Tuesday, November 11, 2008

How Long Can You Live At Stage 5 Kidney

SGAE Diogenes syndrome and XII century

SGAE say that is, from the viewpoint of its creator, an institutionalized lobby plays a kind of postmodern perversion of the ideals of Robin Hood, robbing the poor to give to the rich, is not far from an original over-statement, although the stark finding of fact.

For example, when I wanted to edit the DVD with my short film The Spiral Lug , the head of the company was forced to make duplicate copies abroad, thus me not being a member of the Lodge , risked it closed the beach bar: apparently, was vulnerable my own copyright. Of course the other option was to spend the dark side of force, to sign a contract with my blood and pay registration fees SGAE, so that they, together with some of the miserable benefits generated by the sale of my DVD, they are allocated over Ramoncín, Joaquín Sabina and Pantoja.

But it is also true that we live in a society where there is serious thinking overly simplistic, Manichean, endowed with the same conceptual complexity that Chuck Norris movie. And now it turns out, being a mafia SGAE, the conclusion that we should all get is that they have to remove the copyright.

But advocates say the idea is not to save a peel, no. But for the sake of humanity. In other words, to achieve the liberation of art and thought, democratization of culture and in order that, in short, any person, however humble his condition, may have a reach-through-art computer and a broadband connection, any artistic creation produced by Humanity as a whole. Let

empirical demonstration of this.

I will make several queries in the form of a kind that we all have installed, of things getting off his face, to probe the cultural interests and concerns of Internet users. First, click "Miguel de Cervantes" and are 120 files. Then look for anything related to "Jenna Jameson" and leave 6,800. Seeking something about "Nietzsche" and come 49 documents. Later I do the same with "Star Wars" and leaving 8,143. Search for "Richard Wagner" and are 83. Finally type "Britney Spears" and the program displays 7130.

And what I find by typing "Thermopylae" in Google? Does any sensible and comprehensive scholarly study on the Medical Wars and historical consequences? No, I click first on the list and is a picture of a Master of the Universe anabolic killing a ninja-zombie-faced Taliban.

do a survey now ... tell me who you know is one of the musicians Rock that more claims of plagiarism has been involved? No, not Manolo Kabezabolo nor Gigatrón, but Elvis Presley. And I fear that their applicants were ominous all-powerful corporate lobbies or record, but rather humble and unknown musicians rhythm'n'blues blacks, whose work was vampirized mercilessly. In conclusion, as it may sound very libertarian idea, we all know who the biggest beneficiaries of the abolition of copyright. After all, why a producer would pay the salary of a composer or writer, if you can get their hands on the work of an author unknown to the face? Will

few weeks, sitting on the bus, I heard a teenager tell her grandfather all I could do with your computer. I did not say anything that was legal. Recently I also heard someone talking about how much music it has taxed on DVDs. Automatically, I made some mental calculations and after that I could not help achieve this deep thought: Who can have enough time to listen to 100 Gigabytes of music in mp3 format?

and speaks not only of buying records, but something much deeper. Does anyone remember those beloved films TDK or Sony 90, which were ceremoniously handed over to the privileged Friend holder of record only fifty? His return to our hands, sheltering inside that pair of coveted LPs-and-fill a song was like the arrival of the Magi in our childhood, a real treat for our ears we heard over and over again with delight. But now what is all this?

live surrounded by people affected by severe Geek Diogenes syndrome, who devote their time to treasure tirelessly gigs and gigs of music, movies and video games, which, at best, will only play once his life. People who have a wild, stupid and fruitless quest collector, the Like the new rich who buy books just to decorate your room, is solely the bragging rights that you have. But at the same time, these people are shocked when they go up ten cents the price of blank DVD. Do not worry about the Euribor, or CPI petrol or not: only the fucking DVDs.

Admit it: if the computer we find it a useful tool is because, in large measure, its use is associated with the consumption of a brutal amount of pirated material. Something that is a big business for some hardware companies are not exactly OGNs, and has made an entire generation of youth has grown up believing that the Internet is kind of a supplier without limits, a tap I just need to open to meet with all the music, film and entertainment they want, for free. A good whose value can never come to appreciate, not cost them anything.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Transpiration Lab Ap Bio Lab 9 Answers

Following the illustrations included is a twelfth-century gentleman, I made to accompany an article I published the first issue of the journal report, entitled Blood, Sweat and Iron . In fact, it would be more of a gentleman rogue, a member of a English MILITARY COUNCIL. In the terminology of the nobles of the time, a nerd.

