Thursday, November 6, 2008

Why Do My Feet Burn In The Shower

Caballero Cesar Vidal, King Arthur and the Men in Black (I)

When you want to praise the career of Robert de Niro, usually highlights the quality of their work as interpretive masterpieces Taxi Driver or Raging Bull . However, when you want to do the same with Fernando Esteso, only it was said he has starred in more than two hundred films.

Following this principle, there should surprising that proponents of César Vidal always talk about the large number of books have been published under his name, a huge production in recent years, would come out almost a book a month. Something that would make him a true Prince of Wits Meapilas , as it covers both historical novels and other popular works focusing on the most diverse periods and issues, as writing is to combine daily with the direction of a radio program and a rosary.

Anyone vaguely familiar with the work of writing, this work is necessarily crave a titanic work, and Therefore, we should imagine it going all night, correcting texts and consultation papers, with eyes red from the computer screen and a deep dark circles caused by the long hours of watching. In short, with a body literally consumers notice the subtle play of words by fatigue and intellectual effort.

words, what we would imagine and if we had not seen their lush appearance of vigorous and hearty steaks, in a photograph of Digital Freedom . Speaking

without subterfuge, I do not think the fact that Vidal used a cohort of blacks to advance its imprint is something objectionable neofranquista in itself, if at least offer their readers a product they have some minimal quality. What I find it regrettable is the accumulation of historical wrongs that his work possesses, especially when you consider the number of unemployed graduates in our country. Skimming

historical introduction of his classic Spain Waterfront Islam is like reading one of those anthologies of nonsense, based on the most unfortunate postLOGSE absurdities of the era. No wonder that between them is that the Iberians had reached the Middle East, because in its Judaic Antiquities, Josephus says that the Iberians emerged from the descendants of Tubal, one of the grandsons of Noah, survivor of the Great Flood, "and although the Jewish-Roman historian actually referring to a village of Armenia named the same way, this meant that, until the nineteenth century , was rebuilt of the English origin from a pilgrimage, from the land and after crossing North Africa, have come to our peninsula.

In order to say that the literature of César Vidal is completely obsolete in the light of present historical science, is a timid euphemism like saying that Osama Bin Laden is a bit picky in matters of faith. And should not surprise all these biblical reminiscences, as Vidal is an outspoken creationist who denies the existence of evolution of species.



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