Saturday, December 18, 2010

What Lighter Fluids Can You Use For A Zippo

Thirds larger the invocations of the Virgin as Patron of Hosts

invocations of the Virgin as Patron of Hosts

Basilicae Ecclesia Sanctae Minoris Occasorum Valle Crucis, seu "Santa Cruz Valley of the Fallen"

The side chapels of the nave

Throughout the ship, there are six side chapels dedicated to various representations of the Virgin Mary as patron of armies and their links to important aspects of the history of Spain. By order of entry, right: Immaculate Conception, Our Lady of Carmen (both are the work of Carlos Ferreira) and Our Lady of Loreto (Ramon Mateu), on the left, Our Lady of Africa (Ferreira), Our Lady of Merced (Ramón Lapayese) and Our Lady of Pilar (Mateu).

Chapel of the Immaculate

The Immaculate Conception is the patroness of Spain and the Infantry Weapon , and by extension covers the Army . The English troops were entrusted to her from the XVI century and the English universities became the "vote of the Immaculate", which the university pledged to defend the Marian privilege.

Each year in the second Vespers of the Immaculate Conception, with monks choirboys children made a procession to the chapel to renew a consecration to the Immaculate Conception is on all the monasteries of the Congregation of Solesmes from the beginning of this, because it also entrusted its founder, Dom Prosper Guéranger.

Capilla del Carmen

Our Lady of Mount Caramel is the Patron of the Navy and around the world sailor, as they appeared in the sea at St. Simon Stock Carmelite English. So it appears on a boat, often revered as fishermen. Several Latin American nations are also the national patron or some regions, and is the principal patron of Chile (Nuestra Señora del Carmen de Maipú).

On the feast of the Presentation of the Child Jesus and Purification of Mary (the Candelaria, February 2), at the beginning of the Mass takes place another beautiful procession of monks and choirboys children to the chapel since the mystery is represented in it.

Loreto Chapel

Our Lady of Loreto is the patron saint of Air Force. Is represented at home being transported by the angels, according to pious tradition.

Chapel African

Our Lady of Africa is a long tradition of patronage of Ceuta and in the territories that formed the English Morocco, where the uprising occurred which led to the conflict of 1936 - 39. The representation type is a late Byzantine piety.

Chapel de la Merced

La Virgen de la Merced, very rooted in Barcelona and Catalonia, has been highly revered in other parts of Spain, Europe and America, thanks to the Order of Friars Mercy, which born to free captive Christians in Islamic lands by paying ransom or even indulging themselves in exchange for them. Is primary or secondary patron of some nations such as Peru, Ecuador and Dominican Republic. The Mercy did a great missionary work in America and expanded their devotion there. In the basilica reminds all prisoners during the war of 1936-39 and who then redeemed through condemnation work.

Capilla del Pilar Nuestra Señora del Pilar
is Patrona de la Hispanidad and the Civil Guard . She's image seen in this chapel is absolutely original: instead of the typical representation, the artist has brought to the Virgin out of the column and the Baby Jesus is supporting a foot on it. On the one hand, has a functional motivation to exploit the space without the Virgin is very small in size. On the other hand, it can make a theological reading: Christ is the true cornerstone and he gets up around the church building.

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