Thursday, March 24, 2011

Spaghetti String Panel System

Speaking of Speaking of disobedience

Speaking of schisms
They might as well the neocon cafeteria, which hamper swimming in the river of tradition and keep the clothes of the revolution, who call themselves bishops in communion with 4,000 Catholics, who not only warned of the danger of a schism''''( Letter 10-III-2009 ), but the schism''full''referring to the alleged "apparitions" and "messages" of Medjugorje, as is currently stated that the Ordinary of the Diocese of Mostar-Duvno (Homily 15-VI-2006 ):

Medjugorje: Homily of Bishop Ratko Perić

Bishop [of Trebinje-Mostar-Duvno Mrkan]

15/06/2006 Dear brothers and sisters,

[...] Second, would be an irresponsible minister of the Mystery of the Body and Blood of Christ if today from this place and this time, no report publicly all those who in the world are interested in what happens in this local Church of Mostar-Duvno, something similar happens here on a schism . A number of priests who have been expelled from the Franciscan OFM Order by the General Government on account of their disobedience to the Holy Father, have taken by force from several years ago, some parish churches and rectories along with their property . These priests not only been illegally active in these parishes, but have also administered the sacraments without proper competition, and others invalidly, such as Confession and Confirmation, or have invalid marriages . This type of anti-church is shocking to all of us. At the same time, the scandal of sacrilegious administration of sacraments, particularly the Sacred Body of Christ, must shock all the faithful who have confessed their sins in invalid form these priests and participate in sacrilegious liturgies. pray the Lord that this scandal and schism be uprooted as soon as possible .

Thirdly, I am truly grateful to the Holy Father Pope John Paul II of blessed memory and the reigning Benedict XVI, who have always respected the decisions of the bishops of Mostar-Duvno, whether the previous and current bishop in regard to the alleged "apparitions" and "messages" of Medjugorje, all the while recognizing the Holy Father's right to make a final decision on these events. The decisions of the bishops, after all canonical investigations made thus far can be summarized in the following points:

1 - Medjugorje is a Catholic parish in which they carried out the same liturgical activities and pastoral than in any other parish of this diocese of Mostar-Duvno. Therefore, only the official Church authorities are authorized to formally give the title of "shrine" to this place. [NdT: Therefore, one can not speak of the "sanctuary of Medjugorje", as Mr. Bishop never authorize the use of that title].

2 - Based on the investigations of the Church on the events of Medjugorje, we can not establish that these events involve supernatural apparitions or revelations. This means that until now, the Church has not accepted any of the appearances, neither as supernatural nor as Marian.

3 - Priests who canonically administer this parish of Medjugorje or those who come as visitors, are not allowed to express their private views contrary to official Church position on the alleged "apparitions" and "messages", or during the celebrations of the sacraments, nor during other common acts of piety, nor in the Catholic media.

4 - The Catholic faithful are not obliged not only to believe in the authenticity of the "apparitions" but they need to know that pilgrimages are not allowed, whether official or private individual or group, or parish, if assume the authenticity of the "apparitions" or if the reason for undertaking them attempt to authenticate these "appearances." Those who practice and teach differently, do not act or teach in the spirit of the Church.

5 - As the local bishop, I maintain in regard to the events of Medjugorje, that on the basis of research and experience gained so far in the last 25 years the Church has not confirmed a single " apparition "as authentically being the Blessed Virgin. The fact that during the last 25 years has spoken to hundreds of "appearances" does not contribute any authenticity to these events. According in the words of our present Pope, who met during a hearing on 24 February this year [NdT: During the visit ad Limina], the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith had always been discussed, how these "appearances" could be considered authentic by the Catholic faithful? In fact, do not seem real when you know in advance that these alleged "apparitions" will occur:

One of the "seers" on 18 March each year, but also will also receive an "apparition" on 2 every month with "messages" which you can expect, according to the procedure established;
The second "psychic" will receive an appearance every day of the year, and as if this were not enough, an "apparition" extra special 25th of each month along with a press release, that in this case can provide ;
The third "psychic" will receive an "apparition" on December 25, Christmas Day, along with a message similar to the ones already mentioned;
The fourth "psychic" will receive an "apparition" on September 8 of each year, together with a specific message;
The last two "visionaries" will also "appearances" each day, along with "messages" that can be anticipated since they are variations on the same subject. These facts and the flood of so-called apparitions, messages, secrets and signs do not strengthen the faith, but rather further convince us that all this there is nothing that is neither authentic nor established as truthful.

Therefore I responsibly call upon those who claim to be "blind" because those behind the "messages", to demonstrate ecclesiastical obedience and to cease in this parish public manifestations and messages. In this fashion they shall show their necessary adherence to the Church, by failing to "appearances" or private statements over the official church position. Our faith is a serious and responsible. And the Church is also a serious and responsible institution.

By the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the largest possessor of the gifts of the Holy Spirit, who by the Holy Spirit conceived in her body and gave birth to the Second Person of the Trinity, Jesus Christ, who gives us his Most Holy Body and Blood for eternal life, that he - that is the Way, the Truth and the Life - help us to the truth of the Blessed Virgin, his Mother and Mother of the Church, Seat of Wisdom and Mirror of Justice, may shine in this parish and diocese, without the Minimum disbelief, but all in accordance with the teachings and practice of the Church. Amen.

Source: Diocese of Trebinje-Mostar-Duvno Mrkan .

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