Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Lazy Beige Paint Colors


the title may seem like a bad American movie. But no, nothing is further from the truth. In recent days, the pages of newspapers and television news screens are filled with people in suits and accompanied by cantosos colored reflective vests, and white helmets, which in most of the time I feel like a Christ, two pistols. Guess who will already have guessed, I am referring to the English politicians, swirling, wherever there is a fence and a working machine, as if they were living at it. It looks like a relay race, to sprint, an opening to another, to a photo with some children and the planting of trees, which will be irrigated on the same day of voting. While they filled his mouth, saying and talking about what has been said and done to make this work possible, without knowing what the fuss is about, having learned a few minutes before the work was there. Take a small example of what happened to this past week. Let's start with Madrid so that it is the capital, where they have left the face mayor, president and two opponents for taking photos at the opening of the gateway Arganzuela, boasting works for the famous "beach" of Madrid inauguration meaningless, as the work continues, and will continue for a long time, I know for a fact because I cross over several times a day. While on the other side of town, opened a new area of \u200b\u200bthe hospital Oct. 12, still does not work, or the new metro, which could have opened a good season ago. Following, let's go to Barcelona, \u200b\u200bwhere last weekend, the mayor spent the day in the street, from act to act, burning gasoline in the car public official, because in just two days, conducted thirteen openings. Perhaps the most talked-about, not only by the importance he has given the press, but also sounded the blast that took Camps and his henchman in Castellon, while inaugurating an airport without planes, without licenses, and what Worse, with no intention of having them. On the other hand, the president of Extremadura, tells more expensive than back than normal in Spain, is to open things, and celebrate by inviting their friends, as do the rest when we opened a house. The difference is that we we do with our money, not we use in political campaigns. Anyway, should be minutiae of ordinary people. The last day allowed the inauguration of public works, or rather of electoral advertising, was the ultimate, the news agencies were overwhelmed to take pictures of the troops. Politicians of Castilla la Mancha, an example, a boat suddenly, "have carried out an opening day last week," another "museum of Hidalgo, to a water-you have to fuck. I must admit that the one I have inflated the arch of triumph and touched my inner peace is the last President of Castilla y León, I guess that's what touches me, "is to see the whole troop politicians, lametraseros and CANTAMAÑANAS, opening a road that takes several months running, and which, one or the Board or of the relevant council had been concerned in recent years. I guess that day, I would eat a good lamb and a good bottle of Ribera, because it would not mean that these individuals are allowed to see sunlight. That if I have to admit, more grace than I have done, if not the most nerve has allowed me to see the political class, is the political clique Asturias. There, particularly in Oviedo, has been built, or being built, "the general hospital of the autonomous region, and the best is now in the past days, this hospital has been opened up to four times, each one of them by an individual of a different hierarchy within the ruling party, riding four times Paripe, and spending four times the money in the pockets of citizens, to which I imagine them all nice and friendly, such as Asturias, "Cisco's mother cradling this ilk, who believe that their countrymen are fools. In conclusion, say that this page today, the usual, really, the soil used in some cases to their own thoughts, to everyday situations of life that go unnoticed-or near-, and tell funny situations. But mostly, I like to use to settle scores with the rot of society, with certain things we all see, but few dare to say out loud or write it. For this setting verbal accounts, go for them.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Spaghetti String Panel System

Speaking of Speaking of disobedience

Speaking of schisms
They might as well the neocon cafeteria, which hamper swimming in the river of tradition and keep the clothes of the revolution, who call themselves bishops in communion with 4,000 Catholics, who not only warned of the danger of a schism''''( Letter 10-III-2009 ), but the schism''full''referring to the alleged "apparitions" and "messages" of Medjugorje, as is currently stated that the Ordinary of the Diocese of Mostar-Duvno (Homily 15-VI-2006 ):

Medjugorje: Homily of Bishop Ratko Perić

Bishop [of Trebinje-Mostar-Duvno Mrkan]

15/06/2006 Dear brothers and sisters,

[...] Second, would be an irresponsible minister of the Mystery of the Body and Blood of Christ if today from this place and this time, no report publicly all those who in the world are interested in what happens in this local Church of Mostar-Duvno, something similar happens here on a schism . A number of priests who have been expelled from the Franciscan OFM Order by the General Government on account of their disobedience to the Holy Father, have taken by force from several years ago, some parish churches and rectories along with their property . These priests not only been illegally active in these parishes, but have also administered the sacraments without proper competition, and others invalidly, such as Confession and Confirmation, or have invalid marriages . This type of anti-church is shocking to all of us. At the same time, the scandal of sacrilegious administration of sacraments, particularly the Sacred Body of Christ, must shock all the faithful who have confessed their sins in invalid form these priests and participate in sacrilegious liturgies. pray the Lord that this scandal and schism be uprooted as soon as possible .

