Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Glucose Test Strips Experiment


The news is not new, well, the news yes, but the bottom line no. The final case the issue is the stupidity and lack of culture that surrounds our society, especially if political or historical issues concerns. I never tire of repeating, they have much more danger to our lives, unaware that evil.
The news in question was published a few months ago, in a newspaper Castilla y León, specifically, the issue referred to the province of Salamanca. The owner, makes clear the matter: "They damage a shield of the Catholic Kings, mistaken for a symbol Franco." The news, talk of a downtown building charra capital, well known by those who know the city, and also for those who are regulars to visiting museums, because the building in question houses the collection of the Provincial Historical Museum.
The stone building was built during the XV and XVI, to serve as a residence for the Abarca-Maldonado. At its center stands on the architecture, the great shield of the Catholic Kings, exactly, the new coat of arms of the monarchy after the conquest of Granada, adding the new kingdom, the former de León, Castile and Aragon. Embracing all, by the eagle of St. John, a symbol belonging to Queen Elizabeth, and that after the marriage to Ferdinand provided the shield of the two kings. In the bottom of this, there are two other symbols of Isabel and Fernando, the yoke and arrows. Chosen by themselves, being elements beginning with the same letters as their names. In the case of Fernando-F- it would take the arrows, and Isabel-Y-yoke. For in those days the name of the queen and was written with Greek-o ye who want to call now, "and not to i America.
The case is that a clueless, uneducated, tontolhigo, one day, got up and saw that the calendar marked the November 20-days of the death of dictator Francisco Franco, who held both supporters and opponents of same-and maybe this year, instead of throwing red paint on the bust of the dictator of the square of the capital, as is customary every year. This port, he thought that was going to make it big, is going to stop doing the same thing, and he was going to innovate in their protest, and was throwing a pot of paint in this fascist shield that nobody pays any-thing the masked avenger paint bucket, "I could not understand. How could the city go overlooked, this tyranny of stone that hurt the Democratic view of that price? "Illiterate and uneducated Democrat rilas you my humble opinion. The case is that the day he took his pot of paint, approved by the union of decerebrated much free time and read a few books, which certainly exists, "and stood in front of the shield carved into the XV century. He threw the paintball, and went off to his cave, I suppose very pleased and happy of what he had done. Indeed, I venture to say that went to his cave, without having the slightest idea what he had done.
The truth is that what bothers me the act, not the act itself. Everyone has the right to protest as you want, as much as I touch the cimbrel, to spoil heritage. What really bothers me, reaching to freeze the marrow, it is ignorance, and stupidity, which involves the whole performance of this adobe-eyed, and not just him. Then shortly after, appeared on the same coat, two impacts, carried out by two salvapatrias sunday, and with the IQ of a melon Villaconejos. I guess, will use his head to be placed on it, given the back-shirts, baseball caps American. The problem is they are stupid, not even bad, because if they were bad, we could learn from them, the bad, they are ready. But no, these are just stupid, and these can not do anything, because they do not learn from them, and they learn nothing from others.
These individuals, who take to the streets to protest everything and destroying everything they see, they, who self-describe as anarchists, some, without having ever read Bakunin, indeed, without knowing who was Bakunin and not know-I play my last literary prize, the meaning of the word anarchism. They are given to the other-fascists, not having heard of Mussolini, or the fascio, and without knowing the black shirts.
These individuals, who get into political, historical or ideological discussions without knowing where their right hand, which are incapable of distinguishing between a shield of the fifteenth century, with another of the twentieth century that do not know their history. Well, if known, would know that it is not surprising, that modern dictators, assume as their own symbols of important historical characters. For many of them alienated by the power, they come to believe descendants of these. Or else, because they believe that the main symbol of National Socialism is the word-of-Nazi, Hitler, the swastika was a cross which was already seen in the jewelry of classical Greece.
For that, you risk the more ignorant than evil.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Sayings For 3rd Bday Card

"Defender of Faith Why?

Portrait of Henry VIII after Hans Holbein the Younger (1497/8-1543)

Advocate " Why Faith?

