Monday, January 3, 2011

Old School Game, Battletank

The family, hope of mankind

The family, hope of mankind

Homily of Bishop Demetrio Fernandez, Bishop of Córdoba in the Feast of the Holy Family Cathedral in Cordoba, on 26 December 2010.

Source: ODISUR - Information Office of Bishops in Southern Spain


In the context of Christmas, the feast of joy and salvation, we celebrate the feast of the sacred . Family of Nazareth, a place where Jesus, Mary and Joseph, as an icon of the Trinitarian life, because God is a family of three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

We are not called to live alone, as isolated individuals. We are all called to live as a family. To live in familiarity with the divine Persons, and to live in continual contact with the human family, that the Church finds her beautiful expression and fulfillment. "The Church is like a sacrament of the union of men with God and men joining together" ( LG 1), forming a human family. The celebration of the sacred. Family makes us members of this large family, the Church, the family of the children of God.

The family is the "domestic church", ie a human living space which makes this the Church founded by Jesus Christ. In the family one is loved for himself, each of us is cared for when they test times. In the family we were born and have grown in the heat of parents and grandparents about who love us, of brothers and cousins \u200b\u200bwho have helped us grow. In the family we learn to love. In the family are taken care of particularly the elderly and the sick. And when they get the moments of crisis, family is the main resource for feeling supported and succeed. And is that the family belongs to God's "love of men.

In this loving plan of God, the family is a fundamental pillar of our lives and our society.

According to the plan of God, the family is stable union between a man and a woman, who profess to love and love for life. Union sanctified by God's blessing on the sacrament of marriage, which is the source link is permanent and unbreakable grace, that is indissoluble. Union by its very nature is open to life and often leads to the birth of new children who complete the parental love and the crown are as parents.

This plan of God, the family-plan has not been destroyed even by the original sin and the punishment of the flood, with so many things were ruined.

In the beginning God made them male and female, and God saw that it was very good. Sin upset these plans of God, but God kept his blessing upon the man and woman in order to mutual complementarity and the extension of the human species. God has refined the model family to take him fully in his Son Jesus Christ.

His eternal Son, Jesus Christ our Lord, was made in the world as the Bridegroom who comes to marry each of us and come to satisfy the deepest longings of every human heart. "Christ loved the church and gave himself for it to consecrate it, purifying it with the bath water and the word and to place before it glorious church without spot or wrinkle or any such" (Eph 5). Jesus deals with us, his Church as a bridegroom adorns his wife with his Holy Spirit, with His grace, the sacraments, through His Word, with all their gifts. Jesus Christ has blessed the wedding at Cana and sanctified the marriage raised to the status of a sacrament of the union of Christ and the Church itself.

Jesus Christ makes possible that marriage is indissoluble, as never before had been. Jesus full of love, of a crucified love-the heart of married love is without measure, to give his life totally to each other and both for the children, so that they forgive.

Married love, lived from Christ, and not a passing feeling, but more radical of the human heart, healed by the grace and able to give back every day. Jesus Christ makes us able to love like Him He loves us to the point, to give life. And this is not a Christian heroism, but it is a grace of God that is continuously fed by the sacraments, the Word, the living of each day. It is a love that makes the difficulties sometimes more love.

This love of the spouses must flow like water running. If it stagnates, it rots. Marital love must flow in a constant openness to life, receiving God's children responsibly, as the best gift of marriage. The Magisterium of the Church insists that conjugal love must be human, total, exclusive, and fruitful, because the person reaches its fullness in the gift of himself. Any cuts in this donation is a drop in the gift itself, is a narrowing of the greatness to which man (male or female) is called. Between spouses, the mutual self-giving is expressed even in the body donation, in the language of sexuality that God has placed in the human heart.

When sexuality is understood as a game of pleasure, this plan of God for man is ruined. The pleasure that accompanies sexual intercourse can not become absolute value of the relations of man and woman. When all is pursued pleasure, the satisfaction of oneself, the other becomes the object, and love becomes selfishness. Sexuality then is the language of selfishness, selfishness more terrible, because it uses the other for their own benefit. What God has done, "human sexuality" as an expression of genuine love, man (male or female) can easily become the language of pure selfishness, which leads to enjoy the other at all costs, even psychological or physical violence .

