Thursday, December 30, 2010

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Te Deum and Veni, Creator

Te Deum and Veni, Creator

Te Deum

By Christian faithful to recite the thanksgiving Te Deum hymn , partial indulgence is granted. The plenary indulgence is si lo recita públicamente el último día del año.

– Plenaria indulgentia conceditur christifideli qui, in ecclesia vel oratorio, devote interfuerit sollemni cantui vel recitationi: hymni Te Deum , ultima anni die, ad gratias Deo referendas pro beneficiis totius anni decursu acceptis. Enchiridion indulgentiarum (16 iulii 1999), conc. 26 § 1, 2°.

Veni, Creator

Al fiel cristiano que rece devotamente el himno Ven, Espíritu creador , se le concede indulgencia parcial. La indulgencia será plenaria el día 1 de enero y en la solemnidad de Pentecostés, si este himno se reza públicamente.

– Plenaria indulgentia conceditur christifideli qui, in ecclesia vel oratorio, devote interfuerit sollemni cantui vel recitationi: hymni Veni, Creator , vel prima anni die ad divinam opem pro totius anni decursu implorandam; vel in sollemnitate Pentecostes. Enchiridion indulgentiarum (16 iulii 1999), conc. 26 § 1, 1°.

Te Deum

A Ti, oh Dios, alabamos,
a Ti, Señor, confesamos.

A Ti, eterno Padre,
venera toda la tierra.

A Ti, los ángeles todos,
a Ti, los cielos y todas las potestades.

A Ti, los querubines y los serafines
con ceaseless voice proclaim:

Holy, Holy, Holy Lord God of Hosts

are full
heavens and the earth of the majesty of thy glory.

hails Thee the glorious choir of Apostles,
venerable number of Prophets, the radiant
Army of Martyrs.

to you the holy Church,
throughout the land, I confess:

Father of immense majesty,
also swears by your true and only Son,
and the Holy Spirit Paraclete.

O Christ Thou art the King of glory.
You are the Father's eternal Son. You

, to free the man, not shun
in lowering the womb of the Virgin. You

, overcoming the sting of death,
opened to believers the kingdom of heaven.

You are seated at the right hand of God
in the glory of the Father.

We'll be back as a judge of the world.

To you, therefore we ask that you remember your servants, whom
redeemed by your precious blood. Make

with your saints
be counted in eternal glory. Salva

Lord, your people and bless thine inheritance

and Rigel
and lead them to eternity.

Each and every one of our day we bless and praise thy name

for ever and ever.

Deign, Lord, on this day
keep us from sin.

Have mercy on us, Lord, have mercy on us

Descend on us Lord, your mercy,
as we expected from you.

In you, Lord, I waited,
not be confounded forever.

Veni Creator

Come, Creator Spirit, visit
souls of the faithful
filled with Thy grace, hearts
you created. You

, who called the Paraclete,
gift of God Almighty,
living fountain, fire, love and spiritual

You bestow upon us the seven gifts;
Thou, finger of the right hand of the Father;
You, faithful promise of the Father;
that inspire our words. Ilumina

our senses;
pour your love into our hearts;
and, with your perpetual help,
strengthens the weakness of our body.

away from us the enemy, soon give us peace
be our leader and our guide,
to avoid all evil.

For you know the Father, the Son
also reveal to us;
Believe in you, His Spirit,
for ever and ever

Glory to God the Father and the Son
and the Holy Comforter,
for ever and ever. Amen.

☩ ☩ ☩

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Naruto Doujinshi Sakura X Ino Futa