Henry VIII was a Catholic at all, except that it was Catholic. Observed all the rites, until the last prayer and the lighting of the last candle, accepted to the ultimate consequence of a premise, accepted everything, except Rome. And at the moment of rejection, their religion was completely different, another kind of religion, otherwise. At that precise moment began to change, yet it has not stopped. We know well that some modern men of the Church called progress in this flux. It is like saying that a body full of worms has a strong vitality, or a snowman who is slowly becoming a puddle is purified of its outgrowths. But this is not what interests me at this time. What interests us is that a man may seem asleep at the moment immediately after his death, although in reality the decomposition process has already begun. What matters is that, in theory, the snowman can be made according to the true image of man: Michelangelo built a statue of snow that could very easily be an exact replica of one of its marble statues, but it was not marble. It is very likely that the snowman began to melt at the very time it was done. While there is ice, there will be a material capable of melting when thawed. To many it seemed that Protestantism would remain for a long time, as the popular expression, a frozen product, which does not alter the difference between ice and marble and marble does not melt.

Source: GK CHESTERTON , Why am I Catholic , "The spring and the swamp" (The Dumb Ox, 2009) p. 478.

NDL Note: 'Defender of the Faith', in English 'Defender of the Faith', and in Latin 'Fidei Defensor' was a title belonging to the sovereign of England in the same way that 'Catholicus '("Catholic") belongs to the King of Spain, or' Christianissimus' ("most Christian") to France.

The title was first issued by Pope Leo X SS Henry VIII (October 11, 1521) reward for the work of the King 'Assertio septem Sacramentorum adversus Martinum Lutherum' ('Statement of the Seven Sacraments against Martin Luther "), written against the heretical Lutheran doctrine.

When Henry incurred schism, Pope Paul III SS deprived of this designation, but the title was restored to the king illegitimately by the Parliament in 1544 and is still used by his successors schismatics on the English throne. The abbreviation 'Fid. Def. " or the letters 'FD' have been regularly present on the coins from the time of George I.

These lines could help us figure out who has on us today with the title 'Defender of the Faith' ... Or meditate on what institution This day carries the same function of the English Parliament in 1544, giving us for a ride.

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Wednesday, February 16, 2011

How To Soften Linen Cotton


You know, that in recent years which makes writing this weekly page, use it to pay bills or to break lances in favor of certain people or characters that had some relevance to our past history, as in the case of that deal today, so does our present. Since politicians and politically correct history books do not mention them nor ever mentioned or above. I feel obliged, to do with them, a little justice.
The invention of which we speak today, is widely used. In fact, I play my Asterix collection to each of you, have one at home. To begin, I will offer an outline history, so that the reader can take care of the situation where we are, and can be put on. Rest assured that I will not give a history lesson. Let us place ourselves
. 1812, while the troops of Napoleon Bonaparte horns are left trying to gain total control of Spain you do not succeed, "le petit bastard, he decided that his enormous ego, would not be covered with the control of the Iberian Peninsula therefore also wanted to seize power in Russia. And there he stood. The case is that when Czar Alexander I of Russia, wanted to realize the Napoleonic army, the largest made to date in the old continent, crossed the Niemen River and was put towards Moscow. So hard, the Tsar, represented by its commander in chief Barclay, mobilized its army, infinitely smaller in number than the Frenchman, deploying on the border of Russian Poland. The commander in chief
Barclay, despite pressure from his superiors, at no time attacked the Empire's army, knowing full well the futility of such tactics, it was impossible to beat Europe's largest army in the open, and It decided to create a strong defense, defense, on the other hand did not help, "for the soldiers of the little big man, he was interning at a rapid pace in Russia. Gradually, the Gauls were coming into the depths of the Russian winter. They soon realized, that their clothing paraphernalia, Low served in those lands. And to top it off, which meant a quick campaign on Moscow, was becoming an endless siege again soon. The soldiers could not be surveyed, with more than 300,000 of its peers, even fighting in Spain, trying to make the city of Cadiz, among others, are being reversed. Furthermore, among the combined deaths in battle and those produced by cold, had to add a huge famine that became perennial after months of confrontation. The food brought from their own land or satellite states of the Empire, arrived frozen or rotten. And here's what we want. Displaying
Napoleon as time and again their efforts to supply food to the troops, was hampered, some for over time and others on the weather, made the decision to set off with 12,000 francs to anyone who was capable of finding a method to keep food in perfect condition for a long time and in adverse weather.
Here's our man, a French inventor, who like any good inventor of the time malvivía of his inventions and ate what the villagers had to give it, "got down to work. This guy, named Nicholas Appert, after many trials and many cabals, he realized that by keeping food in airtight glass containers and putting them in hot water, they are completely sealed, which allowed transport and store, in perfect consumption over a long period of time. Hard, I informed the Emperor, who appreciated not only gave the 12,000 francs agreed upon, but also named him "Benefactor of Humanity." Years later, José Casado glass replaced by tin, which also retained the product of light-but that's another subject.
The truth is that the invention serves more today than they served the soldiers of Napoleon, for months after that, went to Moscow, where they found a devastated city, burning like a torch, and no a sad currency burst into his pocket. For the Russians, looking cornered, she fled, but obliterating it before, so that the gringos do not remove it, avoiding the soldiers of the Empire could shelter in the city and go on from there to the invasion. Therefore, seeing that the Russians showed no surrender and feeling as he approached the harsh winter of the Russian steppe, Napoleon decided to return. Decimated, walk and members of many of their soldiers or about to be frozen, became an easy target for Russian Cossacks, who spent a knife to a large number of French when they tried to cross the river Bezerina. Being thus completely expelled from Russian soil, and placing a heavy burden on Napoleon's intentions to dominate Europe. Losa, soon to increase their weight loss after the war in English territory.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Good Items For A Raffle

