Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Glucose Test Strips Experiment


The news is not new, well, the news yes, but the bottom line no. The final case the issue is the stupidity and lack of culture that surrounds our society, especially if political or historical issues concerns. I never tire of repeating, they have much more danger to our lives, unaware that evil.
The news in question was published a few months ago, in a newspaper Castilla y León, specifically, the issue referred to the province of Salamanca. The owner, makes clear the matter: "They damage a shield of the Catholic Kings, mistaken for a symbol Franco." The news, talk of a downtown building charra capital, well known by those who know the city, and also for those who are regulars to visiting museums, because the building in question houses the collection of the Provincial Historical Museum.
The stone building was built during the XV and XVI, to serve as a residence for the Abarca-Maldonado. At its center stands on the architecture, the great shield of the Catholic Kings, exactly, the new coat of arms of the monarchy after the conquest of Granada, adding the new kingdom, the former de León, Castile and Aragon. Embracing all, by the eagle of St. John, a symbol belonging to Queen Elizabeth, and that after the marriage to Ferdinand provided the shield of the two kings. In the bottom of this, there are two other symbols of Isabel and Fernando, the yoke and arrows. Chosen by themselves, being elements beginning with the same letters as their names. In the case of Fernando-F- it would take the arrows, and Isabel-Y-yoke. For in those days the name of the queen and was written with Greek-o ye who want to call now, "and not to i America.
The case is that a clueless, uneducated, tontolhigo, one day, got up and saw that the calendar marked the November 20-days of the death of dictator Francisco Franco, who held both supporters and opponents of same-and maybe this year, instead of throwing red paint on the bust of the dictator of the square of the capital, as is customary every year. This port, he thought that was going to make it big, is going to stop doing the same thing, and he was going to innovate in their protest, and was throwing a pot of paint in this fascist shield that nobody pays any-thing the masked avenger paint bucket, "I could not understand. How could the city go overlooked, this tyranny of stone that hurt the Democratic view of that price? "Illiterate and uneducated Democrat rilas you my humble opinion. The case is that the day he took his pot of paint, approved by the union of decerebrated much free time and read a few books, which certainly exists, "and stood in front of the shield carved into the XV century. He threw the paintball, and went off to his cave, I suppose very pleased and happy of what he had done. Indeed, I venture to say that went to his cave, without having the slightest idea what he had done.
The truth is that what bothers me the act, not the act itself. Everyone has the right to protest as you want, as much as I touch the cimbrel, to spoil heritage. What really bothers me, reaching to freeze the marrow, it is ignorance, and stupidity, which involves the whole performance of this adobe-eyed, and not just him. Then shortly after, appeared on the same coat, two impacts, carried out by two salvapatrias sunday, and with the IQ of a melon Villaconejos. I guess, will use his head to be placed on it, given the back-shirts, baseball caps American. The problem is they are stupid, not even bad, because if they were bad, we could learn from them, the bad, they are ready. But no, these are just stupid, and these can not do anything, because they do not learn from them, and they learn nothing from others.
These individuals, who take to the streets to protest everything and destroying everything they see, they, who self-describe as anarchists, some, without having ever read Bakunin, indeed, without knowing who was Bakunin and not know-I play my last literary prize, the meaning of the word anarchism. They are given to the other-fascists, not having heard of Mussolini, or the fascio, and without knowing the black shirts.
These individuals, who get into political, historical or ideological discussions without knowing where their right hand, which are incapable of distinguishing between a shield of the fifteenth century, with another of the twentieth century that do not know their history. Well, if known, would know that it is not surprising, that modern dictators, assume as their own symbols of important historical characters. For many of them alienated by the power, they come to believe descendants of these. Or else, because they believe that the main symbol of National Socialism is the word-of-Nazi, Hitler, the swastika was a cross which was already seen in the jewelry of classical Greece.
For that, you risk the more ignorant than evil.


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