Monday, March 7, 2011

Reasonable Dosage For Ativan

Where are they?

¿Dónde están?

«Ya vemos cómo algunos [sacerdotes] no celebran el sacramento de la Eucaristía según la definición del concilio de Trento. “No, dicen estos sacerdotes, hace mucho tiempo que se reunió el concilio de Trento. Después tuvimos el concilio Vaticano II. Hoy se trata de la transignificación, de la transfinalización. ¿La transubstanciación? No, eso ya no existe. ¿La presencia real del Hijo de Dios en las especies del pan y del vino? ¡Vamos, en nuestra época, no!”.

Cuando un sacerdote dice such things consecration is invalid and then there is no mass or communion. Well, Christians are forced to believe until the end of time what he called the Council of Trent on the Eucharist. It may make more explicit the terms of a dogma, but they can not change, it is impossible. The Second Vatican Council did not add anything or taken anything, otherwise, you could not do . But who is opposed to transubstantiation, is, according to the terms of the Council of Trent anathematized and, therefore, separated from the Church. "

Rt. Archbishop Mgr. MARCEL LEFEBVRE, Open Letter to Catholics perplexed, VI.

"First question: Did the Second Vatican Council changed the Catholic doctrine on the Church?

Answer: The Second Vatican Council has never sought to change the doctrine on the Church and in fact has changed , but it developed, deepened and more fully explained. "

Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Responses to Some Questions Regarding Certain Aspects of the Doctrine of the Church (June 29, 2007)

*** "In the midst of all this turmoil has shone a light that can reduce to naught the efforts the world to end the Church of Christ: June 30, 1968 the Pope proclaimed his profession of faith . This is an act that, from the dogmatic point of view, is more important than the entire council. That

Creed, written by the successor of Peter to affirm the faith of Peter, took a quite extraordinary solemnity. When the Pope stood up to say it, the Cardinals also got up and all the crowd wanted to imitate them, but the Pope made them sit the whole world wanted to be just him standing as vicar of Christ, to proclaim his creed, and made with the solemn words in the name of the Holy Trinity, with the holy angels before the whole Church. Therefore, the Pope conducted an act that compromises the faith of the Church. We

as this comfort and the confidence to feel that the Holy Spirit has not abandoned us. You could say that the ark of faith, relying on the First Vatican Council, becomes to find a new foothold in the profession of faith of Paul VI. "

Rt. Archbishop Mgr. MARCEL LEFEBVRE, Open Letter to Catholics perplexed , XIV.

Where is the pride? Where the schism?

☩ ☩ ☩


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