Sunday, November 2, 2008

Body Style Changes For The Yukon

Mari, Dan Brown and the primeval matriarchy (II)

Ez zen eliza ez kristorik / They were neither the church nor Christ
Arbas sinismen Jarrett. / In what our ancestors believed.
Apaiz monk under Vatican / The priests, monks and nuns were in the Vatican
sorginak akelarretan Ta. / And witches in covens.
Ez zen eliza ez kristorik / There was neither church nor Christ
Gizarte Haret. / In that society.

Despite his complete mismatch with respect to academia, or perhaps precisely because of this, letters and the rock group Kortatu have known better than anyone else portray much of the current matriarchal subculture.

bull in our skin, the Matriarcomanía was introduced by the hand of Julio Caro Baroja (North peoples, ed. Txertoa), who, based on a reference to the Greek geographer Strabo on the peoples of the northern peninsula to change was postulated the existence of a matriarchy vascoide home in this area. Again, this has created another snowball and later scholars, as Barbero and Vigil, have gone much further, transferring all matriarchy that assumption to the dawn of the Reconquista.

However, experts and current and Narciso Peralta Eduardo Santos Yanguas have shattered all these theories. Strabo, a member of a village where women were systematically relegated, was faced with a society in which it had many freedoms, which misinterpreted, using it as a weapon to highlight their uncivilized nature. But the fact that women inherit the earth not supposed to hold economic power, as had occurred in an agricultural society like yours, as in Northern Iberia it was only a marginal activity, complementary to the livestock.

But for years, every time someone would come across to a custom in which women had a certain prominence, it is automatically considered a matriarchy survival of this course, and there have been have seen in the Basque gastronomic societies a of his many memories. Nor

missing works of fiction that speak of a matriarchal priestess champions of good cheer and political correctness, as The Guardians of Taboo Javier Lorenzo. And, although there was a matriarchy among former Cantabrian, and no taboo around the moon, another creation of Caro Baroja, also raced ahead-in the current literature there is great interest in giving prominence to the feminine, especially within a genre, such as historical, in which nearly 75% of its readers are women. Paradoxically, in some ways this has embodied much of the ancient patriarchal fears. Everyone knows that, as pointed out by Stefan Bollmann women who read are dangerous .

However, the most significant manifestation of this matriarchy associated with the Mother Goddess is unquestionably Mari .

When, during the nineteenth century, ethnographers and writers such as Joseph Augustine Chaho, José María Goizueta, Juan Venancio de Araquistain, Julien Vinson or Webster Wentworth studied Basque popular mythology, found only female beings typically associated with Gaelic fairies. José Miguel de Barandiaran is considered by many the "patriarch of Basque culture, who speaks for the first time Mari, a female supreme numen earth character. Mari

is Mary, that is, the Christian virgin, because this name is what, in Euskera is known to the mother of Jesus. Barandiarán collected a series of folk tales featuring a virgin clad in numerous unorthodox features and some ladies who previously had been classified as fairies, which he considered a case of assimilation of an earlier deity. However, with just over thirty short stories making up what he called Cycle Mari its status as supreme numen Basque mythology only due to an arbitrary identification with the Mother Goddess Bachofen postulated, being this investigator character absolutely convinced "prehistoric" in the traditional Basque culture.

That does not mean that this supreme numen , and medieval witch-cult of course, have served for some to have assembled an entire pagan pantheon, supposedly in force twentieth century. Something they never thought those researchers who made this possible, because we are only talking about pagan survivals in a Christian society ... The best proof of this is that both Julio Caro Baroja and José Miguel de Barandiaran were priests (see the photo of the latter, which kicks off this entry).

Finally, the ease with which human ideas spread is proportional to the extent that they fit within the existing ideological background. Hence, many completely overcome historiographic beliefs remain in effect in certain areas, while other highly topical but very far from being proven, have been an enthusiastic presence in a very short time.

from a progressive perspective, it is very seductive the descendant of a people regarded advocate of feminist values \u200b\u200band such. But you can not confuse what was , so I to me like it would have been . Nor should we forget that the principles of feminism have little to do with establishing a matriarchy.


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