Friday, October 31, 2008

Does Sugar Affect Periods

Mari, Dan Brown and the primeval matriarchy (I) 2006 Hastings

When in 1861 Johann Jakob Bachofen published Das Mutterrecht certainly was not aware that was rolling.

In this work, titled "The Maternity Law, "this Swiss anthropologist established a theoretical model which humanity would have gone through four evolutionary stages: an initial, called Hetairos, which prevailed a great sexual promiscuity and the pairings were not stable, another called gynaecocracy-usually identified with "matriarchy" - in which the family would have organized around the mother, to a phase transition Dionysian eventually would lead the current patriarchy.

This social structure have been matched in the mythical world, so initially worshiped a Mother Goddess, associated with fertility, more later replaced by male deities of warlike character, something that in Europe approximately coincide with the arrival of Indo-European peoples. To establish this, Bachofen and his followers were based on the prehistoric Venus sculptures, or in other references in mythological texts such as Theogony of Hesiod, who presents a universe dominated by the goddess Gea before the arrival of Zeus and Olympic pantheon.

Needless to say, these ideas have had a warm welcome feminist thinking and widely reported in the literature of fiction. Ayla enough to remember, the demure supermodel caveman protagonist of Clan of the Cave Bear and its consequences, ultimately responsible for all the technological advances that occurred during the Upper Paleolithic, in a large monograph on gender in prehistory.

The problem is that the theoretical model of Bachofen is widely questioned by modern scholars: anthropology has never been documented, nor between the current "primitive peoples" no trace in historical texts, societies as he describes. Simply speaking, never existed matriarchal peoples, defined as one in which women play the same role as men in patriarchal meet: we can only speak of the existence concrete features as the descent through the mother or matrilocal.

messing To finish, in 1921 Margaret Murray published his The Witch-Cult in Western Europe , that the persecution of witches during the XV-XVII centuries have been, in fact, a cult disguised repression precristano focused on the goddess Diana, led by a kind of women priests. In this way, covens were only orgiastic rituals related to the cult of fertility.

Again, this does not hold or pins and so Murray's theories have been widely refuted. Actually, practices and beliefs attributed to the inquisitors witches were nothing more than a sadistic and crazy cluster of deception, a mere projection of his own fears. Where there was a Christ, created an Antichrist, and where there was a church built a Antiglesia endowed with some rituals that were only a macabre parody of themselves. In short, there is nothing that would argue that these poor women were more than just heads of Turkish in a kind of collective psychosis. If a child disappeared, was because the witch had kidnapped. If someone got sick, it was because of his spells. Erection Problems? Blame a witch. But that assumption

clandestine worship the Mother Goddess has also been their impact within the fiction, and this, in turn, has reached the general public. Works like The Mists of Avalon by Marion Zimmer Bradley have finished consolidating an antagonistic view a "pagan" matriarchal, tolerant and good vibes, as opposed to patriarchal Christianity and totalitarian, clad in a cassock and sackcloth, which has had its peak in The Da Vinci Code. In this novel, Dan Brown introduces us to a beatific glimpses of NGOs sect known as the Priory of Sion , heir to the priesthood witch. The author succeeds brilliantly demonstrate that Leonardo Da Vinci himself was part of that society Gioconda secret and is only a representation of the pagan symbiosis between being male and female, which is perfectly reflected in its name: Mona Lisa, that is, Amon L'Isa, ie Ammon-Isis .

And you have to fuck.

The popularization of the ideas of Murray has led to a large extent, a "twist" to Bachofen, and therefore in some ways, it has been more Catholic than the Pope. In fact, the anthropologist spoke of a cult of prehistoric Mother Goddess, before the creation of myths like the Greek, Roman, Celtic, Egyptian, Persian and Germanic. And that is absolutely unsustainable these people were matriarchal, where, without going any further, the same Hesiod, whose work holds the antagonism between Gaia and Zeus, described Pandora, the first woman, with a completely misogynistic terms. Continued ...


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