vázquez de Prada out in full biography The founder of Opus Dei :

Andres Vazquez de Prada, The Founder of Opus Dei "(Vol. I. Lord, you see!). Chapter VI: Notes intimate. 3. Second English Republic [vid. Page 359: direct link to the book ]

Ahead of the historic trial of what was to have the Church in Spain, defined the facts in four words: hell happened that broke out in Madrid .

[Note 83: Notes , n. 424]; { Notes: "Notes intimate"}.

Andres Vazquez de Prada, The Founder of Opus Dei "(Vol. II. God and daring). Chapter XI: The Age of Burgos (1938-1939) 1. Restarts the Catalina [vid. Pages 239-240: direct link to the book ]

able to talk or write to their children, even with the constraints of censorship, was more than half his life to the Father. Correspondence with Isidore through France worked well without major delays or serious mishaps, given, of course, the circumstances of war. This was a great comfort to those in either zone. On this point, referring to the relief supposed to have news of all, Father opened his heart to one of their own national zone:

[...] Today we have written to my poor children of Madrid, and Grandma and my brothers. Of these, we have received and five letters, the last, dated 26 January. They are perfectly aware of things in the family. Too bad you before you had not found any means of communication! hardest thing with having so many cruel things was not knowing anything about you in the inferno red. To us, who could not get out of Marxist tyranny, and we have taken that penalty . I think they have written, since we are freer, more than ten times .

[Note 43: Letter Enrique Alonso-Martinez Saumell from Burgos, EF-380204-1].

8. Waiting for the end of the war [vid. Page 337: direct link to the book ]

In the round table, the heat of the brazier of Mary I., continued enlarging the Father of Spiritual Considerations , writing letters and typing up notes, newsletters and the story of Álvaro manuscript: "From Madrid to Burgos for Guadalajara, which began a wonderful foreword: Adventures

barely fill five months, but have the juice and the fullness of three young lives, they put efforts to get out of hell of Red Spain, for better serve on the National side of God's plan. Some

word Marxist militant escapes in the course of the relationship. The leave, and authenticity of the story.
supernatural faith, who accompanied the players sign, get into the hearts of those who read it.

And we will all come out ahead.

January 1939.

[Note 291: RHF , D-15376] { RHF : Historical Record of the Founder (Section within the AGP )}, { AGP : General Archive of the Prelature}, {D : Document}.

+ + +

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

How To Fix An Eyeclops Projector

The day was dreary, and dark sky, leaden, almost gray, only predicted that the situation would worsen in a few moments, the cold air flowed unchecked through the streets, giving the face and leaving you stiff. Seconds later, the sky Plumbi began to release water. It was raining in Madrid.

The truth is that the day offered few alternatives for pedestrians, it was Sunday morning and the weather I was shaking with water, while air swayed you the first opportunity. Normally, it would have been, in my case, find a library, all of these life-the few that remain, "for the McDonalds and Starbucks, are mercilessly devouring large school premises. Well, what he said. Normal to me, had been doing something, I usually do often get into a bookstore and spend the long hours, surrounded by books and maps, searching and researching until the morning or afternoon feed, or until the close bookseller tired of me hanging around there. Street would then, with a few books of the hand or in a bag, and immediately afterwards I would get a coffee, too, the lifetime-the-left, do not make me repeat what franchising American, please. And assail, including coffee or reeds would touch, the smell and read the first pages, and even the introductions. After weighing their value, being first editions, or to be a volume that has long sought, "finding it hidden behind an encyclopedia of art, in the bottom of a shelf. I'd eat a sandwich on squid, and holy Easter.

But as I said before, it was Sunday, and luckily these libraries, are "as good booksellers, respecting the holidays, and Sundays, closing its doors and spending the day off to do what is good for them cimbrel quit. Therefore, the only solution bibliophile, was to go to Corte Ingles or Fnac. Finally gave up, being surrounded by families who loose children between the shelves, or wait longer tails, for a boy edge, or a pretty face, or vice versa, look up whether or not this or that issue by consulting a computer, while my feet rest on a dirty carpet, and see books that have as much seniority 6 months, I wanted the same as me headers in the ruins of the ancient synagogue of Lavapies.

Asique, I left the High Street, up for bids, dodging the tourists coming down surprised by the English climate, they had caught in shorts and sandals, complaining in their language, bad weather in February Iberian . I figured, while covering my head with a hood, "that also would think we would all go dressed as a bullfighter or civil guard, mustache and cocked hat, and we spent the day drinking wine boot, as we scratch our eggs into pants and criticize until exhaustion in front of the neighbor-clear that something is right -.

When I arrived at the Plaza Mayor, the rain had rages, it seemed we were in the middle of spring rather than winter. The waiters, who picked up a few minutes ago and covered up terraces, again riding a time trial, not to escape the Japanese tour coming up the Arch of Cutlers. The Toledo street painters, returning to deploy all his sketches and cartoons, human statues, the attempt to be certain, "and dressed in superhero types, they returned to their places of work. And in the middle of the square, just away from the statue of King Philip the third, Gianbolognia and Pietro Tacca. Sitting in an old wooden stool, facing the House Bakery, was a man of about fifty, white beard, big nose, like an antique dealer in Istanbul and a wool hat covering her hair the gray.

When I approached him, toward the remodeling market in San Miguel, I could not look at books, but if food and wine ", the accordionist, an old acquaintance of the bullring, and that we are moving there from Portuguese origin, began playing the accordion Yesterday, the Beatles. The accordion sounded pure, its clean sound, show and prove that the musician who was driving an expert, and knew where it went. I stopped a few seconds to listen, recognition, winked, and I put a few coins in the case of the instrument, which lay at his feet.

After this many seconds of contemplation, I went my way, for he began to paint again, and why, and addressed to the statue of the monarch and the accordionist Portuguese, Japanese group, who had managed to outwit the waiters in white jacket , who tried to sit under the huge umbrellas their establishments and regarles bleeding. As I walked out of the square down the street Ciudad Rodrigo, Portugal ended its subject, and the Japanese group, broke into applause with a loud bang. And I, with a half smile on my face, I went to drink a cane, with a top of cod. It's Portuguese.