Te Deum
By Christian faithful to recite the thanksgiving Te Deum hymn , partial indulgence is granted. The plenary indulgence is si lo recita públicamente el último día del año.
– Plenaria indulgentia conceditur christifideli qui, in ecclesia vel oratorio, devote interfuerit sollemni cantui vel recitationi: hymni Te Deum , ultima anni die, ad gratias Deo referendas pro beneficiis totius anni decursu acceptis. Enchiridion indulgentiarum (16 iulii 1999), conc. 26 § 1, 2°.
Veni, Creator
Al fiel cristiano que rece devotamente el himno Ven, Espíritu creador , se le concede indulgencia parcial. La indulgencia será plenaria el día 1 de enero y en la solemnidad de Pentecostés, si este himno se reza públicamente.
– Plenaria indulgentia conceditur christifideli qui, in ecclesia vel oratorio, devote interfuerit sollemni cantui vel recitationi: hymni Veni, Creator , vel prima anni die ad divinam opem pro totius anni decursu implorandam; vel in sollemnitate Pentecostes. Enchiridion indulgentiarum (16 iulii 1999), conc. 26 § 1, 1°.
Te Deum
A Ti, oh Dios, alabamos,
a Ti, Señor, confesamos.
A Ti, eterno Padre,
venera toda la tierra.
A Ti, los ángeles todos,
a Ti, los cielos y todas las potestades.
A Ti, los querubines y los serafines
con ceaseless voice proclaim:
Holy, Holy, Holy Lord God of Hosts
are full
heavens and the earth of the majesty of thy glory.
hails Thee the glorious choir of Apostles,
venerable number of Prophets, the radiant
Army of Martyrs.
to you the holy Church,
throughout the land, I confess:
Father of immense majesty,
also swears by your true and only Son,
and the Holy Spirit Paraclete.
O Christ Thou art the King of glory.
You are the Father's eternal Son. You
, to free the man, not shun
in lowering the womb of the Virgin. You
, overcoming the sting of death,
opened to believers the kingdom of heaven.
You are seated at the right hand of God
in the glory of the Father.
We'll be back as a judge of the world.
To you, therefore we ask that you remember your servants, whom
redeemed by your precious blood. Make
with your saints
be counted in eternal glory. Salva
Lord, your people and bless thine inheritance
and Rigel
and lead them to eternity.
Each and every one of our day we bless and praise thy name
for ever and ever.
Deign, Lord, on this day
keep us from sin.
Have mercy on us, Lord, have mercy on us
Descend on us Lord, your mercy,
as we expected from you.
In you, Lord, I waited,
not be confounded forever.
Veni Creator
Come, Creator Spirit, visit
souls of the faithful
filled with Thy grace, hearts
you created. You
, who called the Paraclete,
gift of God Almighty,
living fountain, fire, love and spiritual
You bestow upon us the seven gifts;
Thou, finger of the right hand of the Father;
You, faithful promise of the Father;
that inspire our words. Ilumina
our senses;
pour your love into our hearts;
and, with your perpetual help,
strengthens the weakness of our body.
away from us the enemy, soon give us peace
be our leader and our guide,
to avoid all evil.
For you know the Father, the Son
also reveal to us;
Believe in you, His Spirit,
for ever and ever
Glory to God the Father and the Son
and the Holy Comforter,
for ever and ever. Amen.
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