The day dawned sunny, quiet, as expected, marked on their calendar pages on May 31, back in 1906.
A bustling crowd, arrogant, eager for bread and circuses swirled with a roar at the outskirts of Madrid Los Jeronimos church, opposite the back wall of the Museo Nacional del Prado. Also, in many streets of Madrid, you could see, hear and feel the noise of the populace. I guess with these minor details, many of you will take charge of the event narrated, or I am about to narrate.
This day, May 31, 1906 - took place in the church before the link above double-and King, King Alfonso XIII and Victoria Eugenia of Battenberg, for some at the time the most beautiful princess of the moment -. The Puerta del Sol boiled faces smiling expectantly to see happen to a few meters from the coach humble bodies charged with the newlyweds. The Puerta del Sol, appeared totally deserted her canaries, and was called to trams, "because the police had shielded the city center and anything but exceptional happening inside, pushing the streets daily, there was no trams, or beggars, no disabled in the war in Cuba or the Philippines. Everything was gone in favor of security.
But as in all historical events that price, there is a face and a cross, as in one of these crowded places, there was another guy a little alien to the collective happiness. His arrival in the city, had not been easy, he thought Mateo Morral, "while riding the pipe bomb, sitting on a poor mattress located in its board room. When a few months earlier he had found his bones in the capital of Spain, nothing seemed encouraging, first the difficulty to get from Barcelona to Madrid, then the impossibility of finding a board room with a balcony or window to give some of the streets that the procession should happen, and if strong enough, that devilish and damned itching caused by a venereal infection. But some things were fixed over time, and a few days before the day of the link, Mateo Morral, succeeded in getting a room that would give the street of the capital, in particular, on the top floor of number 88.
already installed, otherwise greatly disturbed in the anarchist, was the suitcase, a suitcase which he hid under the bed pauperrrima, or rather, he cared about was inside the suitcase. There was the bomb, the bomb Orsini-a model similar to the one that exploded at the Liceo de Barcelona, \u200b\u200bwhich, even in the medium ride, disturbed him. Morral, going over and over again, mentally and mechanically each of the steps to complete the assembly grim, sweaty every time I took her in his hands, afraid that after a bad move, the engine exploded and it was all to hell. These were Morral
when glanced at the bouquet of flowers placed at her side, a bouquet of flowers, which that morning had bought from a florist in nearby Red de San Luis, after the last meeting with his confidants of capital. Meanwhile, remember his life prior to the trip to Germany, where he met anarchism, recalled his childhood surrounded by the Catalan textile bourgeoisie-which his family belonged, and I remembered all this trying to forget the damn itching of the illness that burning inside.
Meanwhile, the ceremony drew to a close Jeronimos, the procession back to the palace began. The royal carriage richly decorated and roll by beautiful white horses, wearing red plumes pompous, began their journey. Surrounded by royal guards on horseback, in full dress.
The royal entourage, barreled and Main Street, had left the place with the most populace, and therefore the most dangerous in the eyes of security, the Puerta del Sol. The procession paused before the candy The Mallorcan to greet some important people of Madrid society, who had interrupted their chat and coffee, to greet from the second floor. The atmosphere of the street was of great joy, waving their shields workers as if they were living at it, and women had their scarves holidays by watching the procession.
Mateo Morral, carefully placed the Orsini bomb inside the bouquet, with tact and quiet. The tranquility and feel that the situation and allowed nervousness. Clutter thought at times, which was a clear reference to the newlyweds were about the anarchist backpack, pulled his cap down over his eyebrows and went to the balcony.
The procession passed in front of the door of the Church of Sacramento, and again he stopped to say hello, just before the door of the pension, just before the number 88 on Main Street, just below the balcony where Mateo Morral, looming and with a bouquet of flowers in hand. Suddenly, a large bouquet of flowers was thrown at the couple, and a few seconds later a large explosion stunned the street. The residents of number 88, who were leaning from the balconies, were thrown into their houses, the horses of the royal carriage on the cobbles appeared gutted when the dark cloud caused by the explosion disappeared. Royal guard wounded, bodies bled anonymous citizens with amputated body parts and scattered on the floor. A huge number of people fleeing aimlessly, trying to escape from the tragedy, treading on each other.
The explosion was so strong that there was even in the Plaza de Oriente, where the attendees thought at first that some of the huge scaffolding neoclassical building the Almudena cathedral had collapsed.
The end of attack is known to all, the Kings remained safe at all times, but the blast killed 66 people and injured hundreds.
Today, the attack is remembered with a statue located at the doors of the Church of Sacramento, which replaces the original which was demolished during the government of the Second Republic, which called for a short time to the current Main Street as Calle de Mateo Morral. What is not and everyone knows or knows, is that right in front of this monument, on the top floor, the number 88 Main Street, where the balcony is seen closest to the corner of St. Nicholas. There remains in a sustainable manner throughout the year, a dry palm, in memory of the place from which the bomb was dropped, in memory of a Catalan anarchist, a hot day in 1906, served as a scapegoat, to goings-known politicians, as always not show their faces. So here you know, the next time you walk around the street of Madrid, do not stop looking up to the last balcony of number 88, the balcony of an anarchist.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Pokemon When Does Pikachu Learn Iron Tail

Remembering John Paul II

Remembering John Paul II

"Paul VI, calling it contraception as intrinsically illicit, has wanted to teach the moral law allows no exceptions: never a personal or social circumstances have been, or may, or may make such an act an act ordered by itself. The existence of special rules in relation to intra-mundane act of man, endowed with a force that must be excluded, provided that in any case, the possibility of exceptions, is the constant teaching of Tradition and the Magisterium of the Church Catholic theologian can not put into discussion. "

John Paul II, Address Participants at the Second International Congress of Moral Theology (November 12, 1988), n. 5

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Sunday, December 26, 2010

Should I Cement In My Backyard

SE Don Jose Maria Arrieta

Hon. Mr. Don José María Arrizabalaga Arcocha
Knight of the Order of Legitimacy Outlaw,
in the Grade of Grand Cross

Requiem dona eis æternam, Domine, et lux perpetua
Luceat eis.
Requiescant in pace. Amen.