Chasing utopia of equality

Auguste Rodin, "The hand of God" (1898)

The theory of "gender" denies humanity is differentiated between men and women

Chasing utopia of equality

The University of Navarra (Spain) took place from 9 to 11 February I International Congress of gender ideology . Here is the address-on the historical and cultural context in which it was born the theory of "gender" - that one of the invited speakers has been synthesized for our newspaper.

Lucetta Scaraffia [ Universita degli Studi di Roma La Sapienza (Italy)]

In the last decades of the twentieth century have seen in Western countries to a conceptual revolution based on manipulations of language, ie , replacing the concept of sexual difference in gender indefinite term. In substance, some intellectuals and politicians have tried to make concrete and shared the statement the famous book by Simone de Beauvoir The Second Sex: "Women are not born, it is."

The reasons that have allowed and encouraged the emergence of this new ideology are many and of different nature. On the one hand, the fall of the Berlin Wall, which followed a few years after the severe global economic downturn, put in crisis all the ideological apparatuses that had woven the political life: falling in fact all types of communist and socialist ideology, and then also capitalist liberalism. In this vacuum, the hunt for new values \u200b\u200bto justify the policy options has led to a kind of "deification" human rights as an objective that societies should raise, became undisputed guiding values, although often manipulated, undergoing an expansion and transformation. The utopia of equality, which had encouraged the political struggle of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, is reborn in previously marginal areas, such as feminism, which thus becomes a central ideological form capable of filling the void left by the collapse of communist ideology . To reinforce, feminism was established as utopian ideology which referred to the utopia of equality and should have a confirmation "scientific", as Marx's communism had self-declared "scientific socialism."

gender theory background is a utopian ideology based on the idea, and own socio-communist ideology and failed miserably, that equality is the royal road to the attainment of happiness. To deny that humanity is divided between men and women found a way to ensure more complete and absolute equality "and therefore possibility of happiness to all human beings.

For the theory of gender , the negative side, constituted by the denial of sexual difference, was accompanied by a positive: total freedom of individual choice, basic myth of modern society that can even remove what was considered, until recently, a finding of unavoidable natural constriction. Here

gender theory includes a political dimension (the achievement of equal opportunity and individual choice without limits), a socio-historical aspect (justification post the end of the female role in Western societies ), and a philosophical-anthropological look more generally, that is, the definition of human being and the relationship between it and nature.

The ideology of gender is therefore one of the many excesses of the utopia of equality. In fact, writes Michael Walzer "root, the meaning of equality is negative", is aimed at eliminating not all differences, but a particular set of differences that vary by time and place.

current social transformation is moving toward the elimination of all differences, also of that, central to all cultures, men and women, with a rate that has accelerated more and more after the release of chemical contraceptives the sixties. Indeed, the separation between sexuality and reproduction allowed women adopt a male-type sexual behavior-which may not suit the female nature and thus probably does not increase the happiness of women, although this is another issue, and therefore play male roles canceling any obstacle also abolished maternity.

The separation between sexuality and procreation resulted in a separation between procreation and marriage, and therefore between sexuality and marriage, we can see here the conditions for asserting "rights" to marriage and child filed by homosexual groups and closely linked to the idea of \u200b\u200bgender , that is, denial sexual identity "natural."