To realize I used a wide range of materials and techniques, oil, acrylic, pastel and charcoal, among others, including the classic piggy salpiconazo used with such mastery Chechu.

Why Do My Feet Burn In The Shower

Caballero Cesar Vidal, King Arthur and the Men in Black (I)

When you want to praise the career of Robert de Niro, usually highlights the quality of their work as interpretive masterpieces Taxi Driver or Raging Bull . However, when you want to do the same with Fernando Esteso, only it was said he has starred in more than two hundred films.

Following this principle, there should surprising that proponents of César Vidal always talk about the large number of books have been published under his name, a huge production in recent years, would come out almost a book a month. Something that would make him a true Prince of Wits Meapilas , as it covers both historical novels and other popular works focusing on the most diverse periods and issues, as writing is to combine daily with the direction of a radio program and a rosary.

Anyone vaguely familiar with the work of writing, this work is necessarily crave a titanic work, and Therefore, we should imagine it going all night, correcting texts and consultation papers, with eyes red from the computer screen and a deep dark circles caused by the long hours of watching. In short, with a body literally consumers notice the subtle play of words by fatigue and intellectual effort.

words, what we would imagine and if we had not seen their lush appearance of vigorous and hearty steaks, in a photograph of Digital Freedom . Speaking

without subterfuge, I do not think the fact that Vidal used a cohort of blacks to advance its imprint is something objectionable neofranquista in itself, if at least offer their readers a product they have some minimal quality. What I find it regrettable is the accumulation of historical wrongs that his work possesses, especially when you consider the number of unemployed graduates in our country. Skimming

historical introduction of his classic Spain Waterfront Islam is like reading one of those anthologies of nonsense, based on the most unfortunate postLOGSE absurdities of the era. No wonder that between them is that the Iberians had reached the Middle East, because in its Judaic Antiquities, Josephus says that the Iberians emerged from the descendants of Tubal, one of the grandsons of Noah, survivor of the Great Flood, "and although the Jewish-Roman historian actually referring to a village of Armenia named the same way, this meant that, until the nineteenth century , was rebuilt of the English origin from a pilgrimage, from the land and after crossing North Africa, have come to our peninsula.

In order to say that the literature of César Vidal is completely obsolete in the light of present historical science, is a timid euphemism like saying that Osama Bin Laden is a bit picky in matters of faith. And should not surprise all these biblical reminiscences, as Vidal is an outspoken creationist who denies the existence of evolution of species.


Cake Mate Cookie Icing Expiry

César Vidal, King Arthur and the Men in Black (II)

However, the nonsense that most caught my attention César Vidal is one included in your Lies of the story ... common use, nondescript hodgepodge in which, again, some poor typesetters had to manage to get a book where there is none, by the use of line spacing of a finger width and lyrics of body 24, with the o as roscones of kings.

Vidal devotes a section to destroy the alleged lies that have been said about King Arthur and it dusts the theory advanced in 1924 by the American writer Kemp Malone, that this character would actually Lucius Artorius Castus was a Roman soldier of the second century AD who know only through a funeral stele found in Podstrana (Croatia) which lists its honorum cursus, ie the various posts that the deceased exercised over their lives.

However, Malone's theories do not stop being a concatenation of assumptions that can not bridge the gap between it Artorius chronological Century II and the character that presents the Bard Taliesin Briton fighting the Saxons in Battle of Mount Badon, which, according to the monk Gildas, would have taken place in the year 494, end later corroborated by other sources such as the Welsh chronicler Nennius.

In the movie King Arthur -a tale of fiction, after all, "also based on the work of Malone, the writer tries to disguise this inconsistency by a vague hint that the protagonist would be the last member a long family saga Artorius. But Vidal is not necessary simply no justification, and thus begins by recounting the Lucius Artorius Castus life half-century-AD-II, and later going on to describe their involvement at the Battle of Mons Badonicus and other events of the late V.