Met on Monday 27 the thirty-second anniversary of the vile and cowardly murder of Jose Maria Arrieta Arcocha, Head of Youth Traditionalists the Biscay at the hands of ETA, banda antivasca Marxist and nationalist and anti-English. SAR

Don Sixto Enrique de Borbón awarded posthumously the Grand Cross of the Order of the Legitimacy banned.

This same Monday 27, at seven in the afternoon, he will celebrate Mass by Chema Arrizabalaga in Madrid (Kingdom of Castile), in the chapel of St. James (C /. Catalina Suarez 16. Metro Pacific, Dr exit . Esquerdo, odd).

Before God you will never be anonymous hero.
Jaungoikoaren Aurra iñoiz Ezera izango ezaguna ez.
(Ordinance Requete)

Martyrs Tradition The

sued Honor and obey, the required
Responsibility and complied, with his blood
initialed company, with his courage
Homeland redeemed.

were big and strong, because they were faithful to the Oath
to pawn. Therefore, as
boxers fought, why
died as martyrs.

immolate himself for God was her destiny to save Spain
eternal passion,
serve the King his vocation and destiny.

knew not want another flag!
knew no other way to walk!
knew not die otherwise!

Note: Units of English armies, with the exception of the Legion (who sings the Groom Death), regularity (the Regular Prayer) and Mountain (the Prayer Mountain Troops ) have adopted and adapted the sonnet as Tribute words, among the great 'homage to those who gave their lives for Spain. "

Its original title is Martyrs Tradition, and was first published on March 10, 1943, on the occasion of the Feast of the Martyrs of the English tradition. Its author is the poet Don Martin Burgos Hernando Garrido, Carlist Volunteer Regiment of Requetes "Burgos-Sangüesa" , age 40, already married. He died in 1984.

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Saturday, December 25, 2010

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Merry Christmas and a prosperous Year of Grace, 2011! Nativitatis

Core Loyalty has the honor of the Christmas card of Policy Secretariat CT:

"On behalf of Bearer of Tradition in the Carlismo and himself, the Secretariat SAR Policy Don Sixto Enrique de Borbón wish you a happy and holy Christmas. That

New Year Child God grant us closer to the restoration of His kingdom on the Spains and of all Christendom. "

Policy Secretariat SAR Don Sixto Enrique de Borbón
Traditionalist Communion
50,571 E-28080 Madrid

We adhere to the previous greeting CT Policy Secretariat and in its own name wish:

"Merry Christmas and a prosperous Year of Grace of 2011!"

Core Loyalty

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Friday, December 24, 2010

Mysore Mallige Chetna Snaps

mysterium - The mystery of Christmas

San Romano Cantor lacked the gift of singing. On one occasion, asked in prayer for this grace to the Blessed Virgin Mary. The Mother of God appeared in a vision dreams for the Vigil of Christmas, I gave a roll ( kontakion in Greek), and ordered him to eat it.

was how this holy monk, was endowed with intellect, the gift of music composition (for this is known as "melodic"). In this memorial, San Romano in a voice sang his first kontakion admirable :

Ἡ Παρθένος σήμερον τòν Ὑπερούσιον τίκτει ˙ καὶ ἡ γῆ τὸ Σπήλαιον tῷ aprositῳ angels after arraign ˙ ˙ Shepherds glorify Wizards star After he odoiporousi ˙ gar by us forward a little child was born, the pre centuries God.
This is what we hear played by Divna Ljubojevic in the video presented by Jerome The Attic.

on Christmas Hymn I, Proem

"The Virgin today gives birth to the Eternal
and the earth offers a cave to the Inaccessible.
Los Angeles and shepherds praise him, and magicians
advancing to the star:
because You were born to us,
Toddler, eternal God! ".

"Hodie Supersubstantiale Virgo parit, et terra Inaccessibili
specum offert. Eum cum Angeli
pastoribus glorifying, magi
iter faciunt cum stella:
quia natus est nobis pro
Infans Parvus Deus in aeternum! ".

San Romano Melodic Kontakion, 10, In diem Nativitatis Christi, Prooemium: SC 110, 50.

Nativitatis mysterium - The mystery of Christmas

"admirabile commercium O! The Creator of mankind, taking the body and soul, born of a virgin and became man without male competition gives us share in his divinity. "

"O admirabile commercium! Creator generis humani, animatum corpus sumens, de Virgine nasci dignatus est; et, procedens homo sine semine, largitus est nobis Suam deitatem».

