Thursday, October 30, 2008

Fibroid Tumor On The Plantare Facia

Margine Capote Sanctuary Presentation to freak

Cuando hablamos de frikis, inmediatamente nos imaginamos a un entrañable zampabollos treintañero vistiendo calzado sports shirts and Star Wars. A peaceful character, shy and introverted, eternal semen tank invariably marginalized by an unjust society. The typical loser in high school hazing have with resignation of the basketball team and stoically suffered the neglect of head cheerleader, someone who, ultimately, no one would come to the prom.

But do not be fooled by appearances. In fact, we have a proud and egocentric to be directly responsible for the collapse of Western culture.

I know that this accusation may seem disproportionate. Moreover, those who have drunk of the sources the liberals we have built a mental patterns by which this society, conservative and totalitarian, always marginalize anyone who questions it. Thus, immediately sympathize with the marginalized, putting on his part.

And indeed, enculturation is a real anthropological process by which any society tends to be self-perpetuating through various mechanisms at its disposal, its ability to educate new generations or the usual delay who subverts its rules . It other words, it marginalizes it is different only by virtue of being, something clearly arbitrary, unjust and reactionary.

But sometimes society is not wrong.

This is very difficult to recognize, and can only be achieved after an arduous process of reflection. However, saying that deserves to marginalize geek is not far from an arbitrary assertion. Moreover, as we shall see, neither is a transgressive character - what nonsense! - But the most despicable minion that capitalism uses to impose its scale of values \u200b\u200bwithin our culture.

For those who live more or less immersed in the art world, understood in a broader sense and not elitist, the eternal debate between "commercial versus introspection is a common place, a busy road on countless occasions. But in a society that walks to neoliberalism, in which everything is quantified monetarily and what is good or bad is determined by how much money can be drawn from it, it is logical that the quality of an artistic work also be measured solely by the pasta that can generate . This is already tragic enough in itself, and we will not dwell on that point, but suffice to say that in my opinion, the existence of freaks contributes significantly to further destabilize the equation.

Take a simple example. Imagine that you go to the cinema to see a movie, to say something, "Clint Eastwood: pay your entry, view the tape and, after that, take a Drinking or return home. Later, you may rent the DVD in your video store, or even buy it, but the latter is less likely and should like very much to do so. We all know that when they reach their thirties increased social commitments, are the children, cut back on spending because of the mortgages, etc. This makes the age range of the average audience is between 15 and 30 years, hence there is a noticeable tendency to make a commercial film that responds exclusively to adolescents parameters.

But now imagine that you are a geek forever 33 years old teenager, who works as a computer, is single, does not come out at night and lives at home parent. He does not wear designer clothes, black shirts only Sesame Street, semen-stained blue jeans and sneakers. Not have to pay mortgage or rent, or the children's school. Nor does your money go to dinner or drinks, not tuen your car and, of course, not spent on condoms: "Now the situation changes completely. This makes it abundantly easy to spend between 200 and 600 euros a month in trash freak.

And where the stripping is the business. For a geek is not limited to a movie in the cinema, but does so three times, stuffing themselves with popcorn, chocolate and coca-cola. He later bought the DVD, the extended version, the movie poster, comics, role play, lead figures, the novel, the game, the protagonist's sword and leather to the set of Xerxes in "300." Just a brief visit to any store freak that responds to the profile of The Android's Cave, to discover to what extent can give him the goose that lays golden eggs. Let's face it: fifty geeks spend more on movies, and especially in its derivatives-to seven hundred normal people. So, what kind of film more interested in a producer?

Now visit the library of a geek. And please do not be fooled by the fact that has a higher degree: in addition to the advanced programming books network management, remove the Dragonlance novels or Battletech, pay no attention to the comics of guys in tights, or be confused with the rules of role-play and faced a bleak landscape.

Is this the model of reader / viewer that we use as reference?

have to be tolerant and to respect the tastes and quirks of each, but we are reaching a tipping point in which it is imposing a set of values \u200b\u200bcompletely insane, in which geeks are a spearhead. Fifty years ago, readers of novels of a hard "were aware that theirs was an easy and consumer literature. But with the transition democracy, came the democratization of culture, which did not mean it is available to everyone, but we should all be considered as cults by decree-law. And do not even think to criticize Dan Brown or the latest video games adapted for the cinema, because this is pedantic, the same way, using an inverse approach, all that is beyond the intellectual reach of a lobotomized hooligan is too.

Therefore, from here I would like to break a lance for geek social exclusion as a necessary act of cultural eugenics and hygiene, essential for the preservation of an artistic legacy that goes back almost three thousand years.


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