Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Jailbroken Iphone Yellow Pokemon


Il Professore, came to the Board Mary Zambrano's Circulo de Bellas Artes de Madrid, a few minutes past eleven in the morning. Polite as always, asked forgiveness for his mild hoarseness due to suffering from a cold few days ago. The author of The Name of the Rose (who turns 30 years after its first edition), appears with his perennial dress, wearing a hat and with his brown wooden cane. In the mouth plays with a black cigar tip, which shows throughout the interview.
Question: Simonini (the protagonist of his latest novel), is a real villain.
A: Smile. I, I created the character more nasty and despicable in the history of literature. A greedy Italian, Piedmontese, who lives in Paris. He hates Jews, the Masons and Jesuits, also is misogynist.
Q: How do you, the reader will welcome his character?.
A: I really do not know how the reader would welcome this character, or whether they might confuse truth and fiction. Perhaps this fear comes because I have created a melodramatic story and decided to create a novel based on a series of papers, maybe one of the most hated in recent history, based on the Learned Elders of Zion, reconstruct the history of anti-Semitism of the nineteenth century until the arrival of Hitler.
Q: It is assumed that the Elders of Zion, wrote a pamphlet anti-Jewish in Russia, which served as an excuse for the Nazis.
A: Yes, it was for many years as true, but in 1921 "The Times " reported that the document was false, however, from that time is taken as true Hitler even decide that the fact has been published calling it a fake made him an authentic document.
Q: What makes a novel like " Name de la Rosa "or" Cemetery Prague "become a bestseller?
A: The truth is that my readers have much stamina-smiles in The Ros Name , I read the book in many parts of Latin. In Baudolino , however I did read more than ten leaves in an invented language. Therefore, it is clear that my novels have to have something more than just history. I guess with the simple story would have a hundred thousand readers, but no more. However, in a month, only in Italy, has sold 600,000 books. I do not understand, maybe they have become all crazy, "he jokes. You may be are, because they vote for Berlusconi laughs.
Q: Your last novel (The cemetery in Prague) has been described as a "symphony of evil" by L'Osservatore Romano and by the Vatican.
A: Well, I think it's for both, the main character does not represent anyone in particular of the story. The only thing certain is that the statements of the Vatican, has been the best publicity for my book, which has led to increased sales of 100,000 copies.
P: Simonini (star) is a document forger for centuries, but that seems highly topical, as compared with Wikileaks leaks.
A: Yes, it's funny. Before, we thought of Orwell's Big Brother. The citizen felt secure, the state could know at every moment what he does or where it is, because you have spent and where, for example, you could know when and how he had traveled from Rome to Milan, or that you had bought at the supermarket , only to see the excerpt from your credit card or with whom and who you talked to your mobile phone.
But now the roles have been reversed, and it is the citizens that everything you see, everything is transparent and the power needs of a certain secret. Now, do not know what will happen. May become the messengers on horseback. Or maybe at a ball away see a gentleman and a mask, appears Obama, or that after a sweet lady, Mrs. Merkel is.
Q: It is said that Jewish society has criticized the book. Is it true?.
A: No, nothing like that, quite the opposite, including three Jewish organizations have invited me to present the book at the book fair in Jerusalem are very intelligent people, know the difference between character and author. Mary Shelley, created The Frankenstein Monster , but it was Mary Shelley's monster Frankenstein.
Q: Back to the novel. As already mentioned, the novel is based on the style nineteenth-century melodramatic. Even, it takes almost 60 illustrations in the old style.
A: Yes, and this is one of the biggest problems for the reader, since some of them have been made exclusively for the book, but some of them are original nineteenth century, so the reader has moments of reading, which you do not know if the story you are reading is real or fictional.
Q: Do you think today's society still exist document forgers?.
A: We are surrounded by forgers of the secret services and governments. The clearest and most recent example is the Iraq war, a war based on a documents stating that the government of Saddam was hiding weapons of mass destruction, and obviously, it was shown that these documents were false.
Q: Let's talk about today. Do you think that Berlusconi is a body being dragged to his death this policy or more alive than we all think?.
A: From crawling body and died there the figure of the vampire, Berlusconi is a zombie, an undead very dangerous.
Q: What do you think of the cultural cuts being carried out in Italy's finance minister?.
A: The finance minister of Italy, says that culture not eaten. I do not agree, you go to the Louvre museum and see if he eats culture.
Q: What is your opinion on the performance of the Northern League?.
R: In Italy, there is a section on the right that hates and intellectual culture, for many years. In addition, the government is ignorant and racist people. Populism is emerging in which parliament loses its function and only one person has control of the media.
But, do not look that far, should be careful, because in his country, this can happen.
Q: Lately northern Italy, comes to the fore the problems religious.
A: The religious story that runs Italy in recent days, talks about the ruling in favor of a radical Muslim man, who got his daughter go to music class with a headset so you do not listen to music, believes that his father, which could corrupt their religion.
The truth is that religion has often been an encouragement. Without it we would not have to Michelangelo or Raphael, but the fanaticism suppresses creativity.
Madrid December 13, 2010.


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