Thirdly, I am truly grateful to the Holy Father Pope John Paul II of blessed memory and the reigning Benedict XVI, who have always respected the decisions of the bishops of Mostar-Duvno, whether the previous and current bishop in regard to the alleged "apparitions" and "messages" of Medjugorje, all the while recognizing the Holy Father's right to make a final decision on these events. The decisions of the bishops, after all canonical investigations made thus far can be summarized in the following points:

1 - Medjugorje is a Catholic parish in which they carried out the same liturgical activities and pastoral than in any other parish of this diocese of Mostar-Duvno. Therefore, only the official Church authorities are authorized to formally give the title of "shrine" to this place. [NdT: Therefore, one can not speak of the "sanctuary of Medjugorje", as Mr. Bishop never authorize the use of that title].

2 - Based on the investigations of the Church on the events of Medjugorje, we can not establish that these events involve supernatural apparitions or revelations. This means that until now, the Church has not accepted any of the appearances, neither as supernatural nor as Marian.

3 - Priests who canonically administer this parish of Medjugorje or those who come as visitors, are not allowed to express their private views contrary to official Church position on the alleged "apparitions" and "messages", or during the celebrations of the sacraments, nor during other common acts of piety, nor in the Catholic media.

4 - The Catholic faithful are not obliged not only to believe in the authenticity of the "apparitions" but they need to know that pilgrimages are not allowed, whether official or private individual or group, or parish, if assume the authenticity of the "apparitions" or if the reason for undertaking them attempt to authenticate these "appearances." Those who practice and teach differently, do not act or teach in the spirit of the Church.

5 - As the local bishop, I maintain in regard to the events of Medjugorje, that on the basis of research and experience gained so far in the last 25 years the Church has not confirmed a single " apparition "as authentically being the Blessed Virgin. The fact that during the last 25 years has spoken to hundreds of "appearances" does not contribute any authenticity to these events. According in the words of our present Pope, who met during a hearing on 24 February this year [NdT: During the visit ad Limina], the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith had always been discussed, how these "appearances" could be considered authentic by the Catholic faithful? In fact, do not seem real when you know in advance that these alleged "apparitions" will occur:

One of the "seers" on 18 March each year, but also will also receive an "apparition" on 2 every month with "messages" which you can expect, according to the procedure established;
The second "psychic" will receive an appearance every day of the year, and as if this were not enough, an "apparition" extra special 25th of each month along with a press release, that in this case can provide ;
The third "psychic" will receive an "apparition" on December 25, Christmas Day, along with a message similar to the ones already mentioned;
The fourth "psychic" will receive an "apparition" on September 8 of each year, together with a specific message;
The last two "visionaries" will also "appearances" each day, along with "messages" that can be anticipated since they are variations on the same subject. These facts and the flood of so-called apparitions, messages, secrets and signs do not strengthen the faith, but rather further convince us that all this there is nothing that is neither authentic nor established as truthful.

Therefore I responsibly call upon those who claim to be "blind" because those behind the "messages", to demonstrate ecclesiastical obedience and to cease in this parish public manifestations and messages. In this fashion they shall show their necessary adherence to the Church, by failing to "appearances" or private statements over the official church position. Our faith is a serious and responsible. And the Church is also a serious and responsible institution.

By the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the largest possessor of the gifts of the Holy Spirit, who by the Holy Spirit conceived in her body and gave birth to the Second Person of the Trinity, Jesus Christ, who gives us his Most Holy Body and Blood for eternal life, that he - that is the Way, the Truth and the Life - help us to the truth of the Blessed Virgin, his Mother and Mother of the Church, Seat of Wisdom and Mirror of Justice, may shine in this parish and diocese, without the Minimum disbelief, but all in accordance with the teachings and practice of the Church. Amen.

Source: Diocese of Trebinje-Mostar-Duvno Mrkan .