In sollemnitate sanctae Dei Genetricis Mariae , Antiphona ad I et II Vesperas: Liturgia Horarum , editio typica, v. 1 (Typis Polyglottis Vaticanis 1973) p. 385 et 397.


Tuesday, December 21, 2010

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Il Professore, came to the Board Mary Zambrano's Circulo de Bellas Artes de Madrid, a few minutes past eleven in the morning. Polite as always, asked forgiveness for his mild hoarseness due to suffering from a cold few days ago. The author of The Name of the Rose (who turns 30 years after its first edition), appears with his perennial dress, wearing a hat and with his brown wooden cane. In the mouth plays with a black cigar tip, which shows throughout the interview.
Question: Simonini (the protagonist of his latest novel), is a real villain.
A: Smile. I, I created the character more nasty and despicable in the history of literature. A greedy Italian, Piedmontese, who lives in Paris. He hates Jews, the Masons and Jesuits, also is misogynist.
Q: How do you, the reader will welcome his character?.
A: I really do not know how the reader would welcome this character, or whether they might confuse truth and fiction. Perhaps this fear comes because I have created a melodramatic story and decided to create a novel based on a series of papers, maybe one of the most hated in recent history, based on the Learned Elders of Zion, reconstruct the history of anti-Semitism of the nineteenth century until the arrival of Hitler.
Q: It is assumed that the Elders of Zion, wrote a pamphlet anti-Jewish in Russia, which served as an excuse for the Nazis.
A: Yes, it was for many years as true, but in 1921 "The Times " reported that the document was false, however, from that time is taken as true Hitler even decide that the fact has been published calling it a fake made him an authentic document.
Q: What makes a novel like " Name de la Rosa "or" Cemetery Prague "become a bestseller?
A: The truth is that my readers have much stamina-smiles in The Ros Name , I read the book in many parts of Latin. In Baudolino , however I did read more than ten leaves in an invented language. Therefore, it is clear that my novels have to have something more than just history. I guess with the simple story would have a hundred thousand readers, but no more. However, in a month, only in Italy, has sold 600,000 books. I do not understand, maybe they have become all crazy, "he jokes. You may be are, because they vote for Berlusconi laughs.
Q: Your last novel (The cemetery in Prague) has been described as a "symphony of evil" by L'Osservatore Romano and by the Vatican.
A: Well, I think it's for both, the main character does not represent anyone in particular of the story. The only thing certain is that the statements of the Vatican, has been the best publicity for my book, which has led to increased sales of 100,000 copies.
P: Simonini (star) is a document forger for centuries, but that seems highly topical, as compared with Wikileaks leaks.
A: Yes, it's funny. Before, we thought of Orwell's Big Brother. The citizen felt secure, the state could know at every moment what he does or where it is, because you have spent and where, for example, you could know when and how he had traveled from Rome to Milan, or that you had bought at the supermarket , only to see the excerpt from your credit card or with whom and who you talked to your mobile phone.
But now the roles have been reversed, and it is the citizens that everything you see, everything is transparent and the power needs of a certain secret. Now, do not know what will happen. May become the messengers on horseback. Or maybe at a ball away see a gentleman and a mask, appears Obama, or that after a sweet lady, Mrs. Merkel is.
Q: It is said that Jewish society has criticized the book. Is it true?.
A: No, nothing like that, quite the opposite, including three Jewish organizations have invited me to present the book at the book fair in Jerusalem are very intelligent people, know the difference between character and author. Mary Shelley, created The Frankenstein Monster , but it was Mary Shelley's monster Frankenstein.
Q: Back to the novel. As already mentioned, the novel is based on the style nineteenth-century melodramatic. Even, it takes almost 60 illustrations in the old style.
A: Yes, and this is one of the biggest problems for the reader, since some of them have been made exclusively for the book, but some of them are original nineteenth century, so the reader has moments of reading, which you do not know if the story you are reading is real or fictional.
Q: Do you think today's society still exist document forgers?.
A: We are surrounded by forgers of the secret services and governments. The clearest and most recent example is the Iraq war, a war based on a documents stating that the government of Saddam was hiding weapons of mass destruction, and obviously, it was shown that these documents were false.
Q: Let's talk about today. Do you think that Berlusconi is a body being dragged to his death this policy or more alive than we all think?.
A: From crawling body and died there the figure of the vampire, Berlusconi is a zombie, an undead very dangerous.
Q: What do you think of the cultural cuts being carried out in Italy's finance minister?.
A: The finance minister of Italy, says that culture not eaten. I do not agree, you go to the Louvre museum and see if he eats culture.
Q: What is your opinion on the performance of the Northern League?.
R: In Italy, there is a section on the right that hates and intellectual culture, for many years. In addition, the government is ignorant and racist people. Populism is emerging in which parliament loses its function and only one person has control of the media.
But, do not look that far, should be careful, because in his country, this can happen.
Q: Lately northern Italy, comes to the fore the problems religious.
A: The religious story that runs Italy in recent days, talks about the ruling in favor of a radical Muslim man, who got his daughter go to music class with a headset so you do not listen to music, believes that his father, which could corrupt their religion.
The truth is that religion has often been an encouragement. Without it we would not have to Michelangelo or Raphael, but the fanaticism suppresses creativity.
Madrid December 13, 2010.

