Friday, October 31, 2008

Songs About Anorexia Bulimia

The October 13, 1066 an army under Duke William of Normandy was faced with a contingent recruited by the Saxon King Harold in the vicinity of a village near the English town of Hastings, today met with the telling name of Battle. The sudden change in the will of the recently deceased King Edward the Confessor, moving succession the throne of England from first to second, had brought a turbulent power struggle between the three claimants to the throne. After defeating Harold Hardrada Norwegian army near Standford Bridge, the newly crowned Harold has to cross his kingdom almost from one end to another forced march, reaching the top of a hill in southern England, close to where today is the Abbey of Battle Abbey. This confrontation, ultimately, be the beginning of the Norman rule of the island.

940 years later, Inglés Heritage, in collaboration with historical re-enactment groups The Vikings and The Conquest, organized a MACROEVENTS in order to rebuild During this battle. Recreationists over three thousand twenty-five countries, coming from three continents, met on 13 and 14 October this year in the same scenario that confronted Norman and Saxon armies. In total, about 2,800 fighters on foot, 120 cavalry and 150 archers, constituting about one-eighth of the forces involved in its day: the recreation of a battle of the preindustrial era biggest crowd ever organized.

The Saxon army was composed mainly of levies among members of the lower nobility, known as fyrdmen , plus huscarls , elite formed professional soldiers linked directly to the monarch. Arranged in three corps in a tight formation generally known as "shield wall" placed in an excellent defensive position on top of a hill with their flanks protected by dense forests, their number was also slightly higher than its enemies. Here, by contrast, had the advantage of cavalry and archers, with an infantry which was also deployed in three bodies. On the left, the soldiers recruited in Brittany, Duke of Normandy tax. On the right, Franco-Flemish mercenaries. In the center, the Normans themselves.
As the battle of 940 years ago, initiated by a solo recreation Norman knight, riding alone against the Saxon line, accompanied by all sorts of cheers. Responded to this challenge a Huskarle of Harold's personal bodyguard and, after an intense single combat, Norman asserted the superiority of his horse, killed the Saxon damage. This victory seemed to give wings to the gentleman, who charged into the center of the enemy, even to hold The Fighting Man, the personal standard of King Harold. For a moment, thought I would get the trophy, but finally, between the boos that came from hill down, was removed and killed.

While still resounded with cheers boastful of the Saxons, the Norman infantry began to advance, carrying his heavy equipment up the hill, through the scattered pictures of archers in the direction of a wall of shields over three hundred meters long, compared to which dozens of pinwheels did huscarls with large Danish axes. In a tight formation like this, all men tend to move toward the side of his weapon, while seeking the protection of the arms of his companion. This makes a sole battlefront move right, so often the left wing of an army is surrounded by the enemy.

Located in the front row of the first company to Brittany in the far left of the Normandy battle line, five English we went through the wet English countryside in the direction of a Saxon army consisting of more than 1500 men.

Anyway, I was there that historic day, along with my fellow Raven Clan, and was interviewed for the official video. I leave between 1:24 to 1:32 seconds:

A photo gallery: http


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