+ + +

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Humpty Dumpty Potato Chips Order Online


We all sound the images, we have seen every minute during the last week and will continue to see, for quite some time. All we have seen the great black wave that swept the coastal towns of Japan, we've all seen the great movement of the earth, or falling plaster boards of some buildings, and many have seen, with considerable concern, and we are seeing and - Images of the Fukushima nuclear plant. Even contemplate daily almost hourly evolution of the plant, and startle us, every time that workers there are, you have to take to their heels because one of the reactors has been given to let smoke escape, or other types of touch radioactive.
But what we have been less, at least initially, were the images of the Nipponese. When the sea of \u200b\u200bimages, razing towns water, the fire consumed the possessions of the miscreants, who were involved and buffeted by nature, and the continuing explosion of the nuclear plant. The cameras, of all the world media have landed on them, they are the sad part of the story. The Japanese, who survived the earthquake and tsunami, those who endure long queues, without moving an eyebrow, quietly and without panic.
We have seen long queues waiting to get some food, to get a few liters of gasoline to fill the tanks of their cars, and leave the area, "or small bottles orange-red, with which to light their heaters-those who have managed to keep his house, and not die of cold, for Mother Nature, after the disasters of earthquake and nuclear alarm, has awarded a heavy, icy snow. Even we have been enduring stoically, LF queues to use a public phone booth. Without changing face, I can count on the fingers, the Japanese who have appeared on screen shed tears, even though many of them have lost everything.
Now, I propose a game, or rather an exercise of imagination and fancy. Imagine the same thing that has happened in the lands of the Empire of the Rising Sun, have happened in any country in Europe. And do not say here, but in German lands squared, or in the territory of the educated and English drawn. At the slightest natural disaster, we fall into a circle of fear and panic, accompanied by the need to go out and loot what is closest to us, certainly in question hours, all malls which sell appliances and elements of second and third need, would be swept away. Which shows how stupid society, as is well you've taken a plasma TV, with HD and not many more Mandango three next-generation computers and two futuristic coffee, announcing a U.S. actor, but tell me thing, where you think plugging. Genius. I guess
later, after supplying our consumerist ego-neck that otherwise could have achieved, "we would by thinking that something must fill the stomach if the matter goes for long, and we would launch to end all which would in restaurants and supermarkets. Later, when water and food shortages and famine are widespread, appear the soldiers sent by the NATO, and after hearing their recommendations to wait in line well-formed, we would launch an avalanche against the soldiers and not only they would remove the food and water, but will tear an arm in a blue helmet if necessary. Hoarding all the food and drink as possible to enable, if need be, sell to the highest bidder. Thus, not otherwise react to a catastrophe like the one suffered in Japanese land.
Honestly, I thought, or think so. I think the man is evil by nature, as I said here some time-and the disappearance of the law that controls us and keeps us within a social reserve, where we are taught to behave and that we punish the criminal code, if we take the foot of the pot, and would act, not otherwise. We would become wolves, capable of anything to get ahead, coming to kill, as we have seen in other natural disasters.
But the Japanese people made me have or see a light at the end of the tunnel, simply because the Japanese people, has shown how to behave to a disaster of this size, and in a country of the characteristics of Japan. There, all members of society think as a whole and in the set. The individual particular is secondary, and so will survive and will do well, because instead of launching a devastating and hoarding, are put to work shoulder to shoulder, and are able to wait for hours for their turn, just to get a bowl of rice. Because they are clear that in a world like ours, an individual can not survive adversity in the singular.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Wood Carving Bench Construction Plans