High Blood Pressure Pain Fingers

Sons of Santiago,

Hijos de Santiago, grandes son los Tercios

Oponiendo picas a caballos,
enfrentando arcabuces to boobies,
with the soul united by the same clergy:
the blood flowing protecting the Kingdom!

Blade of Burgundy, fluttering in the wind,
Sons of Santiago, larger the Thirds
Spades Squadron, flanks covered:
Only man is free who is not afraid!

Fight for your brother, die for your Kingdom,
lives for peace in this great Empire,
will never be defeated, if we are prisoners,
capitulate only after death!

The gorget of mail, leather vest, bib and back
saved me iron pikes
up with a song to Heaven:
never afraid if it goes in the column Third!

"Hymn of thirds"
Composition and Property Rights: Daniel Sánchez de la Hera

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Saturday, December 18, 2010

What Lighter Fluids Can You Use For A Zippo

Thirds larger the invocations of the Virgin as Patron of Hosts

invocations of the Virgin as Patron of Hosts

Basilicae Ecclesia Sanctae Minoris Occasorum Valle Crucis, seu "Santa Cruz Valley of the Fallen"

The side chapels of the nave

Throughout the ship, there are six side chapels dedicated to various representations of the Virgin Mary as patron of armies and their links to important aspects of the history of Spain. By order of entry, right: Immaculate Conception, Our Lady of Carmen (both are the work of Carlos Ferreira) and Our Lady of Loreto (Ramon Mateu), on the left, Our Lady of Africa (Ferreira), Our Lady of Merced (Ramón Lapayese) and Our Lady of Pilar (Mateu).

Chapel of the Immaculate

The Immaculate Conception is the patroness of Spain and the Infantry Weapon , and by extension covers the Army . The English troops were entrusted to her from the XVI century and the English universities became the "vote of the Immaculate", which the university pledged to defend the Marian privilege.

Each year in the second Vespers of the Immaculate Conception, with monks choirboys children made a procession to the chapel to renew a consecration to the Immaculate Conception is on all the monasteries of the Congregation of Solesmes from the beginning of this, because it also entrusted its founder, Dom Prosper Guéranger.

Capilla del Carmen

Our Lady of Mount Caramel is the Patron of the Navy and around the world sailor, as they appeared in the sea at St. Simon Stock Carmelite English. So it appears on a boat, often revered as fishermen. Several Latin American nations are also the national patron or some regions, and is the principal patron of Chile (Nuestra Señora del Carmen de Maipú).

On the feast of the Presentation of the Child Jesus and Purification of Mary (the Candelaria, February 2), at the beginning of the Mass takes place another beautiful procession of monks and choirboys children to the chapel since the mystery is represented in it.

Loreto Chapel

Our Lady of Loreto is the patron saint of Air Force. Is represented at home being transported by the angels, according to pious tradition.

Chapel African

Our Lady of Africa is a long tradition of patronage of Ceuta and in the territories that formed the English Morocco, where the uprising occurred which led to the conflict of 1936 - 39. The representation type is a late Byzantine piety.

Chapel de la Merced

La Virgen de la Merced, very rooted in Barcelona and Catalonia, has been highly revered in other parts of Spain, Europe and America, thanks to the Order of Friars Mercy, which born to free captive Christians in Islamic lands by paying ransom or even indulging themselves in exchange for them. Is primary or secondary patron of some nations such as Peru, Ecuador and Dominican Republic. The Mercy did a great missionary work in America and expanded their devotion there. In the basilica reminds all prisoners during the war of 1936-39 and who then redeemed through condemnation work.

Capilla del Pilar Nuestra Señora del Pilar
is Patrona de la Hispanidad and the Civil Guard . She's image seen in this chapel is absolutely original: instead of the typical representation, the artist has brought to the Virgin out of the column and the Baby Jesus is supporting a foot on it. On the one hand, has a functional motivation to exploit the space without the Virgin is very small in size. On the other hand, it can make a theological reading: Christ is the true cornerstone and he gets up around the church building.

