Friday, March 11, 2011

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Speaking of disobedience

to see if there is one person who dares to deny that the Eucharistic celebrations in the Neocatechumenal changed the words of consecration, no less! (Eucharistic Prayer II):

The Consecration the Body of Christ, the words "freely accepted, he took bread and giving thanks, broke it, y. .." (Catholic Church);
* for these words: "freely accepted, he took bread, and looking up You, Father, Father, gave thanks, broke it, y. .. "(Neocatechumenal).

b) The Consecration of the Precious Blood of Our Lord , the words, "finished the supper he took the cup, and thanks to you again, what happened ..." (Catholic Church);
* for these words: "finished the supper he took the cup filled the fruit of the vine, and looking up to you, Father, Father, gave thanks, what happened ... "(Neocatechumenal).

c) words: "Do this in remembrance of me" (Catholic Church);
* for these words: "Do this as my memorial" (Neocatechumenal).

However, the only Catholic, Apostolic, Roman teaches that change the approved text of the Eucharistic prayer is a serious act:

"You can only use the Eucharistic Prayers found in the Roman Missal or those that have been legitimately approved by the Apostolic See in the form and manner determined in the same approval. "You can not tolerated that some Priests take upon themselves the right to compose Eucharistic Prayers" or change the text approved by the Church , or to introduce others composed by private persons. " Instruction Redemptionis Sacramentum " , n. 51, cf. n. 173.

- The Eucharist is celebrated in the Neocatechumenal always receive Communion standing, never knees.

However, the only Catholic, Apostolic, Roman teaches that: "The faithful receive Communion kneeling or standing." Instruction "Redemptionis Sacramentum" , n. 90.

- The Eucharist is celebrated in the Neocatechumenal the faithful are never kneel for the consecration.

However, the only Catholic, Apostolic, Roman teaches that: "The faithful are on their knees, unless required for health, by the narrowness of the place, the large number of assistants or other reasonable cause as prevent, during the consecration. " "Institutio Generalis Missale Romanum" , n. 43.

is important to clarify this point in light of the above by Cardinal Ratzinger:

"You could add more, as, for example, the touching story that tells Eusebius of Caesarea in his " Ecclesiastical History ", assuming a tradition that goes back to Hegessipus (second century), that James, the "Lord's brother", the first bishop of Jerusalem and "head" of the Judeo-Christian Church, had a sort of camel hair on the knees because he was always on his knees, worshiping God and praying for forgiveness for His people (II 23.6). Or the story of the judgments of the Desert Fathers, according to which the devil was compelled by God to appear before a certain Abbot Apollo it looked black, defaced, with members of a dreadful squalor and, above all, he had no knees. The inability to kneel appears, so to speak, as the very essence of the diabolical . " ( The Spirit of the Liturgy , p. 236)

APPEARS THE INABILITY TO KNEEL, so to speak, as the very essence of the diabolical

The Eucharist is celebrated in Neocatechumenal words are changed Consecration, Communion always get up and never kneels at the consecration. Can

then ensure the unity of the pilgrim Church in the case of Neocatechumenal? As the Catechism , the Church is "a big tree, many branches" in which there are legitimate local churches with their own traditions.

"But the unity of the pilgrim Church is also assured by visible bonds of communion:

- the profession of one faith received from the apostles;
- the common celebration of divine worship, especially of the sacraments;
- the apostolic succession through the sacrament of Holy Orders, maintaining the fraternal concord of God's family "( Catechism of the Catholic Church , n. 815).

the absence common celebration of divine worship, especially the sacraments, in the case of the Neocatechumenal, the unity of the pilgrim Church is NOT insured by visible bonds of communion. CODA

Some argue n. 1378 of the Catechism of the Catholic Church for not kneeling during the Consecration: "In the liturgy of the Mass we express our faith in the real presence of Christ under the species of bread and wine, among other ways," kneeling " or "bowing" deeply in worship the Lord. "

not enough to invoke the Order in Council Council for the Laity: Approval of the Statute of the Neocatechumenal (May 11, 2008) to conclude that "therefore is adopted by the Holy See how celebration of CN", the Official Web Site itself Neocatechumenal brings a canonical annotations Bishop Juan Ignacio Arrieta, Secretary of the Pontifical Council for the Laity :

"Annotazioni canoniche" final approvazione dello Statuto of Cammino Neocatechumenal:

"Per quanto riguardo, in fine, we cerimonia liturgiche, and celebrazione specifically the Eucharist, il testo è dello Statuto giovato final if Progressio e certamente dei aggiustamenti of these years. Here, too, has come to a clear text, which consists of four principles of art. 13 of the Statutes ... Fourth, that in these celebrations follow the approved liturgical books of the Roman Rite , "except for the concessions express the Holy See" (the use of unleavened bread for communion, move the rite of peace, communion under both species, brief commentaries and resonances). In this celebration

We follow the approved liturgical books of the Roman Rite

The "Institutio Generalis Missale Romanum" , eg a liturgical book of the Roman Rite aprobado, el de la Iglesia Católica Catechism , it is not.

If "Institutio Generalis Missale Romanum" in his n. 43 says: "The faithful are on their knees, unless required for health, by the narrowness of the place, the large number of assistants or other reasonable causes that hinder them, for the consecration."

How do you interpret then n. 1378 of the Catechism of the Catholic Church said: "In the liturgy of the Mass we express our faith in the real presence of Christ under the species of bread and wine, among other ways," kneeling "or" bowing "deeply in signal Worship the Lord "?

as follows:

"In the liturgy of the Mass we express our faith in the real presence of Christ under the species of bread and wine, among other ways," kneeling "or [because of health, the narrowness of the place, the large number of assistants or other reasonable causes prevent it] "bowing deeply" in worship the Lord. "

Pope Benedict XVI taught that "Christians we kneel only before God, before the Blessed Sacrament because we know and believe that it is this the only true God, who created the world and has loved to the point of giving his only Son. " Homily for Mass of the Solemnity of the Body and Blood of Christ , May 22, 2008.

Pope says Christians kneel before the Blessed Sacrament ... What is happening then? If members of the Way do not kneel before the Blessed Sacrament, one of two things: either they are not Christians or do not obey the pope.

So what do we do? Do we obey the Pope's teaching that "offers the world the truth received" or obey the teachings of the catechist?

conclude with a quotation from John Paul II:

"One of the profound knowledge of the human heart, St. Augustine, wrote:" Haec est libertas nostra, cum isti subdimur veritati ( De libero dock, 2, 13, 37). Always seek the truth, the truth discovered revered, obey the truth. There is no joy out of this search, this veneration of this obedience. " Address to participants at the Second International Congress of Moral Theology (November 12, 1988), n. 8.

Obey the truth, obey the popes who teach the truth ... or perish

☩ ☩ ☩


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