Monday, January 11, 2010

Burton Triad Bindings 2010

There are things that it is impossible to take seriously however much you try.

Being a tender teen, I was part of the editorial board of one of those zines that proliferated during the 80's and early 90's. For those young people Internet born in the digital age who ignore what is a fanzine, add that publications were created by fans, who often had a high proportion of social criticism.

I must admit that talking about "editorial board" to refer to the perpetrators of those monstrosities endearing is somewhat artificial, since in our case we were just a group of friends who got together in an apartment stocked with a generous amount of beer, Ripple and chips. Wrote articles and drew comics, later to be photocopied and stapled maquetábamos completely handmade. We were anti-fighters, wanted to change the world, aware of the formidable power of the press, we believed that the best way to do that was to capture all our concerns in a sheaf of photocopies stapled together, which later divided among our colleagues and school mates.

Twenty years later, my opinion is markedly different, and so, where before I saw an article full of impeccable incontestable truths, now I'm faced with a prose awkward and insecure, with poor line of argument full of a naive innocence and ignorance overview of what is spoken. Mutatis mutandis

today all those blogs that flood the network, starring in a crusade against the excesses of Ramoncín and SGAE, or by advocating the abolition of intellectual property law, I look exactly the same as those endearing fanzines. Obviously, now the ideology of this heterogeneous group is broader, since it varies from geek to neoliberalism's own libertarian thought that zampa a Whopper instead of a Big Mac graceful as a symptom of rebellion. But in both cases have the same problems.

If you want to talk about culture, from the ideological perspective that is desired, it must go well beyond the cliches about "liberals" or "Cultureta" powered by Jiménez-Losantos and company, or the eligibility of the course working on it, which responds to wear a campaign directed against the film industry because of its traditional links with the Left, and it intends to extrapolate to other sectors. Spain should be one of the least developed countries to invest in culture, but we have to do more awareness.

And if you want to talk about intellectual property should take into account that the SGAE only manages the rights to the music, film and theater, while this law applies to activities as diverse as sculpture, engineering, cooking or martial arts, and now, with the dissemination of books in electronic form, the horse battle over piracy is expected to largely displace them from affecting the work of a novelist fashion to the author a book on geology.

And, although the champions of these revolutionary ideas to consider that the entries in their blogs are incontestable truths, I also found them awkward prose and insecure, often peppered with misspellings, poor line of argument one full of naivety and ignorance candid overview of what is spoken. However, there are several key differences to those fanzines of my youth. The first is that now, however cenutrio one is, all opinions are equal, as we call Democracy protects the Internet. And, presumably, every blog is a little jewel of liberty and democracy ... but it just go naked photos of aunties.

The second, without a doubt the most disturbing, you discover in the news, when you see all these freaks gathered around a table with the Minister of Culture, representándote.

aside my personal opinion on a controversial law that the executive is mistaken for the judiciary and, above all, with the interests of a particular lobby whose sole objective is profit at any cost, it is amazing how that has soared to a group of anonymous individuals as a result of that manifesto circulating on the Internet, allegedly prepared to defend ourselves, people whose only merit is to be " Internet "or" bloggers. " Especially if one takes into account the difficulties to which often are the leaders of trade unions and professional associations, perfectly structured and authenticated, when they are received by a ministerial office.

Democracy is a political system under which the public has a right to choose their representatives and I have not chosen any of those gurus cyber represent me. Therefore, I do not think this whole democratic functioning, and I also reaffirmed my belief that the Internet is like a cage of monkeys, that's always right one that makes more noise, because that automatically makes him the alpha male .

I have participated in forums on history, art and ethnography since 2001 and why I stopped writing regularly in them is the tedium of repeatedly encounter the same cycle. A forum is born, begins to bring together amateurs and experts in the field, which, in turn, encourages more people to participate. Soon her presence on the Google is apparent and they begin to get lit of all kinds with the sole purpose of political advocacy or disclose their crazy theories. But while this initially made that the forum will further increase the number of visitors, immediately after languishing just.

Why does this happen? Simply because it is increasingly difficult to find sensible posts, and really useful information lies buried under tons of frikadas interest only to those who write them. It is understandable that a young student of history will be wonderful to find a medium where you can contradict the views of a university professor, based only on their own assumptions, but for the latter the encounter such situations, protected by the anonymity of the Internet and a misunderstanding of the concept of democracy, are typically not as attractive.

Anyway, I only say this to explain why I will not reproduce here the manifesto.


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