Friday, February 18, 2011

Sayings For 3rd Bday Card

"Defender of Faith Why?

Portrait of Henry VIII after Hans Holbein the Younger (1497/8-1543)

Advocate " Why Faith?

Henry VIII was a Catholic at all, except that it was Catholic. Observed all the rites, until the last prayer and the lighting of the last candle, accepted to the ultimate consequence of a premise, accepted everything, except Rome. And at the moment of rejection, their religion was completely different, another kind of religion, otherwise. At that precise moment began to change, yet it has not stopped. We know well that some modern men of the Church called progress in this flux. It is like saying that a body full of worms has a strong vitality, or a snowman who is slowly becoming a puddle is purified of its outgrowths. But this is not what interests me at this time. What interests us is that a man may seem asleep at the moment immediately after his death, although in reality the decomposition process has already begun. What matters is that, in theory, the snowman can be made according to the true image of man: Michelangelo built a statue of snow that could very easily be an exact replica of one of its marble statues, but it was not marble. It is very likely that the snowman began to melt at the very time it was done. While there is ice, there will be a material capable of melting when thawed. To many it seemed that Protestantism would remain for a long time, as the popular expression, a frozen product, which does not alter the difference between ice and marble and marble does not melt.

Source: GK CHESTERTON , Why am I Catholic , "The spring and the swamp" (The Dumb Ox, 2009) p. 478.

NDL Note: 'Defender of the Faith', in English 'Defender of the Faith', and in Latin 'Fidei Defensor' was a title belonging to the sovereign of England in the same way that 'Catholicus '("Catholic") belongs to the King of Spain, or' Christianissimus' ("most Christian") to France.

The title was first issued by Pope Leo X SS Henry VIII (October 11, 1521) reward for the work of the King 'Assertio septem Sacramentorum adversus Martinum Lutherum' ('Statement of the Seven Sacraments against Martin Luther "), written against the heretical Lutheran doctrine.

When Henry incurred schism, Pope Paul III SS deprived of this designation, but the title was restored to the king illegitimately by the Parliament in 1544 and is still used by his successors schismatics on the English throne. The abbreviation 'Fid. Def. " or the letters 'FD' have been regularly present on the coins from the time of George I.

These lines could help us figure out who has on us today with the title 'Defender of the Faith' ... Or meditate on what institution This day carries the same function of the English Parliament in 1544, giving us for a ride.

☩ ☩ ☩


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