When one reads this and tries to mentally reconstruct the editorial process that made it possible, from the wording of the text at the hands of one of his black , monitoring of it by Mr. Vidal, his commitment to the Editor The subsequent work of editing and layout, until finally the product reaches the hands of tens of thousands of readers, one can not help but wonder ... is that no one has noticed that a guy can not live more than three hundred years?

In April 1953, Albert K. Bender, the editor of a magazine of American ufology, announced with fanfare at last had evidence that would prove beyond doubt the presence of aliens among us, which would be published in the next issue. However, when it hit newsstands in its place appeared an article which claimed that such evidence had been stolen by mysterious men dressed in black, members of a shadowy government agency.

Thereafter, they began to be increasingly frequent cases of UFO experts could not prove the veracity of his research, because their evidence had been stolen by those mysterious Men in Black . All this, rather than undermine the credibility of his statements, precisely helped increase it: after all, what better proof that the government was in contact with extraterrestrials that interest to conceal the evidence to prove it?

Apparently, no one suggested that, in fact, the Men in Black , despite being members of a powerful organization that alien technology has never been able to prevent the truth will be published in some magazines that are sold in supermarkets. Nor has questioned the sense that it may have secret agents always dress alike, even though tons e-paper even two movies starring Will Smith, which tells us about the Men in Black .

And after this digression, we return to the above. The key to success lies in César Vidal have given some support to a particular historicist ideology. In Spain there are good historians of leftist and rightist historians good, but none of them says the same as him. His work is completely unpresentable and disengagement with respect to absolute academic, but he blames a conspiracy "politically correct" to hide the truth about history, orchestrated by liberals, nationalists and homosexuals. And if someone criticizes some aspect of his work, precisely because it is part.

After all, what better proof of the existence of a conspiracy to manipulate the history that the criticism directed at whom the complaint?

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Brazilian Wax In Killeen Texas

Drinking horn

Continuing with miscellaneous craft, included a sample of one of my recent work carved horn and bone materials are very grateful to work with the gouges. To decorate this horn to drink, I used as a reference a relief of the Church of Hylestad (Norway, XIII century) which shows Sigurd killing the dragon, with a detail of the casket of San Millán (XI century), which represents the decision-Amaya, capital of Cantabria, the Visigoth king Leovigildo.
engraving This is my last work: a drinking horn decorated with a motif taken from the Hylestad Church (Norway, 13th century) of Sigurd killing the dragon, and a detail of San Millán's chest (Spain, 11th century), Representing the conquest of Amaya, the capital of the Cantabrians, Leovigildo by the Visigothic king.

Kenmorewashing Machine Tub Removal

The Spiral Lug

The Spiral Lug was a short film I wrote, directed and produced with the invaluable help of Chechu Orellana Pérez and G. Ches Villegas, in addition to the collaboration of the AC Orgenomescos . I also did 3D computer graphics and a montage that would later be used as a reference for the final, and in AVID room.

The short, nearly half an hour, is set a decade before the beginning of the Roman invasion of Cantabria. Wanders, sometimes the dangerous path that separates the ambition of the pretentious, although there are flashes of quality, or so say, and I prefer to believe. He was awarded the Dobra the V International Short Film Festival Torrelavega, awarded the best short produced in Cantabria, and screened at several festivals, though, because its duration is practically one-half length, was not easy that could fit in many more.

Every time I look back and analyze some work done years ago, it invariably seems a little childish. Probably due to live immersed in a continuous process of maturation and personal reflection, which allows me to understand ever better the world around me and my inner self. Although it may well be because I myself is a little child. Or at least, the latter is what my partner says.

Anyway, I think that, overall, this work was a great experience that allowed us to address many production problems in other short more "homespun" never be presented from the most obvious, derived from the same historical setting, costumes and sets, "special effects blood and latex, 3D computer graphics, shooting action scenes, the existence of a very large crew, made up, some days, nearly 50 people, some locations quite complicated and difficult to access, etc.. Edit

cortometraje en DVD, serigrafiado y con carátula. Es posible adquirirlo por 10 euros mas gastos de envío, escribiendo a:
La Espiral de Lug (“Lug’s Spiral”) was a short film that I wrote, directed and produced with the collaboration of Chechu Pérez Orellana, Ches G. Villegas and my friends of the re-enactment society Orgenomescos . Moreover, I made the 3D special effects and an editing used as a reference for the final cut. It’s almost half of an hour long, and their argument is related with the roman invasion of Cantabria.