As evidenced by the French philosopher Marcel Gauchet , these changes have profound consequences on the social level: if sexuality is no longer a collective problem linked to the survival of human groups in time, and becomes a private matter and expression of individuality, it follows obviously a crisis of the family institution and change the status of homosexuality. While previously it was the family that produced the obvious child as a result of the sexual activity of the spouses, is now increasingly common for the wanted child is the one that created the family. And you can consider that any family who wants a child.

Some fifty years after Simone de Beauvoir write that sentence, the idea seemed to finally succeed. If sexual identities are only cultural constructions, it is possible to deconstruct them, and that is what they propose to do feminist and gay movements.

The key to the revolution of gender is language, as they have understood certain jurisdictions, changing such a term - "parent" instead of "mother" and "father", "parenting" instead of "family "- thus eliminating the documents to the natural family. Artificial with another operation replacing "sex" with "sexuality" and "sexed" with "sexual" to confirm that it has no reality, only the orientation of desire. But, as noted by the scholar Xavier Lacroix , remains indispensable "to recognize the contribution that gives flesh to the symbolic and relational 'is, understanding the physical anchor of paternity in a male body and motherhood a female body is a factual irreducible and structured to be received not only as a limit, but as a source of meaning. In short, we must admit that beyond the sperm or egg someone, while the concept of homo-parenting eliminates legibility carnal origin. Different kinship systems that exist in the world have variously articulated the physical and cultural, but always articulated, as the central challenge of the family is precisely to maintain marital and parenting together.

So this is a real challenge cultural anthropological foundation not only of our society, but of all human societies, as evidenced by the criticism launched by gender theorists (for example, the American philosopher Judith Butler ) to Levi-Strauss and Freud, found to have based their systems of thought on sexual differences between women and men. And the demonization of any kind of difference is not only based on a utopia of equality proposal as a royal road to happiness, a utopia which no doubt has its origins precisely that showed his disastrous socialist achievements in the past century, but in this case goes to an extreme result of deconstructionist thought, or the denial of the existence of nature itself. If every type of dispute, culminating in a social definition, it reads like a system of power, in the wake of Foucault , you can see in each paradigm overcoming an evolutionary moment of release, according to a new form of social Darwinism. Thus the most popular modes and more easily livable emotional and sexual relations are considered as advanced, which therefore must be imposed, while the "hetero-centrism" is seen as a moment in the history of human development and inappropriate and that must overcome.

The ideology of gender was greeted with enthusiasm on all international organizations, because it is the policy of expansion of individual rights. In substance to deny that the differences between women and men are natural, and instead argue that they are culturally constructed, and therefore can be modified according to the desire individual. The adoption of a "gender perspective" was the ideological line adopted some of the major UN agencies and NGOs dealing with population control, with the support of most feminists in Western countries, but with the opposed by many advocacy groups motherhood and family.

more elegant and neutral "sex", the term gender has not only entered our language, but they are also used in the name of a lode of academic research, the Gender Studies -, often unconsciousness its revolutionary ideological and cultural significance. However, as scientific studies have shown and continue to speak of male identity and female identity in particular just makes sense from a biological standpoint. In addition to unfounded gender theory implies a political vision extremely dangerous, giving the impression that the difference amounts to discrimination. But the principle of equality requires absolutely no pretending that everyone is equal: only to the extent that the existence of the difference is recognized and considered effective, it can truly give everyone the same manner and degree, full dignity and equal rights. Nothing new, it is clear. Long time that law and philosophy are stressing that the real meaning of the principle of equality lies not in ignoring the individual characteristics, pretending that there is homogeneity, "but, rather, to give everyone the same opportunities. Norberto Bobbio Lay stated that men are born equal: it is the task of the state is in a position to be. As emphasized, among others, the Catholic Church and part of feminism, true equality is true not only when the same subjects are treated equally but also when different subjects are treated as des-alike. Gender parity certainly not achieved by women entering an abstract category of individuals (a category which, among other things, there, to be calibrated on the male model), but is reached based on the assumption that society is made up of citizens.

With the creation of utopias of equality and individual autonomy, have been constructed fictions that harm us, they are based on an ideal that presupposes independence, far from reality.

We know the Church's position on the matter, made clear in the Letter to the bishops on the collaboration between women and men the then Cardinal Ratzinger. But it is interesting to note items polemic against gender also many feminists who contribute to the creation of critical public opinion regarding the introduction of this term in public texts and laws derived from them.