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Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Anyone Similar To Denise Milani


tea was served in paper cup and also tasted like soap. Milk by hand, was cold, but the novel he was carrying in my hands, at least it was good. While the din that prevailed throughout the airport terminal in Madrid Barajas, did not allow me to conduct a quiet and peaceful reading, which I would like.
But the matter was not at least the four airport terminals of the capital, were jammed with people and suitcases, which came and went with no set course, because the reporting of Aena and airlines, were sent to one place to another without giving any explanation of why no flights out. Just some minor explanations, saying that air traffic controllers had been taken ill, or had felt indisposed, all at once and were recovering from their dizziness, curiously all together and limited partnerships, "in the great hall, an important and popular hotel, close to Madrid airport.
Chaos, mounted a boycott of the drivers was frightening, suddenly, people were queuing before, regular and quietly, before check-in, began to get excited, to seek clarification, to prosecute people Aena, and immediately ask for a credible and fair, which they deserved, and which no one gave them. The issue was beginning to become entrenched, as they passed the minutes and hours passed, the tragedy began to chew. A tragedy airport.
I, who only expected, it was not going anywhere, I closed my book, it was impossible to read, "and I walked around the terminal where I was, the noise and was generally not without reason, as this group of workers, who have a salary and would like others, with working hours, and would like others and that make his a frock coat and passed through the triumphal arch laws, and what Worse, the hopes and dreams of the people who pays their wages.
Many people are desperate, they looked like they were hovering over the dark shadow of the loss reserves of its flights and hotels abroad, others equipped with a huge number of suitcases and children, looked away as the opportunity to take their children to a French theme park, while they viewed as next to the dreams of their children in learning to Pluto, they went well, the thousands euros spent in the activity. Some, mostly foreigners, "were viewed as isolated in Madrid, without knowing the country, or language, because they were there waiting for a second flight to take them to their countries of origin. Others, not few, "put the voice in heaven, because of these individuals could not return to their jobs on time, and thought-not without reason that this occurrence could cost them their job. A young woman of about twenty, was crying in a corner sitting on a pink suitcase, while habalba by phone, telling his interlocutor, or much changed the going to a movie or having to cancel the wedding, quite simply, that the bride, she was not going to be on time to the altar.
The timing of the peak, came when he joined them, the group of passengers who were evacuated from a transcontinental flight when their plane and rolled down the runway. The issue was tricky, very tricky. Threatening and disillusioned voices were heard above everyone else. Many do not even know that was the inability to fly, when they had reached the first journalists cover the news. Everything was in chaos, queues multiplied by dozens of desks, insults and bad manners, I repeat, that with all the right, is repeated every time in more languages \u200b\u200band the desperation of many, who saw no other way to get their destination, "you could see and chewed on the environment.
But as in most cases of despair and collective bad mood, there was one thing, incredible, memorable. Near where was the bulk of the blame and outrage, a group of people, of various ages and both sexes began to sing with angelic voices deep, a group of heavenly voices within human bodies amid situation stifling, where the burden and poor baba was constant.
group vocals, started to carry out an operetta song, warming the vocal cords. Suddenly, everyone turned around, or we turn, "towards them, suddenly, the general buzz and the voices started to decline gradually, reaching a moment few seconds, when most of the terminal remained silent, listening and marveling at the track a cappella interpreted by this group. Group on the other hand, waiting for a flight to come to an appearance in London, he spent waiting to be tested.
When the group stopped in the practice of testing with this first issue, the noise returned to the terminal, voices took over again from people who saw the bridge flying, crying because they can not reach your own wedding, and the faces of children and parents disappointed because of some individuals who charge more than they deserve and ask the street people who understand the incomprehensible.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

How Can We Get Rid Of Baby's Phlegm?

On Sunday, the day of rest (Dies Domini, 64-68) starts with Christ Christmas

On Sunday, a day of rest

John Paul II, Apostolic Letter Dies Domini on the sanctification of Sunday (May 31 , 1998)

Rest Day

For several centuries Christians have lived only on Sunday as a day of worship, without being able to relate to the specific meaning of Sabbath rest. Only in the fourth century, the civil law of the Roman Empire recognize the weekly, providing that in the "Day of the Sun 'judges populations of cities and corporations in the trades cease to work. [107] The Christians rejoiced to see and overcome the obstacles which until then had done heroic times the Lord's Day observance. They could devote themselves to prayer and without disabilities together. [108]

It would be wrong to see legislation that respects the rhythm of the week a mere historical circumstance with no value to the Church and that she could leave. The Councils have maintained, even after the fall of the Empire, the provisions relating to Sunday rest. In countries where Christians are a small number and where public holidays the calendar does not correspond to the Sunday, this is always the Lord's Day, the day when the faithful gather for the Eucharistic assembly. This, however, costs no small sacrifice. For Christians it is not normal that Sunday, a day of celebration and joy, there is also the day of rest, and it is certainly difficult for them to "sanctify Sunday by not having enough free time.

