Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Wedding Reception Wording Samples

Mary Mediatrix, and Advocate redemptrix

Act in reparation for the injuries inflicted to the Blessed Virgin Mary

Blessed Virgin
Blessed Virgin, Mother of God graciously directed your gaze from the sky, where you are seated as Queen, upon this poor sinner, your servant. He, though aware of his unworthiness, in reparation for the offenses that make them impious and blasphemous tongues, from the depths of his heart, blesses and praises as the purest, most beautiful and most holy of all creatures. Bless your holy name, bless your sublime prerogatives of the Mother of God, ever Virgin, conceived without stain of sin, redeemer of mankind. Bless the Eternal Father, that you chose a particular way as a child, bless the Word Incarnate that human nature by dressing in your pure heart, I did his mother, bless the divine Spirit, that you wanted by Wife. Bless, exalt and give thanks to the Trinity August that I loved you so chose, and preferably to get up over TEDAS creatures to the most sublime highness. O holy and merciful Virgin, reach your repentance to offenders and welcome this small gift from your servant, giving him also for your divine Son, the forgiveness of sins. Amen.

indulgence of five hundred days. (SCS Office, 22 January. 1914; S. Pen. Rev., December 4. 1934): Enquiridion of Indulgences (1956), conc. 329.

Mary Mediatrix, and Advocate redemptrix

wonder the Popes have called Mary redemptrix : thereby, together with his suffering and dying Son, suffered and nearly died, and in such Thus, for the salvation of men, abdicated the parental rights over her Son, and immolate him, as much as she depended, to appease the justice of God, who can rightly say that she redeemed the human race together with Christ [Benedict XV, Inter Sodalicia Charter, 22-III-1918, AAS 10 (1919), 182]. Thus we understand best moment of the Passion of Our Lord, we never tire of meditating: Stabat autem Iesu mater eius iuxta crucem [Ioh XIX, 25], was standing by the cross of Jesus his mother.

San Josemaría Escrivá, Friends of God " Mother of God, our Mother [October 11, 1964], Item 287.

Marian devotion was present in multiple work Apostle Council of Trent, cool and thoughtful legislator, and uncompromising visionary reformer. Valuing the popular sentiment that had made Mary in "Our Lady of Milan, San Carlos worked for a devotion to the Virgin penetrate ever more deeply and on individual piety and public worship. Given for this purpose numerous provisions relating to the dissemination of the Rosary, the recitation of the Office of the Virgin Mary, celebrating Mass and special functions in honor of Mary. The Virgin
the redemptrix - San Carlos went accents especially revealing. Commenting on the loss of Jesus in the temple at twelve years, rebuilt the interior dialogue that could have happened between Mother and Son, and adds, "suffer even greater pain, oh Blessed Mother, and continue to live, but life will be a thousand times more bitter than death: you will see your innocent son delivered into the hands of sinners ... You'll see brutally crucified among thieves holy see his side pierced by the cruel blow of the spear, you'll finally shed the blood that you gave. And yet you can not die! "( In the homily at the Cathedral of Milan, the Sunday after the Epiphany of the year 1584 ).

John Paul II, "Angelus " (November 4, 1984), n. 2.

With today's celebration begins the "big week" dedicated to the supreme events of Christ's earthly existence. Will be days of prayer, silence, meditation. The passage of the Son of God from life to death and death to the resurrection can not be: reduced to mere sentimental reminiscence you. The paschal mystery, wants to put a groove in the hearts and the earth itself of civilization.
The Church dedicates a particular pastoral calling the faithful to the Eucharistic table, making loving interpreter of the aspirations of the Lord: "I have earnestly desired to eat this Passover with you" (Lk 22, 14). The desire of the Redeemer
generously correspond to our desire, with the help of Mary redemptrix , which we raise our prayers to all burning.

John Paul II, "Angelus " (31 Mar 1985), n. 2.

Today is the feast of the Archangels Michael, Gabriel and Raphael, heavenly militia chief, who is remembered in some events of Holy Scripture: Miguel , which means "Who is like God?" is presented in the Apocalypse (12, 7) to act to combat the infernal powers; Gabriel , which means "Strength of God," is sent to the Virgin Mary to announce her vocation to be redeemer of humanity; Rafael , which means "Medicine of God", is sent by the Lord Tobias, according to the Bible-for cure of blindness. The liturgy invites us to feel close, as friends and protectors before God, these three Archangels and our guardian angel. They protect us and guide us in the way of Christian life.

John Paul II, "Angelus " (29 Sep 1985). Alfonso

attaches importance to the sacraments, especially the Eucharist and Eucharistic worship, which visits are the most typical expression. A particular point entirely on the economy of salvation is the devotion to Our Lady, Mediatrix of all graces and redemptrix , and therefore Mother, Advocate and Queen. Alfonso was always really all of Mary, from the beginning of his life until his death.

John Paul II, Apostolic Letter "Spiritus Domini " (1 Aug 1987).

decisive was the presence of the Virgin in the ascetical and mission of St. Bridget!
Love for the Virgin was secret of gospel witness and of their continuing monitoring of the Redeemer. Bridget
looked to Mary as model and under the different moments of its existence, vigorously proclaimed the divine privilege of her Immaculate Conception and its mission looked amazing Mother of the Saviour. Invoked as the Immaculate and Sorrowful redemptrix , highlighting its unique role in the history of salvation and life of the Christian people. Notes
the saint: "As the magnet draws to steel, just as the Blessed Virgin Mary attracts the hearts. "

John Paul II, "Angelus " (6 OCT 1991), n. 2.

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