Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Female Genitle Tattoos

requetés officers and soldiers. 1937 (Sheet Kemer)

Carlismo Romanticism is not

Carlismo and Romanticism. - Satires. - Generations Carlist. - Attitude of sacrifice.

Carlismo and Romanticism

The Carlismo against any deceptive appearance, not a romantic cause. Although his exploits and his men may have been used on occasion to occasion a romantic writers, the ideology is very clearly a classic tilt as it searches the standard, the subject, panning and order, insubordination against all those that made Gallic romanticism, but rather may get along and thrive in a world of liberal tone, which only can fit the carefree, anarchic sentimentality, agnosticism, revolutions, etc., that characterize the romantic.

Carlismo not forget that, just to rest on a religious basis, it must be against the three R enemy of Catholicism pointing Donoso Cortés: R EFORM , R development and R omanticismo. And if this were not enough, for military, military, Carlism can not have any association with romance. The political Carlismo, which has immense influence on military Carlismo is rough, tough and flexible at the same time. Perhaps as Basque meaning of the name of their leader, General Zumalacárregui [1], which certainly had nothing romantic, but Jarnes entitled his biography: Zumalacárregui: Caudillo romantic. Casariego Evaristo Jesus tells us

"I know some may say that romance is the default, but I hasten to say that the Carlismo has been over a century and a beak, just a rebellion against rebellion. The rebels were liberals, and so they are known in the copious official documents of Charles V and Charles VII. The Carlist represented historical continuity was broken at the death of Fernando VII. Mella has about this beautiful and definitive judgments. Nothing was

Carlism romantic. On the other hand, yes, it was regarded very romantically by some foreign and Labadie, Maistre, and Marx himself, who in 1849 in articles he published in the Gazette New Renana saw in the struggles of Carlos V a simple hoist of the Basques "oppressed", forgetting the national extension of that war and patriotism that animated English.

However, other writers and politicians of the romantic era in the Carlismo see something classic. Borrow, in his book The Bible in Spain, said that our civil wars were made normally produced by the collision between the revolutionary right (romantic) and old (classic) "[2].

Perhaps the wrong view of Carlismo due to the fact that his deeds, his deeds, as we said before, served as the reason for his works of such romantic writers, bohemians, atheists and revolutionaries. No bit has contributed to it which Valle Inclán, Pío Baroja and Unamuno to devote to issues Carlist some of your pages. Satires

from there to consider as a matter of written Carlismo humorous there is only one step, oddly enough. Not a few jokes and satirical comments made the revolutionary liberal press, which usually were filled with bloody irony against the people and ideas of the Cause. At Carlismo be the glory of that most of them what was done was, without realizing, a real compliment, because the joke was actually addressed to the religious spirit, sense of Carlismo authoritarian, patriotic, their sense traditional anti-revolutionary, all of which, indeed, were it not for the vulgar and vile way that used to go coated Carlist had no shame and less disturbed.

When back in 1920, word got out that Don Jaime moved to America, a popular magazine mocked Madrid and the Carlist (then called jaimistas):

"France has its nationalism, and Portugal, the Michaels. In both parties, as in our Carlist are serious people, clean, Nobleman and love of comfort. They tend to dress well and eat at fancy restaurants. We all know that do not offer the slightest danger, they will never hurt anyone, but we like his manner of conspirators well educated, or hear them talk about the "sir" and say "where are cast into the field." We know they have a beret in a closet, a red beret, and many times we asked for it. Now, Prince and what will make this beret, phrases lyrics and airéenlo of conspirators? ".

not resist us, of course, to use these "funny" tirades of "smart" humor, so, relying on them to comment that although today is not today, it's had for twenty years and although not desirable, let alone, come back to have it, it would always be useful to consider because there are always people to take a joke things that are revered by others, say and discredit genuine minutiae as diviners of things to come . Just Don Jaime, which some have been assumed due to lack of interest in governing, was never afraid, and had said accent rather categorical: "Never has the terror of the wrath terrorists make me go back a single step on the path of duty. I am English and my program there is no room for fear. "[3].

Columns of Thought Navarro, Pamplona, \u200b\u200bSAB said well-known with its unique style, this humorous text:

"If men who wanted to take it all a joke, he stopped once to think before the cataclysms that have done nothing to avoid, might say, many absurdities and idiocies we said in our life! Because that comedian you've seen and what "our Carlist" have done with the red beret. To him took the Uprising in Madrid, and despite his liberalism, his republicanism, his jokes against Don Jaime and jaimistas, had to seek safe shelter to avoid being "paseasen." You may then wish that the Red Berets entered the capital of Spain to give you freedom. Anyway, when he could get out of this hell to return to Spain, from the border to the very advanced, in thousands of funeral processions, in hospital beds, he saw the red berets that he tries to ridicule, and that the July 19 will put thousands of men of heart, while hiding their ridicule and remained unmoved because he died for God and Spain was not with them because was a guy thing. Because Don Jaime and Carlist to "pose" of conspirators, who spoke of "take the field for times of danger for the country, created this breed of heroes, the ones who did not create anything, unless it was grass and meat militants, were the comedians, somewhat Voltaireans, which make you laugh at those of his ilk, injustice committed to mock what he deserved applause and only over time would be honored with a national tribute, because before they had honored the that were the red beret to die for her and her defense of the homeland "[4]. Generations


And it should be noted, if you valued what the Carlismo, which is not a "pose" an attitude or accidental and transitory, or invented a light ideal for a man, but rather a kind of law of inheritance that has now reached six generations, which are incorporated, voluntarily, new conviction that rational men and sentimental dedication devoted to the cause all they are and have, and, above all, care about teaching their kids the ideal attitude, history and proud to be a Carlist, who at least have, as one writer said, "the conscience of sins against Spain," a loyal following, a great selflessness and detachment, and continued renunciation in the hours that others not so detached, easily jumped the wall that exists between the "serve" and "use." Attitude


In the old English families, many of whom were children of all political stripes during the years of liberal decomposition was already known, by a kind of law that he who ascribed Carlism poured upon him the heavy burden of a service alert and tense, an integrity that seemed at times exaggerated, of a scrupulous not used, and on that slab climbed lots of elves, who was martyred under censoring their attitude to which the accused even un-Christian, cross it off after a little practice, effective, comprehensive, etc. But those men were not cowards, or a wrong ... because the time was spent on them after the reason ... What were they then? History has judged harshly, but that hardness can be found perhaps the highest praise, because there was a need men who dedicate themselves to be. As a reward for it, just waiting for two things: to die quiet, very quiet, very happy, when I arrived on time, and some see in life, which from time to time, thanks to their attitude, in addition to saving ideas, Spain was saved from a cataclysmic .

Casariego, Evaristo Jesus: The Truth of Traditionalism . - Madrid, 1940. Talleres Gráficos, Ibiza, 11, reminds us that zuma means in Basque: wicker and Lakarra : rough, tough (p. 132).

[2] Casariego: Op. cit. , pg. 134.

[3] Burgo, Jaime del: Requetes Rise in Navarre before . - English Editorial, SA San Sebastián, 1939.

[4] SAB: The bankruptcy of humor. dew. - "El Pensamiento Navarro." Pamplona, \u200b\u200bFebruary 25, 1939. SOURCE

L. J. Redondo and Commander Zavala, The Requete. - Barcelona, \u200b\u200b1957. Editorial AHR (pp. 32-36).

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