Source: L'Osservatore Romano , English-language edition, number 7, page 8-9 (Sunday, 13 February 2011).

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Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Books About The Art Of Juan Ignacio Sardi


was my fault, no doubt. It was, to get away from my area, my coffee and the usual streets. It was, for listening to a friend and get together for coffee, in a cafe near the Calle Serrano in Madrid, a cafeteria without charm, cool and crowded rilas you hateful rate, which is the subject with cigarette paper when they go to pee. And gals, that I was not angry any Taliban's gender and generation, who called the each other, as this Kookie, Kookie the other, while they look without seeing and talking without listening.
The wait is not very hopeful, "my friend was late as always, took a novel of my jacket, carefully, deliberately, but dangerous. As a soldier of the thirds of Flanders, the Bilbao drew from his coat and his leather jerkin. The clamor at that time, in that cafeteria was deafening, more missed more under the quiet evenings in the cafes as usual, with people always with coffee or long cane. These cafes neighborhoods throughout life, away from the hustle and pijerio. Every minute spent sitting there, remember the streets of the Raval or Lavapies, with bars and cafes of a lifetime. Places, where in addition to have a drink, you can live curious times, or meet some interesting characters. Individuals, as Professor Chester-someday speak at length about him, a New Zealander, who met in a bar in Chueca, able to narrate the problem of the indigenous Maori or Maori, in perfect English of London, and suddenly let go Let a not bother me so castizo that seems to have been raised in the Calle de la Ballesta.
The case is that there I was, sipping a pseudocafé, and trying to concentrate on the letters of the book he had in his hands when they got a group of three or four women. As I said before talking all at once, without listening and without looking, each to his own. But it was curious how they interacted and understood each other perfectly. They called their consumption as they entered the room, as if the waiter had nothing else to do, to be all afternoon waiting to enter the four parrots to order your drink. So here, logically, the waiter served when touched, or when the kid came out of plum. While waiting
cafes, the conversation began again to cry, one of them, took the lead and after a few empty phrases, filled and covered with cute, girl, Hosea cuqui and pearl. The chick in question stood up and showing his body to his companions, said: yeah, yeah , Cuquis is what we think, is Prada, what is the coolest of the day?. and sat back down. Every minute that passed, the more you had that got my friend to get out of there and never come back.
When things seemed that he could not get worse, it was. Came another woman and sat at the table, took from his pocket a midget dog, a white chihuahua that looked more like a dwarf opossum, a dog. He began to talk about one of her maids-Tunisian, she managed to say. I looked up, and the outfit, I thought, also dressed in Prada, and I assumed that like his table companions, she was delighted to have met.
counting began immediately afterwards banalities about their day and suddenly changed his registration, and started talking about the maid of Tunisia, which, again according to the dwarf chick dog, spent the day crying because I knew nothing of family, embroiled in political turmoil of their country. And worse, he added, is that it is not, is not your thing, even the other day, not what you are going to believe Cuquis served iced tea when I was with friends of the country club. So here you see monkeys, I do not get me the shirt to the neck, how bad that made me get in front of the class vip .
The truth is that I cisque in the mother that bore her and all members of your class vip do not know if he heard me or not. The truth is that I care a testicle webbed, but I guess that was too busy thinking about what they think their friends , about having to serve a person who thinks more about his family "In danger of death," that in the ideal temperature for tea. So here, I got up, pay for my drink, giving a pat of encouragement to the young waiter, and I went out without waiting for my friend, whom I called by phone to change the venue, and to give my opinion on the Instead he had chosen for our appointment.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Wedding Reception Wording Samples

Mary Mediatrix, and Advocate redemptrix

Act in reparation for the injuries inflicted to the Blessed Virgin Mary

Blessed Virgin
Blessed Virgin, Mother of God graciously directed your gaze from the sky, where you are seated as Queen, upon this poor sinner, your servant. He, though aware of his unworthiness, in reparation for the offenses that make them impious and blasphemous tongues, from the depths of his heart, blesses and praises as the purest, most beautiful and most holy of all creatures. Bless your holy name, bless your sublime prerogatives of the Mother of God, ever Virgin, conceived without stain of sin, redeemer of mankind. Bless the Eternal Father, that you chose a particular way as a child, bless the Word Incarnate that human nature by dressing in your pure heart, I did his mother, bless the divine Spirit, that you wanted by Wife. Bless, exalt and give thanks to the Trinity August that I loved you so chose, and preferably to get up over TEDAS creatures to the most sublime highness. O holy and merciful Virgin, reach your repentance to offenders and welcome this small gift from your servant, giving him also for your divine Son, the forgiveness of sins. Amen.

indulgence of five hundred days. (SCS Office, 22 January. 1914; S. Pen. Rev., December 4. 1934): Enquiridion of Indulgences (1956), conc. 329.