65. Moreover, the relationship between the Lord's day and the day of rest in the civil society has an importance and significance that are beyond strictly Christian perspective. In fact, the alternation between work and rest, characteristic of human nature, is willed by God Himself, as appears from the passage of creation in the Book of Genesis (cf. 2.2 to 3; Ex 20.8 to 11): the Rest is something "sacred" for man to be the condition for release of the series, sometimes too absorbent, land commitments and realize that everything is God's work. The prodigious power which God gives man over creation would be in danger of making him forget that God is the Creator, from which everything depends. In our time is more urgent this recognition, for science and technology have expanded incredibly power which man exercises through his work.

66. should therefore not lose sight that even today, work is for many a hard service, either by the miserable conditions under which it performs and schedules it imposes, especially in the poorest regions world, either because they remain, in the most economically developed societies themselves, too many cases of injustice and abuse of man by man himself. When the Church over the centuries, has legislated on Sunday rest, [109] has considered mainly the work of the servants and workers, not because it was a less worthy about the spiritual demands of practice Sunday, but because it was the most in need of legislation to do it more bearable and allow all the Lord's day holy. In this regard, my Predecessor Leo XIII in the encyclical Rerum Novarum presented the Sunday rest as a worker's right that the State must guarantee. [110]

still governs our historical context of the obligation to strive for everyone to enjoy freedom, rest and relaxation are necessary for the dignity of men, with demands for religious, family, cultural and interpersonal , which can hardly be met if not safeguarded at least one day off per week in which to enjoy together the opportunity to rest and to celebrate. Obviously the right of workers to rest presupposes their right to work and, as we reflect on this issue on the Christian understanding of Sunday, we remember with deep sympathy for the discomfort of many men and women who, for lack of work, are forced in days of inactivity.

67. Through Sunday rest, daily concerns and tasks can find their proper perspective: the material things about which we worry give way to spiritual values, the people with whom we live, in the encounter and dialogue more serene, its true face. The beauties of nature too often marred by logic, which turns against man can be rediscovered and enjoyed. Day of peace with God, with himself and his fellows, Sunday is also a time when man is invited to take a look regenerated on the wonders of nature, drifting in the wonderful and mysterious harmony, as St. Ambrose, by a "inviolable law of harmony and love," connecting the various elements of the cosmos in a "bond of unity and peace." [111] He then becomes aware, in the words of the Apostle, that "Everything God created is good and has not refuse any food that is eaten with thanksgiving, for it is sanctified by the Word of God and prayer" ( 1 Tm 4:4-5). Therefore, if after six days of work, and for many small five-man looking for a time of relaxation and attention to other aspects of life, it meets a genuine need, in full harmony with the perspective the Gospel message. The believer is thus called upon to meet this demand, combined with expressions of their personal faith and community, manifested in the celebration and sanctification of the Lord's day.

Therefore, it is natural for Christians to ensure that, even in the special circumstances of our time, the civil law takes into account their duty to keep Sunday holy. However, a duty of conscience is the organization of Sunday rest so that they can participate in the Eucharist, refraining from work and cases incompatible with the sanctification of the Lord's day, with characteristic joy and spirit needed rest and body. [112]

68. addition, since the break it, so it is not something empty or cause of boredom, must of spiritual enrichment, greater freedom, possibility of contemplation and fraternal communion, the faithful have to choose between mass culture and entertainment which society offers, which are more in line with a life consistent with the precepts of the Gospel. In this perspective, the lively Sunday rest and acquires a "prophetic", claiming not only the absolute primacy of God, but also the primacy and dignity of the person in relation to the demands of social and economic life, anticipating, in way, the "new heavens" and the "new earth" where the liberation from the bondage of the needs will be final and total. In short, the Lord's Day thus becomes also, in the most proper way, the day of man . NOTES

[107] Cf
Edict of Constantine, 321 July 3: II Theodosian Code, tit. 8, 1, ed. T. Mommsen, 12, 87; Iustiniani Codex, 3, 12, 2, ed. P. Krueger, 248.

[108] Cf Eusebius, Life of Constantine , 4, 18: PG 20, 1165.