Chulería ON and Metrobus. PECULIAR

few months ago, I found in a bathroom wall in Harlem New York, graffiti, which made me quite funny. It could be read, in the first place: "God does not exist . Signed Nietzsche, and someone with enough grace, breeching, or marine-joke-like call it, had added just below, with different font and a different color pen: "Nietzsche there. Signed God. "
tell this personal story, because I found it funny the double negation of these two important characters of mankind. And they brought up, as happened last week at the session of parliament in Madrid. But, let's go step by step. As I said Let us place ourselves in the last parliamentary session of the Community of Madrid, you know, one of those half-cycles where politicians engage in insulting each other, doing nothing of value to citizens, the which made the mistake of vote them-while they laugh at the high salaries they receive for doing nothing while the rest of the population, breaking the backbone to work for a miserable salary.
Well, the discussion soon began between the socialist and popular bench. Does that count? might wonder, well, the question hovering around the high price of public transport in the capital. Which has risen in price at the beginning of the year for the umpteenth time. Socialist MP, let me save me names, which get us nowhere and do not feel like renaming here, asked the Minister for Transport and Infrastructure of the Community of Madrid, pepe. Because no Bus down price, thereby encouraging the use of means of public mobility, thus saving fuel and pollution-missing does to the capital.
The truth is that all Members, both of pepe, such as weight, expected a flat denial, as if one of these parties requires another to take any action. But the response surprised all and sundry. As the lord of joe-do not forget, this guy is the director and head of public transport in the capital, and jokingly replied haughtily following and I quote: "But what do you use to take title transport public? I think they never use because I believe Bus does not exist, and if you have the title of Bus. Then we all go! ". This farce was accompanied immediately with the absurdity of his fellow bench. Which seems to also ensure that the Bus does not exist, because it housed the words with great applause, which implied that they had never poked their noses into a metro.
also was not happy with the outrage that had just released, was allowed to recommend to the bravado of a member of the opposition: " Estudes matter of speaking, if you talk you transport and titles, find out who is talking! ". and sat back as if he had performed the feat of his life, to the amazement of the socialist bloc, and I suppose, to the surprise of some members of his political group. Because it
that the SI Bus exists and is not an invention of a couple of days, but carries through the hands of locals and visitors, for over thirteen years. In fact, the web of his own advice, it is called, as the ticket for ten trips. Anyway, I find it curious that this individual does not know a ticket, that he, was responsible for 21.6 percent more expensive in the past year.
After the passing of the hours, the counselor, was realizing the gaffe, enhanced by his innate cockiness, other times, more than black and white. For one thing, screw up everything you ever do, "and other cool, boast and try to fool the entire world around you. Not content with this, hours later in a radio station near his ideology, tried to explain his mistake with a bizarre explanation. In which he said, he ended Bus, it sounded quite outdated and that he had to tell him about ten-trip ticket. Oh dear, is that these individuals noucentistes-in ideas about romance, not to have decided to modernize in terms of transport. To take no drop, really.
But hey, calm, do not think I will resign by the monumental shit, but has strengthened saying, that's not going to resign, which would have done if he had stolen or swindled, as he has done I suppose Camps . But if he thinks he has not defrauded anyone should ask ordinary citizens, if they feel cheated by a transport leader, who does not know what you have in your hands. But also, as the leader has received, making strokes, and defending him, because as she says, all we can get confused in life. She knows this, and if you ask the writer Sara Mago , right?.
For the above, the Bus does not exist, are the parents.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Hl-dt-st Dvdram Gh40f Warcraft


Speaking of disobedience

to see if there is one person who dares to deny that the Eucharistic celebrations in the Neocatechumenal changed the words of consecration, no less! (Eucharistic Prayer II):

The Consecration the Body of Christ, the words "freely accepted, he took bread and giving thanks, broke it, y. .." (Catholic Church);
* for these words: "freely accepted, he took bread, and looking up You, Father, Father, gave thanks, broke it, y. .. "(Neocatechumenal).

b) The Consecration of the Precious Blood of Our Lord , the words, "finished the supper he took the cup, and thanks to you again, what happened ..." (Catholic Church);
* for these words: "finished the supper he took the cup filled the fruit of the vine, and looking up to you, Father, Father, gave thanks, what happened ... "(Neocatechumenal).

c) words: "Do this in remembrance of me" (Catholic Church);
* for these words: "Do this as my memorial" (Neocatechumenal).

However, the only Catholic, Apostolic, Roman teaches that change the approved text of the Eucharistic prayer is a serious act:

"You can only use the Eucharistic Prayers found in the Roman Missal or those that have been legitimately approved by the Apostolic See in the form and manner determined in the same approval. "You can not tolerated that some Priests take upon themselves the right to compose Eucharistic Prayers" or change the text approved by the Church , or to introduce others composed by private persons. " Instruction Redemptionis Sacramentum " , n. 51, cf. n. 173.

- The Eucharist is celebrated in the Neocatechumenal always receive Communion standing, never knees.

However, the only Catholic, Apostolic, Roman teaches that: "The faithful receive Communion kneeling or standing." Instruction "Redemptionis Sacramentum" , n. 90.

- The Eucharist is celebrated in the Neocatechumenal the faithful are never kneel for the consecration.