Mary Mediatrix, and Advocate redemptrix

wonder the Popes have called Mary redemptrix : thereby, together with his suffering and dying Son, suffered and nearly died, and in such Thus, for the salvation of men, abdicated the parental rights over her Son, and immolate him, as much as she depended, to appease the justice of God, who can rightly say that she redeemed the human race together with Christ [Benedict XV, Inter Sodalicia Charter, 22-III-1918, AAS 10 (1919), 182]. Thus we understand best moment of the Passion of Our Lord, we never tire of meditating: Stabat autem Iesu mater eius iuxta crucem [Ioh XIX, 25], was standing by the cross of Jesus his mother.

San Josemaría Escrivá, Friends of God " Mother of God, our Mother [October 11, 1964], Item 287.

Marian devotion was present in multiple work Apostle Council of Trent, cool and thoughtful legislator, and uncompromising visionary reformer. Valuing the popular sentiment that had made Mary in "Our Lady of Milan, San Carlos worked for a devotion to the Virgin penetrate ever more deeply and on individual piety and public worship. Given for this purpose numerous provisions relating to the dissemination of the Rosary, the recitation of the Office of the Virgin Mary, celebrating Mass and special functions in honor of Mary. The Virgin
the redemptrix - San Carlos went accents especially revealing. Commenting on the loss of Jesus in the temple at twelve years, rebuilt the interior dialogue that could have happened between Mother and Son, and adds, "suffer even greater pain, oh Blessed Mother, and continue to live, but life will be a thousand times more bitter than death: you will see your innocent son delivered into the hands of sinners ... You'll see brutally crucified among thieves holy see his side pierced by the cruel blow of the spear, you'll finally shed the blood that you gave. And yet you can not die! "( In the homily at the Cathedral of Milan, the Sunday after the Epiphany of the year 1584 ).

John Paul II, "Angelus " (November 4, 1984), n. 2.

With today's celebration begins the "big week" dedicated to the supreme events of Christ's earthly existence. Will be days of prayer, silence, meditation. The passage of the Son of God from life to death and death to the resurrection can not be: reduced to mere sentimental reminiscence you. The paschal mystery, wants to put a groove in the hearts and the earth itself of civilization.
The Church dedicates a particular pastoral calling the faithful to the Eucharistic table, making loving interpreter of the aspirations of the Lord: "I have earnestly desired to eat this Passover with you" (Lk 22, 14). The desire of the Redeemer
generously correspond to our desire, with the help of Mary redemptrix , which we raise our prayers to all burning.

John Paul II, "Angelus " (31 Mar 1985), n. 2.

Today is the feast of the Archangels Michael, Gabriel and Raphael, heavenly militia chief, who is remembered in some events of Holy Scripture: Miguel , which means "Who is like God?" is presented in the Apocalypse (12, 7) to act to combat the infernal powers; Gabriel , which means "Strength of God," is sent to the Virgin Mary to announce her vocation to be redeemer of humanity; Rafael , which means "Medicine of God", is sent by the Lord Tobias, according to the Bible-for cure of blindness. The liturgy invites us to feel close, as friends and protectors before God, these three Archangels and our guardian angel. They protect us and guide us in the way of Christian life.

John Paul II, "Angelus " (29 Sep 1985). Alfonso

attaches importance to the sacraments, especially the Eucharist and Eucharistic worship, which visits are the most typical expression. A particular point entirely on the economy of salvation is the devotion to Our Lady, Mediatrix of all graces and redemptrix , and therefore Mother, Advocate and Queen. Alfonso was always really all of Mary, from the beginning of his life until his death.

