Thursday, October 30, 2008

What Does White Watery

When are you planning to devote some of your time to maintain this microscopic life space of the network, the first thing that comes to your mind is how the world really need another blog?

The question is not rhetorical, much less idle. And to understand its reason for being there only to perform a random search on Google. In fairness, one could say that if you write a blog on the Internet is like throwing the ocean a message in a bottle, would not really talking about an ocean water, but one made up of millions of bottles full of shit.

years I've been convinced that the current problem of the network is its inability to manage all the information it contains, distinguishing what is really worthwhile-that is-but that is something that, unfortunately, for the moment, no search engine can offer.

In other words, I hope that your visit will find something that will be of interest.

However, this blog will find an extremely heterogeneous material, which is a reflection of the sheer diversity of my interests, jobs and hobbies. Right now I'm editor of a magazine extension histórica llamada Memoria, realizo ilustraciones para diversas entidades, he guionizado, montado y dirigido cortometrajes, además de estar escribiendo una novela y el proyecto de una serie televisiva. También vivo inmerso en el mundo de la recreación histórica, lo cual, a su vez, implica la experimentación con infinidad de aspectos relacionados con la tecnología antigua, desde labrado de madera, cuerno o hueso, dibujo de miniaturas sobre pergamino, grabado xilográfico, repujado de metal o cuero, forja, escultura y un largo etcétera que incluye el entrenamiento con armamento medieval.

Como se ve, soy una especie de versión de andar por casa del paradigma de hombre renacentista: hago de todo, but nothing quite right.

Finally, although the purpose of this blog is becoming a showcase of my work and witness of my thoughts, for the sake of consistency I will limit entries to those issues which have in common a history.

Although you never know. As a drawing or a story, all creation is always just coming to life itself and travel by their own paths.


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