However, the only Catholic, Apostolic, Roman teaches that: "The faithful are on their knees, unless required for health, by the narrowness of the place, the large number of assistants or other reasonable cause as prevent, during the consecration. " "Institutio Generalis Missale Romanum" , n. 43.

is important to clarify this point in light of the above by Cardinal Ratzinger:

"You could add more, as, for example, the touching story that tells Eusebius of Caesarea in his " Ecclesiastical History ", assuming a tradition that goes back to Hegessipus (second century), that James, the "Lord's brother", the first bishop of Jerusalem and "head" of the Judeo-Christian Church, had a sort of camel hair on the knees because he was always on his knees, worshiping God and praying for forgiveness for His people (II 23.6). Or the story of the judgments of the Desert Fathers, according to which the devil was compelled by God to appear before a certain Abbot Apollo it looked black, defaced, with members of a dreadful squalor and, above all, he had no knees. The inability to kneel appears, so to speak, as the very essence of the diabolical . " ( The Spirit of the Liturgy , p. 236)

APPEARS THE INABILITY TO KNEEL, so to speak, as the very essence of the diabolical

The Eucharist is celebrated in Neocatechumenal words are changed Consecration, Communion always get up and never kneels at the consecration. Can

then ensure the unity of the pilgrim Church in the case of Neocatechumenal? As the Catechism , the Church is "a big tree, many branches" in which there are legitimate local churches with their own traditions.

"But the unity of the pilgrim Church is also assured by visible bonds of communion:

- the profession of one faith received from the apostles;
- the common celebration of divine worship, especially of the sacraments;
- the apostolic succession through the sacrament of Holy Orders, maintaining the fraternal concord of God's family "( Catechism of the Catholic Church , n. 815).

the absence common celebration of divine worship, especially the sacraments, in the case of the Neocatechumenal, the unity of the pilgrim Church is NOT insured by visible bonds of communion. CODA

Some argue n. 1378 of the Catechism of the Catholic Church for not kneeling during the Consecration: "In the liturgy of the Mass we express our faith in the real presence of Christ under the species of bread and wine, among other ways," kneeling " or "bowing" deeply in worship the Lord. "

not enough to invoke the Order in Council Council for the Laity: Approval of the Statute of the Neocatechumenal (May 11, 2008) to conclude that "therefore is adopted by the Holy See how celebration of CN", the Official Web Site itself Neocatechumenal brings a canonical annotations Bishop Juan Ignacio Arrieta, Secretary of the Pontifical Council for the Laity :

"Annotazioni canoniche" final approvazione dello Statuto of Cammino Neocatechumenal:

"Per quanto riguardo, in fine, we cerimonia liturgiche, and celebrazione specifically the Eucharist, il testo è dello Statuto giovato final if Progressio e certamente dei aggiustamenti of these years. Here, too, has come to a clear text, which consists of four principles of art. 13 of the Statutes ... Fourth, that in these celebrations follow the approved liturgical books of the Roman Rite , "except for the concessions express the Holy See" (the use of unleavened bread for communion, move the rite of peace, communion under both species, brief commentaries and resonances). In this celebration

We follow the approved liturgical books of the Roman Rite

The "Institutio Generalis Missale Romanum" , eg a liturgical book of the Roman Rite aprobado, el de la Iglesia Católica Catechism , it is not.

If "Institutio Generalis Missale Romanum" in his n. 43 says: "The faithful are on their knees, unless required for health, by the narrowness of the place, the large number of assistants or other reasonable causes that hinder them, for the consecration."

How do you interpret then n. 1378 of the Catechism of the Catholic Church said: "In the liturgy of the Mass we express our faith in the real presence of Christ under the species of bread and wine, among other ways," kneeling "or" bowing "deeply in signal Worship the Lord "?

as follows:

"In the liturgy of the Mass we express our faith in the real presence of Christ under the species of bread and wine, among other ways," kneeling "or [because of health, the narrowness of the place, the large number of assistants or other reasonable causes prevent it] "bowing deeply" in worship the Lord. "

Pope Benedict XVI taught that "Christians we kneel only before God, before the Blessed Sacrament because we know and believe that it is this the only true God, who created the world and has loved to the point of giving his only Son. " Homily for Mass of the Solemnity of the Body and Blood of Christ , May 22, 2008.

Pope says Christians kneel before the Blessed Sacrament ... What is happening then? If members of the Way do not kneel before the Blessed Sacrament, one of two things: either they are not Christians or do not obey the pope.

