Friday, December 24, 2010

Mysore Mallige Chetna Snaps

mysterium - The mystery of Christmas

San Romano Cantor lacked the gift of singing. On one occasion, asked in prayer for this grace to the Blessed Virgin Mary. The Mother of God appeared in a vision dreams for the Vigil of Christmas, I gave a roll ( kontakion in Greek), and ordered him to eat it.

was how this holy monk, was endowed with intellect, the gift of music composition (for this is known as "melodic"). In this memorial, San Romano in a voice sang his first kontakion admirable :

Ἡ Παρθένος σήμερον τòν Ὑπερούσιον τίκτει ˙ καὶ ἡ γῆ τὸ Σπήλαιον tῷ aprositῳ angels after arraign ˙ ˙ Shepherds glorify Wizards star After he odoiporousi ˙ gar by us forward a little child was born, the pre centuries God.
This is what we hear played by Divna Ljubojevic in the video presented by Jerome The Attic.

on Christmas Hymn I, Proem

"The Virgin today gives birth to the Eternal
and the earth offers a cave to the Inaccessible.
Los Angeles and shepherds praise him, and magicians
advancing to the star:
because You were born to us,
Toddler, eternal God! ".

"Hodie Supersubstantiale Virgo parit, et terra Inaccessibili
specum offert. Eum cum Angeli
pastoribus glorifying, magi
iter faciunt cum stella:
quia natus est nobis pro
Infans Parvus Deus in aeternum! ".

San Romano Melodic Kontakion, 10, In diem Nativitatis Christi, Prooemium: SC 110, 50.

Nativitatis mysterium - The mystery of Christmas

"admirabile commercium O! The Creator of mankind, taking the body and soul, born of a virgin and became man without male competition gives us share in his divinity. "

"O admirabile commercium! Creator generis humani, animatum corpus sumens, de Virgine nasci dignatus est; et, procedens homo sine semine, largitus est nobis Suam deitatem».

In sollemnitate sanctae Dei Genetricis Mariae , Antiphona ad I et II Vesperas: Liturgia Horarum , editio typica, v. 1 (Typis Polyglottis Vaticanis 1973) p. 385 et 397.



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