Sunday, April 24, 2011

Can You Use E45 Cream On Cats

Easter Sunday

148. Also on Easter Sunday, the highest solemnity of the liturgical year, take place quite a few manifestations of popular piety: these are all expressions of worship to exalt the new status and glory of the risen Christ and his divine power that flows from his victory over sin and death.

Risen's meeting with Mother

149. Popular piety has intuited that the association with the Mother of the Son is permanent in the hour of pain and death, at the hour of joy and resurrection.

The liturgical affirmation that God has filled with joy to the Virgin in the Resurrection of the Son [153] has been, so to speak, translated and performed by popular piety in the Gathering of Mother with the risen Son : Easter morning two processions, one with the image of the Sorrowful Mother, one with the risen Christ, found to mean that the Virgin was the first part, and fully, the mystery of the Resurrection of the Son.


Blessing family table

150. All Easter liturgy is permeated by a sense of newness: nature is new, because in the northern hemisphere, Easter coincides with spring awakening, are new fire and water are new to the hearts of Christians, renewed through the Sacrament of penance and, if possible, the same sacraments of Christian initiation, is new, as it were so, the Eucharist are signs and sign-realities of the new condition of life inaugurated by Christ in his Resurrection.

Among the pious exercises that relate to Easter include the traditional blessing of eggs, symbols of life and the blessing of the family table, the latter, who is also a daily habit of Christian families, should be encouraged [155], acquires a particular meaning in the day of Easter with water blessed at the Easter Vigil, the faithful take their homes, according to a laudable custom, the head of household or other community member Domestic blesses the Easter table.

The greeting Easter Mother of the Risen

151. In some places, at the end of the Easter Vigil or after the Second Vespers of Easter Sunday, is a brief exercise of piety: flowers are blessed to be distributed to the faithful as a sign of Easter joy and pays tribute the image of Our Lady of Sorrows, which is sometimes crown, while chanting the Regina Coeli . The faithful, who had pain associated with the Virgin of the Passion of the Son, and want to rejoice with her in the event of the Resurrection.


at Easter time

The annual blessing of families in their homes

152. During the Easter season - or at other times of the year - takes place the annual blessing of families visited at home. This custom, so dear to the faithful entrusted to the pastoral care of parish priests and their collaborators, is a precious occasion to sound Christian families in the memory of the continued presence of God, full of blessings, the invitation to live according to the Gospel, the exhortation to parents and children to preserve and promote the mystery of being "domestic church" [156].


Devotion to Divine Mercy

154. In relation to the octave of Easter, in our day and following the religious messages Faustina Kowalska, canonized on April 30, 2000, has spread progressively a particular devotion to divine mercy communicated by Christ dead and risen, source of the Spirit who forgives sins and restores joy of salvation. Since the liturgy of the "Second Sunday of Easter or Divine Mercy" - as it is known at present [157] - is the natural space in which expresses the acceptance of the mercy of the Redeemer of man, the faithful should be educated to understand this devotion in the light of the liturgical celebrations of these Easter days. Indeed, "The paschal Christ is the definitive incarnation of mercy, its living sign salvation history and eschatological time. In the same spirit, the liturgy of Eastertide places on our lips the words of the psalm: 'I will sing forever the mercies of the Lord' (Ps 89 [88], 2) "[158].

The Pentecost novena

155. Scripture bears witness that in the nine days between Ascension and Pentecost, the Apostles remained united and were assiduous in prayer, along with some women and Mary, Mother of Jesus, and his brothers "(Acts 1.14), waiting to be" clothed with power from on high "(Lk 24:49). Prayerful reflection on the salvific event was born the pious exercise of the ninth of Pentecost, is widespread in the Christian people.

Indeed, in the Missal and the Liturgy of the Hours, especially Vespers, this "novena" is already present: euchologic biblical texts relate in various ways waiting for the Paraclete. Therefore, as far as possible, the Pentecost novena should consist of the solemn celebration of Vespers. Where this is not practicable, to make the Novena of Pentecost so that reflects on liturgical topics ranging from Ascension to Pentecost Vigil.



[153] See LITURGY HORARUM, beatae Mariae Virginis Commune, II Vesperae, Preces; Collectio Beata Maria Virgine missarum , I, Form. 15: Beata Virgo Maria in Resurrection Domini, Praefatio .

[155] Cf. RITUALE ROMANUM, De Benedictionibus, Ordo benedictionis mensae , cit., 782-784, 806-807.

[156] Cf. IBID., Ordo benedictionis annuae familiarum in propris domibus , 68-89.

[157] Cf. CONGREGAZIONE PER IL CULTO DIVINO E LA DISCIPLINA DEI SACRAMENTI Notificazione (5.5.2000): cf. L’Osservatore Romano 24 maggio 2000, p. 4.

[158] GIOVANNI PAOLO II, Lettera enciclica Dives in misericordia , 8.


Text source: CONGREGATION FOR DIVINE WORSHIP AND THE DISCIPLINE OF THE SACRAMENTS, Directory on Popular Piety and the Liturgy. principles and guidelines (April 9, 2002), nos. 148-152, 154-155.

Source of illustration: Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Psalter mit Totenoffizium - BSB Clm 23094, Magdeburg Umkreis, um 1265 [BSB-Hss Clm 23094] Miniature Psalter - CLM 23094 (Munich [Kingdom of] Bavaria - Germany) .

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