Saturday, January 1, 2011

Star Wars Mya Diamond

Happy Year of Grace, 2011!

Core Loyalty has the honor to reiterate the wishes for the Year of Grace 2011 of Policy Secretariat SAR Don Sixto Enrique de Borbón, whom God preserve many years

"May the New Year Child God grant us closer to the restoration of His kingdom on the Spains and on Christianity whole. "

Prayer to be recited on the feast Octave of the Nativity of the Lord (January 1)

Indulgentiarum Enchiridion (1952), conc. 129. Prayer

"After eight days, the child was circumcised and was given the name of Jesus" (Luc . 2.21).

To warm the frozen hearts hardened and the sinner, O Divine Infant, have not been cold enough, the wailing, poverty and tears of the manger, and behold when on your head still was not entirely extinguished the eco light and angelic harmonies, went on your flesh, the work of the Spirit Santo, the stone knife, which she took from them a few drops of blood. Now, at the dawn of life, are a few drops, but at evening, pour it all, every last drop. Ah! Do we also understand the imperative need to atone for sins and regain the freedom of spirit with the mortification of the base instincts of the flesh.

The greatness of your name, O Jesus, preceded, accompanied and followed your appearance on earth. From eternity, the Father was written in letters of gold on his mind, and the dawn of creation, the angelic harps he sang a hymn of glory, but the righteous sent him as a warm greeting from afar, a joyful beat of hope. And the ring for the first time in the world, the heavens opened, the earth breathed and shook hell. His story only points wins. For twenty centuries, is it the slogan of the believers, who have always taken away and draw inspiration and momentum to launch into the most sublime heights of virtue. He will always be the sweetest voice, which sounded after about your cradle and it was written upon your cross, man perennially remind him who loved him to death for him.

Oh Jesus, take full possession of our heart and make you live only your love, until you have devoted his last heartbeat. Amen.

Veni, Creator

To the faithful Christian who devoutly pray the hymn Come, Creator Spirit , partial indulgence is granted. The plenary indulgence is the 1st of January and the solemnity of Pentecost, when the hymn is recited publicly.

Indulgentiarum Enchiridion (1999), conc. 26 § 1, 1, cf. Indulgentiarum Enchiridion (1952), conc. 283, 681. Veni Creator

Come, Creator Spirit, visit
souls of the faithful
filled with Thy grace, hearts
you created. You

, who called Paraclete, gift of God Almighty
living fountain, fire, love and spiritual

You bestow upon us the seven gifts;
Thou, finger of the right hand of the Father;
You, faithful promise of the Father;
that inspire our words. Ilumina

our senses;
pour your love into our hearts;
and, with your perpetual help,
strengthens the weakness of our body.

away from us the enemy, soon give us peace
be our leader and our guide,
to avoid all evil.

For you know the Father, the Son
also reveal to us;
Believe in you, His Spirit,
for ever and ever

Glory to God the Father and the Son
and the Holy Comforter,
for ever and ever. Amen.

☩ ☩ ☩


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