John Paul II, Apostolic Letter "Spiritus Domini " (1 Aug 1987).

decisive was the presence of the Virgin in the ascetical and mission of St. Bridget!
Love for the Virgin was secret of gospel witness and of their continuing monitoring of the Redeemer. Bridget
looked to Mary as model and under the different moments of its existence, vigorously proclaimed the divine privilege of her Immaculate Conception and its mission looked amazing Mother of the Saviour. Invoked as the Immaculate and Sorrowful redemptrix , highlighting its unique role in the history of salvation and life of the Christian people. Notes
the saint: "As the magnet draws to steel, just as the Blessed Virgin Mary attracts the hearts. "

John Paul II, "Angelus " (6 OCT 1991), n. 2.

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Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Chelsea Charms Free Blog


The hot month of August, invited to play, chat and leisure idle in the street under the shade of a tree, or in the nook of a building, others-most-is busily carrying out their jobs, whatever it was. In these people was, people or residents of a nearby population of the Japanese city of Hiroshima. Suddenly the world stopped, the story, had come together at that time, around that humble people, anonymous people who did not know that was the case, nor curse the wins they had. On their face, it reflects the fear, slaughter, terror to end. Many were killed, one of the most horrible, burned by a scorching heat wave, "not knowing what was happening. Only, a great roar, a cloud of dust and the end, I finish the story. The calendar marked the bloody August 6 of 1945, the clock stood at eight hours and fifteen minutes in the morning. The United States had just to drop the atomic bomb on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
A column of smoke rose quickly through its center, showed a terrible red all around him was a pure turbulence, fires, tens, hundreds, "multiplied everywhere, impossible to control, impossible to enumerate. The fungus, as an uncontrollable molasses rose into the sky, taking a strange purplish, the city and the hills, disappearing under the smoke. A half hour later the first explosion, began to occur a strange effect, suddenly a black rain began to fall on the area, the rain, was full of dust, soot and particularize radioactive that swept its way to all that the first explosion could not, for the following centuries contaminated water and fields.
At that time, when the U.S. attempt to end World War II, killing over two hundred thousand people in less than five minutes, Sadako Sasaki, only had two tender years, did not know it was a world war, did not know that the bomb had to raze their land was called Little Boy and even remotely knew that basically consisted of uranium-235, an isotope of Uranus. It was just a happy and energetic.
And curiously, and remained, the bomb that bias the life of the people around them or planted in other disease, even members of his family, seemed to him over it without even touching it. Sadako Sasaki, continued his life, continued to grow, he remained happy and energetic as usual. Until a few years after the humanitarian catastrophe, Sadako began to feel funny, a rarity that his age could not understand, much less to assimilate, but that seeped in character and in your face. His character talkative and a joker, it was turning into apathy and sadness, her complexion was clear more and more, until one day their closest relatives decided to take a close consultation with a doctor. Exploring the doctor could not give a more hopeless diagnosis. What at first seemed a miracle, freeing the Japanese girl radiated power of the pump was turned into the most cruel reality.
Sadako Sasaki, who had leukemia, a very high degree, caused by the radiation of the American bomb. Obviously, she was admitted to emergency in the same hospital where the disease had been detected. There among the tears and the despair of his family, slipped the hope of another girl, one of the best friends of Sadako. I enter the room of his friend with something in their hands, and in moderation and security was up to her friend and put it on your lap hiding in their hands. It was a paper crane, his friend told him that in Japanese culture, their culture, it was believed that the cranes came to live a thousand years. And the legend told that if a sick person could do a thousand of these cranes, the gods would grant a wish, the wish to cure their ailments.
The story of his little best friend, Sadako covered with hope and immediate, with the momentum of a young man who goes out to conquer the world, Sasanian Sadako began to work, making paper cranes for a day and night, until sleep overcame him, meanwhile his friend telling him company minutiae of their lives or increasing their knowledge with other legends. But between history and bow tie, came what was to come, and one day Sasanian Sadako died, when there was only built six hundred, the thousand cranes necessary for the gods to grant him his dearest wish.
But the story of Sadako, was known as the era in which the story takes place, and many Japanese children close to her, joined after his death for the cranes to the thousands missing, they did so as a tribute for her friend. And the tribute did not end there, for all children and schools in Japan, took up a collection in subsequent years, to make a great tribute to Sadako and her cranes. Finally got up with their donations and their hopes, a statue. This sculpture was placed in the middle of Peace Park at Hiroshima, reminiscent of all those killed since the launch of the pump, where children have a special place reserved for them and their dreams. Just the same site where stands the statue of a girl holding a crane in his hands.