[109] The oldest church document on this subject is the canon 29 of the Council of Laodicea (second half of the fourth century): Mansi, II, 569-570. From the sixth to the ninth century many Councils banned "Ruralia operates." The legislation on prohibited work, supported also by civil law, was increasingly precise.

[110] Cf Enc. Rerum Novarum (May 15, 1891): Acta Leonis XIII 11 (1891), 127-128.

[111] Hex. 2, 1, 1: CSEL 321, 41.

[112] Cf Code Canon Law, can. 1247; Code of Canons of the Eastern Churches , can. § § 881 1.4.

☩ ☩ ☩

Friday, December 10, 2010

Pokemon Thats Works On Mac

He's on His way. Christmas starts with Christ

He is coming.
Christmas begins with Christ

"Rorate, caeli, DESUP, et clouds pluant iustum:
aperiátur terra, et gérminet Salvatorem
." ( Isai . 45, 8)

"Oh heavens, pour your dew from above, and the clouds rain down the just: let the earth open
and shoot the Savior." (
Isai . 45, 8)

☩ ☩ ☩

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Building A Truck Tool Box


Like so many photos already mentioned and described on this page, today, also hangs on one wall of my house along with many others that maybe someday or maybe not, "leaving it up to any of the subjects. The
today is one of my favorites, unlike the others discussed in this humble publication, which is shown above, catches us all much more closely, for two basic reasons. Its author is English, and is being shown in it, at first glance, the figure of a child on a group of people-shows at the bottom, which was an important moment in the history of this country-Spain- . To make matters worse, is a relatively recent image that reflects the brand's most important political change in recent decades.
The photo in question was taken one day in 1976, one of the demonstrations for democracy, this snapshot was taken by a leading photographer, a man who was able to portray the English transition as few, or rather, as one, and then begin working with less than eighteen years to Europa Press, went to take pictures on request, for entertainment and the world of cinema, both English and American. His name is Cesar Lucas, and has recently retired after fifty years behind a camera.
But let's get the picture and what it evokes, which in the end, that's the job of the photo and that made it, you know, this office to observe and show others what they see, that job is be assessed, as must also assess the reporters today, put their lives at war war or natural disaster, a catastrophe natural, to become our eyes and show us what happens in the far side of the globe.
I said, the photo is located on a street indeterminate, a city of our Cain undetermined country. Madrid possibly everyone to think what he wants, so here is the least of it would be another picture of a demonstration in pursuit of freedom, democracy or the legalization of certain political parties, but except for one thing different, an element that gives it that touch of sufficiency and that has made him stay in the photographic collections of the twentieth century. The multitude of heads of anonymous people, and on the shoulders of his father, stands a boy of no more of six or seven years, with blond hair and fists.
The photo is an ode to freedom, the idea of \u200b\u200bchange from a somewhat unusual situation in a country supposedly evolved, showing the transformation of this country, and the possibility of investing this in a more hopeful future, where all had rights and obligations, where everyone could choose what they wanted to be and have. It was that time where you put the images of English life between black and white and color. The moment in which young people had the opportunity to take his favorite records of Joan Manuel Serrat and the Chilean Victor Jara without having to risk their freedom, or they could leave to buy under the counter and inquiring gaze of the statue of Cascorro, books with tens of Violeta Parra and the love poems of Pablo Neruda and loneliness. Where you could go to listen to the songs quietly disappeared group La Mandragora, in the antrum, also disappeared, "the same name, where Joaquín Sabina, Javier Krahe and Alberto Pérez, began to make his first public appearances, without fear that Gray will bring forth out of the race there.
But the reality was not as pretty, as it never is reality, "as surely as Cesar Lucas took this snapshot of the smiling boy on the shoulders of his father, it is likely that somewhere in the city a Gunmen, bloody puppets manipulated like other more powerful individuals, cleaned and polished the guns taken out, to be assassinated a year later, some labor lawyers at 55 Atocha Street. Without knowing too, that by then, most likely, a group of lazy olive green uniform, they sought a scapegoat for the perpetrators of the coup of 81 February.
Now, while taking a cut and I write these lines in the central coffee Nuncio in Spain's capital, I imagine this child thirty-four years later. Sitting at home, with his gray hair and their entries in a straight hair, and his little belly emerging above the belt. Spain observing and analyzing the current, tired, jaded, disillusioned with what he sees every day and seeing so far on whether the country he and his father once dreamed of, and left behind, as far as the French May and sand under the cobblestones. Because of a stale political class and illiterate, a political class that in some cases, changed his shirt embroidered blue suit and red tie, but not his thought. And on the other, has changed the ideas of Paul Church, for a vacation in the Bahamas and a high-powered German car. Together, the two groups after each session, to eat at the table, patting on the back and bragging of what they've done to this country, our country.