So what do we do? Do we obey the Pope's teaching that "offers the world the truth received" or obey the teachings of the catechist?

conclude with a quotation from John Paul II:

"One of the profound knowledge of the human heart, St. Augustine, wrote:" Haec est libertas nostra, cum isti subdimur veritati ( De libero dock, 2, 13, 37). Always seek the truth, the truth discovered revered, obey the truth. There is no joy out of this search, this veneration of this obedience. " Address to participants at the Second International Congress of Moral Theology (November 12, 1988), n. 8.

Obey the truth, obey the popes who teach the truth ... or perish

☩ ☩ ☩

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Frequency Satellite Free


The truth is that today's story than meets the eye. Today it would be quite normal, something that would be fully used, the waste in the form of programs and in gossip magazines, glossy paper, we have cured of terror. But the curious thing about this case is that we are halfway between the end of the sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries. And last but not least, the environment in moving this particular individual, is none other than the English royal court, which brings even more banter. Let's say that our character was the hot topic in all the gossip of the court, a favorite theme of all the market women and all the go-between in the kingdom-the perfect breeding ground for the current gossip.
The individual is called, or called, "Juan de Tassis y Peralta, Count of Villamediana II, a native of Lisbon, the son of the first Earl of Villamediana, therefore, since he lived in a small palate, forming the best at the time, even Bartolome Jimenez Patron, dedicated his work "Mercurius Trimegistus ." I get to have as tight a knowledge of classical knowledge, he wrote excellent poems in Latin humanistic. I get to go to college and say that I get to go because it was, but did not make any career, because he preferred another kind of life, a lifestyle, it would mark the rest.
Yet, suddenly, he was appointed by King Philip III, postmaster general of the kingdom, "in 1603 - and also was named gentleman of your house, when it accompanied the monarch to the Kingdom of Valencia for marriage Margaret of Austria. There, amid fanfare and revelry, met Magdalena de Guzman and Mendoza, widow of the second Marques del Valle de Oaxaca. Had with her a love-hate relationship, which ended badly, as attested by the anonymous sonnets circulated Madrid and had the noble, had ignoble behaved with her, coming to slap her in the middle of the performance of a comedy.
It was his last relationship, because when the kingdom moved to Valladolid, he married Doña Ana de Mendoza de la Cerda. But his mood reckless, aggressive, and above all womanizing, eventually surfacing and thus earned a reputation as a libertine, lover of women, horses and playing cards. This, he brought two exiles and made the Inquisition, he opened a secret process, accusing him of sodomy. In his second exile, could not return until the death of King Philip III, and the output power of Valid Duke of Lerma, which had been running some sonnets by court.
But the new favorite, the Count Duke of Olivares and Philip IV, forgive him and welcome him back to within the kingdom, not knowing what they faced. Shortly after returning to the court, began again to throw sonnets accusatory and in an effort to ridicule the members of the court, and the great men of Spain, which showed their flaws and weaknesses, which he knew perfectly because the membership at the same establishment. Soon, too, strengthened his confidence Gongora, and thus strengthened, his confrontation with Francisco de Quevedo, known enemy of Cordoba. His love of cards, also grew, and his taste for women, did not vary as minimum. Quickly, you will relate to a beautiful woman of Portuguese origin. Lady of the queen and mistress of King Philip the room. His amatory desire led to Juan de Tassis to arson Coliseum d the city of Aranjuez, in order, save in his own hands to the Queen which appeared to be in love-and may well embrace it, rather than in the time was punishable by death.
The issue, as you can imagine was not the case. Soon after the story of the Colosseum in flames. The amorous dalliances of Queen and John of Tassis was increasing, while also increasing the resulting anger of the king. But the icing on the cake, put Villamediana Count II, when presented at a dance organized by the king, wearing a rich layer of fabric in it, sewn with fine thread sewing had sent a huge real numbers. Topping the creation embroidered with a phrase, which could be clearly read "My love are real." Can you imagine the reaction of King Philip the fourth, to such a provocation, for the individual itself, not only maintained illicit relations with the queen, but boasted of it, and at home.
Soon after, Juan de Tassis, Villamediana Count II, was found murdered in a street in Madrid, according to witnesses, was killed by a knife terrible weapon. The explanation official, is that both the king and other important members of English nobility, could out of the way, for fear of what he could say before the court of the Inquisition, which may affect them fully. But the unofficial explanation is much clearer and easier to understand, because the king crouching and using such excuses, ordered the dog to stop biting the hand that fed him. You see, genius and figure.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Reasonable Dosage For Ativan

Where are they?