Body Style Changes For The Yukon

Mari, Dan Brown and the primeval matriarchy (II)

Ez zen eliza ez kristorik / They were neither the church nor Christ
Arbas sinismen Jarrett. / In what our ancestors believed.
Apaiz monk under Vatican / The priests, monks and nuns were in the Vatican
sorginak akelarretan Ta. / And witches in covens.
Ez zen eliza ez kristorik / There was neither church nor Christ
Gizarte Haret. / In that society.

Despite his complete mismatch with respect to academia, or perhaps precisely because of this, letters and the rock group Kortatu have known better than anyone else portray much of the current matriarchal subculture.

bull in our skin, the Matriarcomanía was introduced by the hand of Julio Caro Baroja (North peoples, ed. Txertoa), who, based on a reference to the Greek geographer Strabo on the peoples of the northern peninsula to change was postulated the existence of a matriarchy vascoide home in this area. Again, this has created another snowball and later scholars, as Barbero and Vigil, have gone much further, transferring all matriarchy that assumption to the dawn of the Reconquista.

However, experts and current and Narciso Peralta Eduardo Santos Yanguas have shattered all these theories. Strabo, a member of a village where women were systematically relegated, was faced with a society in which it had many freedoms, which misinterpreted, using it as a weapon to highlight their uncivilized nature. But the fact that women inherit the earth not supposed to hold economic power, as had occurred in an agricultural society like yours, as in Northern Iberia it was only a marginal activity, complementary to the livestock.

But for years, every time someone would come across to a custom in which women had a certain prominence, it is automatically considered a matriarchy survival of this course, and there have been have seen in the Basque gastronomic societies a of his many memories. Nor

missing works of fiction that speak of a matriarchal priestess champions of good cheer and political correctness, as The Guardians of Taboo Javier Lorenzo. And, although there was a matriarchy among former Cantabrian, and no taboo around the moon, another creation of Caro Baroja, also raced ahead-in the current literature there is great interest in giving prominence to the feminine, especially within a genre, such as historical, in which nearly 75% of its readers are women. Paradoxically, in some ways this has embodied much of the ancient patriarchal fears. Everyone knows that, as pointed out by Stefan Bollmann women who read are dangerous .

However, the most significant manifestation of this matriarchy associated with the Mother Goddess is unquestionably Mari .

When, during the nineteenth century, ethnographers and writers such as Joseph Augustine Chaho, José María Goizueta, Juan Venancio de Araquistain, Julien Vinson or Webster Wentworth studied Basque popular mythology, found only female beings typically associated with Gaelic fairies. José Miguel de Barandiaran is considered by many the "patriarch of Basque culture, who speaks for the first time Mari, a female supreme numen earth character. Mari

is Mary, that is, the Christian virgin, because this name is what, in Euskera is known to the mother of Jesus. Barandiarán collected a series of folk tales featuring a virgin clad in numerous unorthodox features and some ladies who previously had been classified as fairies, which he considered a case of assimilation of an earlier deity. However, with just over thirty short stories making up what he called Cycle Mari its status as supreme numen Basque mythology only due to an arbitrary identification with the Mother Goddess Bachofen postulated, being this investigator character absolutely convinced "prehistoric" in the traditional Basque culture.

That does not mean that this supreme numen , and medieval witch-cult of course, have served for some to have assembled an entire pagan pantheon, supposedly in force twentieth century. Something they never thought those researchers who made this possible, because we are only talking about pagan survivals in a Christian society ... The best proof of this is that both Julio Caro Baroja and José Miguel de Barandiaran were priests (see the photo of the latter, which kicks off this entry).

Finally, the ease with which human ideas spread is proportional to the extent that they fit within the existing ideological background. Hence, many completely overcome historiographic beliefs remain in effect in certain areas, while other highly topical but very far from being proven, have been an enthusiastic presence in a very short time.

from a progressive perspective, it is very seductive the descendant of a people regarded advocate of feminist values \u200b\u200band such. But you can not confuse what was , so I to me like it would have been . Nor should we forget that the principles of feminism have little to do with establishing a matriarchy.