The family is a school of love, starting with the husbands. It should release every day that love, liberated from selfishness by the grace of God's forgiveness, to make husbands delivered each time with a renewed love.

The sacrament of the Eucharist is the school of love. In this sacrament, Jesus renews its delivery, including bodily each of us. A delivery that has killed a supply made of true love. A delivery that wants to feed us the same caliber of delivery in relation to each other, also in the relationship of the spouses to each other.

Before a demolition project of the family, the family evangelize.

loving plan of God found throughout history many difficulties that fill this beautiful shadow project and lead man (male or female) to the greatest of sorrows. If the family and human love are a source of immense joy, extortion of this plan becomes valuable ongoing source of pain and suffering for those who suffer. Never suffer more the human person when you have lost love, and even more so if you suffer from those who should love him. Nothing is so painful for the human heart as the object of another feeling or feeling unrequited love that has been his life.

Our age suffers more than ever this disaffection. But precisely in our time is to dispense with the plan of God, precisely because of God. Again, when man turns away from God, brings all kinds of evil against itself and against others.

Modern man departs from this plan of God when he leaves infected by the contraceptive mentality of our time. In many environments and in many hearts the aspiration is to enjoy it as much as possible of human sexuality as a source of pleasure, avoiding at all costs the birth of another child within the family. This mentality is not new, is as old as man. But today has increased, making use of technical means to reach, which today are higher than at other times: the pill and all methods to prevent chemicals or artificial fertilization, even to the male or female sterilization makes the man and woman in a simple object, loss and dignity of human person. Dear

husbands (and dear priests and catechists of these issues). The Church teaches that the relationship marriage of the spouses, it goes against God's plan that sexual union is prevented from opening to life. Every marriage act must be open by nature to life. The encyclical Humanae vitae clearly teaches this doctrine, and - woe is us! - If the extortion saying otherwise or leaving one's conscience to do what you want. Conscience is not the subjectivity that asserts itself, but the ability to know the truth and obey it with all my heart. When the Church clearly teaches a doctrine of the Church's children should be placed in attitude to obey, to follow the truth that we are told. We ask God's forgiveness because at this point bishops, priests and catechists faithfully we have not announced the doctrine of the Church, the doctrine that saves and makes men happy.

demographic in the desert suffering, which the Western world die of grief, we all have our share of the blame. Not only legislators and politicians for not promote real family, but also transmitters of gospel truth (bishops, priests, catechists) for concealing or denying the doctrine of the Church at this point.

Spain for many years with the lowest birthrate in the world, and since abortion has been introduced more than a million dead for this crime abominable. In this way, Spain and the Western countries so proud of their progress walk to his own destruction.

facilities for divorce, for contraception in all its forms, for abortion even in the morning after pill as a contraceptive distributed free, are all attacks on the family, the loving plan of God for family and life .

anyone not try to impose our view of life and family, but ask that you respect the vision we have received from God and is inscribed in human nature.

The "minister" of the family in the government of the Pope, Cardinal Antonelli, told me Zaragoza few days ago that Unesco is scheduled for the next 20 years to get half the world population is homosexual. For that, through various programs, will introducing the ideology of gender that is already present in our schools.

is, according to gender ideology, one not born male or female, but he chooses according to his whim, and may change according to sex whenever they wish. Here is the latest "achievement" of a culture that wants to break completely with God, God the Creator who has set in our nature the distinction of male and female.

Amid this confusion, mainly affecting our youth, we celebrate the feast of the sacred. Family of Nazareth to thank God for the gift of our family, which consists of a father and mother and the children born as God's plan.

We are convinced that the plan of God is the one who makes men happy. And the first task entrusted to us to believe that it is to live in a fully consistent and growing. This is no time to mourn, but a thorough knowledge of what the attack on this precious and live with clarity and coherence, which we have received from God, natural law or law revealed.

The main enemy in this area, and in many others, not out. He is within us and among us, as salt and light of the Gospel or aguamos hide so that nobody recognized. The main enemy of the family is living half the gospel of the family and life.

contemplate the Family of Nazareth, let us thank God for our families and assume all the commitment to spread this good news, to evangelize our world with the gospel of the family and living according to God's plan. Jesus child, adolescent and young Mary and Joseph bless our families. Amen

Bishop Demetrio Fernández de Córdoba

☩ ☩ ☩


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