¿Dónde están?

«Ya vemos cómo algunos [sacerdotes] no celebran el sacramento de la Eucaristía según la definición del concilio de Trento. “No, dicen estos sacerdotes, hace mucho tiempo que se reunió el concilio de Trento. Después tuvimos el concilio Vaticano II. Hoy se trata de la transignificación, de la transfinalización. ¿La transubstanciación? No, eso ya no existe. ¿La presencia real del Hijo de Dios en las especies del pan y del vino? ¡Vamos, en nuestra época, no!”.

Cuando un sacerdote dice such things consecration is invalid and then there is no mass or communion. Well, Christians are forced to believe until the end of time what he called the Council of Trent on the Eucharist. It may make more explicit the terms of a dogma, but they can not change, it is impossible. The Second Vatican Council did not add anything or taken anything, otherwise, you could not do . But who is opposed to transubstantiation, is, according to the terms of the Council of Trent anathematized and, therefore, separated from the Church. "

Rt. Archbishop Mgr. MARCEL LEFEBVRE, Open Letter to Catholics perplexed, VI.

"First question: Did the Second Vatican Council changed the Catholic doctrine on the Church?

Answer: The Second Vatican Council has never sought to change the doctrine on the Church and in fact has changed , but it developed, deepened and more fully explained. "

Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Responses to Some Questions Regarding Certain Aspects of the Doctrine of the Church (June 29, 2007)

*** "In the midst of all this turmoil has shone a light that can reduce to naught the efforts the world to end the Church of Christ: June 30, 1968 the Pope proclaimed his profession of faith . This is an act that, from the dogmatic point of view, is more important than the entire council. That

Creed, written by the successor of Peter to affirm the faith of Peter, took a quite extraordinary solemnity. When the Pope stood up to say it, the Cardinals also got up and all the crowd wanted to imitate them, but the Pope made them sit the whole world wanted to be just him standing as vicar of Christ, to proclaim his creed, and made with the solemn words in the name of the Holy Trinity, with the holy angels before the whole Church. Therefore, the Pope conducted an act that compromises the faith of the Church. We

as this comfort and the confidence to feel that the Holy Spirit has not abandoned us. You could say that the ark of faith, relying on the First Vatican Council, becomes to find a new foothold in the profession of faith of Paul VI. "

Rt. Archbishop Mgr. MARCEL LEFEBVRE, Open Letter to Catholics perplexed , XIV.

Where is the pride? Where the schism?

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Friday, March 4, 2011

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milk and honey "after Mass?

Redemptionis Sacramentum , n. 96:

[96.] Reprobandus est usus, quo contra librorum liturgicorum praescripta, sanctae Missae celebratione durante vel ante eam, ad instar Communionis sive hostiae non consecratae sive alia edibilia vel inedibilia distribuantur. Qui usus enim cum traditione Ritus romani minime concordat et periculum secum fert confusionem inducendi in christifideles quoad doctrinam eucharisticam Ecclesiae . Ubi aliquibus in locis exstet, ex concessione, particularis consuetudo panis benedicendi ac distribuendi post Missam, magna cum cura de hoc actu recta catechesis detur. Ne vero alia similia introducantur nec ad hunc hostiae usum non consecratae umquam adhibeantur.

[96.] It condemns a practice that is contrary to the prescriptions of the liturgical books that are distributed by way of Communion during Mass or before it, whether hosts are not consecrated and other edible or not edible. Since these customs in any way consistent with the tradition of the Roman Rite and carry the danger of misleading the faithful about the Church's Eucharistic doctrine . Where in some places there, by granting the particular custom of blessing and distributing bread after Mass, I have great care that is given proper catechesis on this act. not introduce other similar customs, nor be used for this, ever, not consecrated communion wafers.

Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments, Instruction 'Redemptionis Sacramentum' about some things to be observed or avoided regarding the Most Holy Eucharist (April 23, 2004), n. 96.

"The rules contained in this Instruction refer to liturgical questions concerning the Roman Rite, with appropriate caveats, also the other Rites of the Latin Church, approved by the law." Redemptionis Sacramentum, n. 3.

who already know considered outside

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